Kris Jenner isn’t just a momager — she’s the momager. She’s what all other momagers aspire to be.
But has she taken over managing duties for Travis Scott and Kanye West, now that they’re both part of the Kardashian-Jenner clan? One report claims that she has.
Kylie Jenner is taking a break from working on her post-baby body and is speaking out, calling that story a lie.
Complex discussed a report made on Page Six that claimed that Kanye has left long-time manager Izvor “Izzy” Zivkovic on Kris’ orders.
“They’ve been off and on for years.”
“But Kris is in [West’s] ears. Kanye’s been making changes and [he and Zivkovic] have grown apart — but Kris definitely gives her opinion and Kanye’s all ears.”
That’s an interesting claim.
“She’s about brand building and is gangster at it.”
That part is definitely true.
And the same report claims that Kris is responsible for Travis Scott leaving his own manager.
“She also told Travis Scott to fire Mark Gillespie. They are 100 percent part of that Kardashian-Jenner brand.”

On Wednesday, Kylie quoted a link to Complex‘s article on the subject, and wrote:
“This isn’t true.”
She followed those words with an emoji of a woman facepalming herself.
While we’re sure that Kylie would much rather spend her time ons ocial media uploading more precious photos of Stormi Webster, but she saw a story and just couldn’t keep quiet about its veracity.
There are a lot of rumors that jumble around about the Kardashians that never earn a Kylie comment, but maybe this one just happened across her screen at the right time.
Or maybe she felt particularly defensive because the story featured both her mother and her baby daddy.
Fans replied to Kylie’s tweet, celebrating her shut-down of the story.
“Queen of ending fake rumors,” one fan tweeted.
Another Twitter denizen replied to that tweet with: “She makes up for it in fake body parts”
Curiously, another tweeter replied to Kylie’s tweet with a peculiar question.
“How would you know?”
A couple of fans jumped on that immediately, writing:
“Travis Scott is literally her baby daddy and Kanye is Kim’s husband lmfaoo.”
And another added:
“And Kris Jenner is literally her mom”
Other replies were mixed:
“Queen of confronting rumors we stan.”
To stan someone is to support them zealously; one might stan Britney Spears or Kesha, for example. You know, if they have taste.
“In other news how hot is Kris.”
We would never question Kris’ hotness, but this was an odd reply, given the context.
Another Twitter denizen seemed to be pushing a conspiracy theory.
“They made you tweet this s–t so fast!”
We dare not ask who “they” are; it could mean anything from lizard people to George Soros to the Illuminati (or, somehow, all three).
To be clear, Complex merely discussed the report, and even Page Six‘s report was based upon statements from a source. So it’s not like Kylie was accusing Complex itself of making false claims.
That said … some have wondered if it’s possible that this source has the right of it, and Kylie doesn’t know the whole story.
But we find that hard to believe. Kanye is her brother-in-law. Kris is her mom. Travis is her baby daddy.
It seems more likely that Kylie knows exactly why Travis makes his career decisions related to his management.
And she just wanted to clear that up.