Showing posts with label Namastay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Namastay. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 Episode 15 Recap: Namastay Away From Me!

On The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 7 Episode 15, the ladies adjusted to life without imprisoned family patriarch Joe Giudice.

The transition, as you might expect, was far from peaceful.

Meanwhile, Dolores hosted a housewarming party that sparked a fight, and Siggy sharpened focus on her mother in a separate beef …

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, it will not come as a shock that Jacqueline Laurita was still reeling from the fight.

That being last week’s melee with Melissa Gorga and Teresa Giudice in Vermont. Jacque’s feelings were not on Tre’s mind here, though.

Joe is now locked up, and she’s having a hard time with it.

“I think it’s going to get harder and then you’re going to get used to it,” Melissa helpfully offered to her sister-in-law in her time of need.

As for the now quasi-single mother of four’s take?

“There’s definitely stress. I am doing the best that I can,” Teresa confessed to the cameras. “Seeing my daughters hurt breaks my heart.”

Hard to blame her for that. 

“I’m 45 and starting my life all over again,” Dolores Catania said, although her ex isn’t in jail … and she was marking it with a big party.

While Melissa said she had “absolutely no desire to see Jacqueline” at the event, she didn’t cause a scene, which Dolores totes appreciated.

Teresa, meanwhile, stayed home with her girls, so that avoided drama as well. Not everything about the event went that smoothly, though.

Joe Gorga and Chris Laurita ended up having a heart-to-heart in which Chris pulled Joe aside to discuss what transpired with their wives.

Chris thought that Jacqueline ended up in the middle and never got a chance to explain her side of the story, while he was upset at Joe.

At least to the extent that Joe hadn’t reached out to say sorry or talk about what happened; Joe said he didn’t know Chris was mad.

In Joe’s mind, he said, Chris was right to stick up for his wife, however, Jacqueline had been in the wrong and Chris should’ve said something.

Joe, meanwhile, thought Jacqueline went “buck wild” on Melissa, while Chris said she had merely been defending herself in the process.

In the end, they wrote it off as a girl fight and offered to get together and bury the hatchet. Good luck with that dudes, but sounds good.

Meanwhile, Dolores took on more responsibility at the gym she owned, hosting a ladies’ night event to conjure up more and more business.

Jacqueline bailed on the event because she was sick, which led to some tension with Dolores, but not for the reasons you might expect.

“She’s accusing me of setting her up and making her look like she was a no-show,” Dolores told Siggy. “She’s twisting it around.”

“[Saying] it’s because I didn’t put her on the flyer.”

“Her and I exchanged words,” Dolores continued.

“They weren’t nice. ‘F‑‑k you,’ I said, actually.”

Hey, if they were nice, would it be a show?
