Showing posts with label March. Show all posts
Showing posts with label March. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Stephanie March Reveals Unbearable Breast Surgery Nightmare

Her split from husband Bobby Flay prompted the need for a change.

Now, actress Stephanie March realizes that change should not have been a physical one.

In an essay for Refinery29, March recalled what made her decide to get a boob job in August 2014.

“I was 39 years old, and my life was disintegrating. Couldn’t get a job I wanted on camera, couldn’t get attention for my production projects, couldn’t travel the world far enough or fast enough or immerse myself in philanthropy enough to make it all go away.

“It was like watching a glacier cleave into giant chunks: massive and seemingly well beyond my control,” she wrote.

“See, the other thing that was happening was that my marriage of nearly 10 years (and 14 together) was falling apart. And nothing, nothing was helping me cope.

“Not therapy, not patience, not wine-soaked dinners with friends where I “got it all out.” Great spidery cracks widened over time. Boom. Boom. Boom.”

So, March underwent the surgery, but a few months later, one of her implants burst.

“One morning in early October when I sat up in bed and felt a sickening wet mucus sliding down my chest,” she wrote.  

“It was everywhere, soaking my shirt and the sheets. My right implant was infected and the seams of the scar on my right breast had burst.”

March rushed to her surgeon’s office, who stitched her up and sent her to an infectious disease specialist.

On Christmas Eve, March got another infection in the area, and ultimately decided to have them removed.

“The problem wasn’t something anyone could have prevented or predicted — it was that I am allergic to implants,” March wrote.

“Plain and simple. My body did. Not. Want. Them. I kept trying to ‘fix’ my body, and it kept telling me to leave it alone.”

It took awhile, but March began to realize that fixing herself physically would not help her heal from a broken marriage.  Slowly but surely, she did what she had to do to be happy again.

“All that I had, all that I was, from the beginning, was all I needed to be,” she wrote.

“And now, I anticipate summer of 2016 with great joy. I will be poolside, beachside, and swimming — and perhaps, in a more daring moment (with a margarita nearby), I will be topless.

“I have nothing to hide.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Father Catches Daughter Singing Imperial March in Bed

The father featured in the following video has clearly raised his daughter very well.

Either that, or he"s raised her really, really, really horribly. It"s one or the other.

In one of the funnier pieces of footage we"ve seen in awhile, a dad is spying on his two-and-a-half year old daughter via your basic baby monitor.

But what he hears and sees is anything but basic: It"s his little girl, having recently been introduced to the Star Wars franchise, showing off her affection for Darth Vader.

By singing along to the Imperial March! HA!

We love it!

It sure sounds as if this toddler will make an adorable Sith one day, much to her dad"s chagrin and/or excitement, we"d imagine. It"s unclear which.

Check out the video, prepare to laugh out loud and then take note of other recent Star Wars-related stories in the news:

Those are all well, good and interesting.

We recommend clicking on all the links above and checking out all of those stories.

But this is a very young girl getting totally into the Imperial March prior to falling asleep. It wins.

Father catches daughter singing imperial march in bed