Showing posts with label Nipples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nipples. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Khloe Kardashian and Her Piglet Nipples Are HOT

Khloe Kardashian just won’t be shut down – not by Donald Trump, and not by pesky conventional standards like covering up your ladyparts with, you know, clothing. 

During last night’s appearance at an event to promote her new denim line, Kardashian showed up wearing a lace, corseted body suit that left nothing to the imagination. 

Girlfriend showed off a killer body, and if we’re being honest, we see absolutely nothing piggish about Khloe’s appearance. 

Khloe previously addressed Hot Mess Trump’s comments about her appearance, which included pig digs and comments about how she was the “ugly Kardashian.” 

In a recent interview, she said, “Someone who is that simplistic to judge things off of surface is not someone I want running my country.” 

“It’s not cool or appropriate for any reason, male or female, to judge someone else by their looks.” 

“I find it really cruel,” she reflected. “It’s wild.” 

Our thoughts exactly, girl. 

And how anybody could judge someone who’s obviously smoking hot is beyond us. 

Trump never discriminated against the women he harassed in the past, so why bother starting now? 

What an utter mastery of douche. 

Recently, there’s been talk of Khloe being pregnant, but by all accounts – i.e., that svelte-ass photo up there – it doesn’t appear that she is.  

Or if she is, she’s at a really, really, really early stage in the game. 

About her current relationship with basketballer Tristan Thompson, reports emerged claiming that Khloe was head over heels. 

“When Khloe falls in love, she falls hard and fast – and Tristan is no different,” a source revealed.  

And she’s apparently so into Thompson that she’s absolutely willing to have his baby. 

“Khloe wants to get pregnant, naturally, and for sure a part of her would love it to be Tristan’s baby,” the source continued.

“She’s so into him, and he’s so gorgeous; she’s already commented on how beautiful their kids would be.”  

Yeah, we can definitely see why she’d think so – these two really are unnaturally good-looking people, and hey: 

Everybody deserves love, don’t they? 

Every damn last Kardashian and Jenner in Hollywood. 

Even, you know, adorable little barnyard piglets, right? 

(Don’t answer that, just visualize for a moment.) 


Khloe Kardashian and Her Piglet Nipples Are HOT

Khloe Kardashian just won’t be shut down – not by Donald Trump, and not by pesky conventional standards like covering up your ladyparts with, you know, clothing. 

During last night’s appearance at an event to promote her new denim line, Kardashian showed up wearing a lace, corseted body suit that left nothing to the imagination. 

Girlfriend showed off a killer body, and if we’re being honest, we see absolutely nothing piggish about Khloe’s appearance. 

Khloe previously addressed Hot Mess Trump’s comments about her appearance, which included pig digs and comments about how she was the “ugly Kardashian.” 

In a recent interview, she said, “Someone who is that simplistic to judge things off of surface is not someone I want running my country.” 

“It’s not cool or appropriate for any reason, male or female, to judge someone else by their looks.” 

“I find it really cruel,” she reflected. “It’s wild.” 

Our thoughts exactly, girl. 

And how anybody could judge someone who’s obviously smoking hot is beyond us. 

Trump never discriminated against the women he harassed in the past, so why bother starting now? 

What an utter mastery of douche. 

Recently, there’s been talk of Khloe being pregnant, but by all accounts – i.e., that svelte-ass photo up there – it doesn’t appear that she is.  

Or if she is, she’s at a really, really, really early stage in the game. 

About her current relationship with basketballer Tristan Thompson, reports emerged claiming that Khloe was head over heels. 

“When Khloe falls in love, she falls hard and fast – and Tristan is no different,” a source revealed.  

And she’s apparently so into Thompson that she’s absolutely willing to have his baby. 

“Khloe wants to get pregnant, naturally, and for sure a part of her would love it to be Tristan’s baby,” the source continued.

“She’s so into him, and he’s so gorgeous; she’s already commented on how beautiful their kids would be.”  

Yeah, we can definitely see why she’d think so – these two really are unnaturally good-looking people, and hey: 

Everybody deserves love, don’t they? 

Every damn last Kardashian and Jenner in Hollywood. 

Even, you know, adorable little barnyard piglets, right? 

(Don’t answer that, just visualize for a moment.) 


Friday, October 14, 2016

Snooki Reveals Boob Job Results: My Nipples Are Falling Off!

Snooki may not be as massive a star as she was at the height of Jersey Shore‘s popularity, but in one way, she’s bigger than ever.

Actually, make that in two ways.

Yes, Snooki has slimmed down considerably in the years since she stopped guzzling Ron-Ron juice on the Shore and became a mom, but as further evidence that you can’t take the Seaside Heights out of the girl, her obsession with attaining bikini body perfection continues:

Yes, Snooks has jumped on the “mommy makeover” bandwagon, which, in case you were unaware is a sort of euphemistic catch-all term for a woman with kids getting a bunch of work done.

It can mean different things for different people, and as far as we can tell the only requirements are giving birth and having sufficient funds to go under the knife for cosmetic reasons.

Amber Portwood did a mommy makeover earlier this month and she has yet to reveal what procedures were involved.

Not surprisingly, the outspoken Snooki is a bit more forthcoming, revealing that she took her guidettes to a full C-cup with a subtle boob job.

“Here they are!” Snooks exclaims in video above.

“I’m one week out of surgery so they are very crazy. My nipples are falling off.”

In the clip, Snooki (who – is it just us? – also appears to have had some work done to her face) reveals her new boobs to longtime bestie JWoww during a day of shooting for #MomsWithAttitude.

“If she doesn’t notice, I swear this friendship is over – I’m not doing this show anymore,” Nicole says, in anticipation of the big moment. “I’m walking off set.”

Fortunately, her friend didn’t let her down (though she did require a fair amount of prompting).

Snooki’s main objective in the going under the knife.

Well, naturally, she wants to “look super hot” for her husband, but she says she also wants to feel better about herself.

Apparently, it’s mission accomplished, as Snooks says she feels more “confident and complete” since having her girls enhanced.

JWoww’s been trying out some different looks of her own in recent months, but she seems to have returned to the Jenni we remember in this clip.

Hey, whatever these two feel like doing with their bodies, it’s cool with us.

They’re not seeing how many greasy losers they can hook up with on the Shore anymore, so pretty much anything they do from here on out constitutes progess.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Look at My Nipples! (And Buy My Lip Kit)

Say what you will about the ladies of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, they’re nothing if not masters of marketing.

To be clear, it’s not like they’re a bunch of heavily-contoured Don Drapers sitting around a boardroom at Kris’ house trying to crack the code of their fans’ psyches. No, they just have a firm understanding of the first rule of advertising: sex sells.

That’s a photo that Kylie Jenner posted to her Instagram account last night, and while the sight of Kylie’s boobs is certainly nothing new, this isn’t just your standard “look at me” nip pic.

Kylie captioned the post, “Are you guys ready for MAJESTY? 6/16”

In case you’re over the age of 20, and/or don’t check out Kylie’s IG page several times a day (Don’t judge us!), Majesty is Kylie’s new lip kit shade.

It’s been described as a “black metal matte” and boobs.

Sorry, we may have gotten off topic there for a moment.

Kylie’s pic is the kind of thing that can cause a Freudian boob.

Of course, when it comes to her cosmetics line, it’s not surprising that Kylie would be eager to steer the conversation away from the actual products that she sells.

Customers have complained of getting ripped off by Kylie’s lip kits and though they’re flying off shelves, it seems Kylie may be peddling an inferior product.

Then again, it’s possible that Kylie’s fans are just pissed that the kit didn’t make their lips look like Kylie’s.

Unfortunately, there’s no way she can ship a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon to her millions of teen admirers.

We’ll all just have to be thankful that she hocks her crappy wares with racy Instagram pics.

If that means some 18-year-old Kylie-wannabe in Peoria has to spend some of her graduation money on crappy goth lipstick, so be it!