Showing posts with label Passage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passage. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Found With Bible Passage Written on Forehead in Blood

As you’ve likely heard by now, former New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernnadez was found dead in his prison cell this morning.

Hernandez was found guilty of murdering Odin Lloyd in 2015, but the news of his suicide came on the heels of Hernandez being acquitted for an alleged double murder.

While the 27-year-old was still serving a life sentence for Odin’s murder, the recent not guilty verdict significantly improved the chances that a pending appeals trial would work out in his favor.

The odd timing of the suicide has led to theories that Hernandez was murdered.

It may be quite some time before anything resembling a definitive answer takes shape, but in the meantime, new and disturbing details about the case continue to emerge.

WBZ Boston reported moments ago that Hernandez was found with “John 3:16” scrawled on his forehead in blood, an apparent reference to the oft-quoted Bible verse.

The verse, possibly the most famous in the Bible, reads:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

WBZ is also reporting that authorities are investigating the possibility that Hernandez was high on synthetic marijuana at the time of his suicide.

In another grim detail, Fox 25 in Boston is reporting that authorities who discovered Hernandez’s body found large amounts of blood smeared on the walls of his cell.

Prior to his arrest, Hernandez was considered one of the top tight ends in the NFL.

In 2011 and 2012, he and Rob Gronkowski made history as the only pair of tight ends to catch five touchdowns each in back-to-back seasons.

They repeated the feat in 2012, once again making history.

Before the start of the 2013 season, Hernandez was arrested by Boston police on suspicion of Odin’s murder.

He would never again be a free man.

As he had an appeal pending at the time of his passing, Hernandez technically died an innocent man in the eyes of the law.

Aaron Hernandez is survived by his 4-year-old daughter, Avielle Janelle Jenkins-Hernandez.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Jessa Duggar Posts Bible Passage, Collage: Does She Forgive Josh Duggar?

Jessa Duggar’s latest Instagram posts seem to indicate that she’s moving on from the Josh Duggar scandals and urging forgiveness of him.

With her prior actions, Jessa made it look like Josh would face harsh consequences for his lying, molesting, cheating, hypocritical ways.

Jessa put Josh on blast by linking to a sermon about infidelity, not so subtly railing against his rampant cheating on long-suffering wife Anna.

As one of his molestation victims as well, Jessa sure made it seem like Josh was in the doghouse, if only with his (many) family members.

Not only did he do horrible things to his sister and wife, but Josh kind of ruined their reality TV careers, which Jessa is said to be livid about.

Well, blood runs thicker than intense social media shade.

The pregnant reality star posted Bible verses on Instagram that strongly suggest she is on the road to making amends with her sibling.

Read the underlined passages. Enough said, right?

She also deleted the anti-Josh post, a rarity for a family who stands by its moral and religious convictions (for better or worse) like no other.

Not only that, she shared a collage of Josh’s newborn daughter Meredith Grace (above), suggesting that it’s all about the kids, and family.

Obviously, it’s a complicated situation for all involved, and Jessa’s about-face, if we’re interpreting it correctly, reflects this to a T.

No one wants to stay mad at their own brother, no matter what, and being the bigger person and moving is a sign of a strong, loving human.

Nevertheless, if there were ever a reason not to forgive someone, or waiting a long ass time to do so, Josh has given the Duggars plenty.

He abused children. He cheated on Anna with Danica Dillon and possibly a lot of other women he met on Ashley Madison or OK Cupid.

Worst of all, he did it all while condemning his fellow Americans for their personal and sexual choices on religious grounds. Unbelievable.

Perhaps that’s why another Duggar source says:

“It is going to take a long time before we forgive, In the long term, eventually, we will forgive, it will be in our best interest to forgive.”

“Won’t happen soon. Won’t happen fast. Just because we forgive doesn’t mean we trust ever again. We are still extremely upset.”

“We are all still very, very hurt … Josh is still in rehab, and nobody is warm and fuzzy to him yet. It still feels like he is a stranger.”

Again, no one’s advocating holding grudges forever or saying that a person can’t change for the better … but well put, source.

Very, very well put.