Showing posts with label Menstrual. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Menstrual. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2016

Man Sips From Wife"s Menstrual Cup, Kills Entire Internet at Once

A man on Reddit openly admitted that he discovered he’d accidentally been drinking from his wife’s menstrual cup – which, for all of you not in-the-know, is a period blood catcher. 

Sorry for all the graphic this morning.  

Many condolences or whatever. 

He wrote, “Ok, not just today, but I found out today about something I’ve been doing for a couple of weeks.” 

“My wife and I have a toddler and so our bathtub is always full of toyos, including non-bath toys our son insists on bringing in anyway.” 

You know how that goes – measuring cups, family pets, sometimes the television remote.  

“If anyone has kids,” he continued, “you know they come with all kinds of nonsense-looking pieces.” 

“Some of these pieces my wife puts up in the hanging basket, out of reach of our son, if it’s not supposed to get wet or it’s an important toy or something.” 

“I brush my teeth in the shower every morning,” he explained.


“And after my wife had taken out the cup I use to rinse my mouth out, I picked up the closest thing to a cup that was in the hanging basket.” 

“Figured it was one of these weird pieces to a toy,” he reasoned.  

“It worked fine to get a mouthful of water for rinsing after I brush.”  

“Cut to today in the car,” he continued. 

“My wife is talking about lady stuff and mentions her menstrual cup in the shower.” 

… Dear God no. 

“After a moment of spinning into the depths of hell, I asked her to please, for the love of gods, tell me it’s not that rubber cup thing in the basket.” 

“It was,” he said. 

“And I’ll never be clean again.” 

First of all, friend, those things, since they have to be inserted into a very important and sensitive area, are probably pretty sterile to begin with. 

Unless, of course, your wife is a slob who has no concept of feminine hygiene.  

But hey … we feel your pain, guy. 

(No, no, we don’t, because we’re too busy feeling our own pain from throwing up.) 
