Showing posts with label Written. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Written. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tristan Thompson, Travis Scott and Scott Disick Have No Written Custody Agreement with the Kardashians

Three Kardashian baby daddies are all taking a leap of faith … that their baby mamas will give them proper custody and/or visitation without the benefit of a custody agreement. Sources connected to all three men tell TMZ, they never papered their…


Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kevin Hart Extortion Sex Tape Case, Search Warrants are Being Written

Law enforcement officers have been busy writing multiple search warrants Tuesday as they hone in on the people they believe are the extortionists in the Kevin Hart sex tape investigation … TMZ has learned. Law enforcement sources say the…


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Aaron Hernandez Found With Bible Passage Written on Forehead in Blood

As you’ve likely heard by now, former New England Patriots tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernnadez was found dead in his prison cell this morning.

Hernandez was found guilty of murdering Odin Lloyd in 2015, but the news of his suicide came on the heels of Hernandez being acquitted for an alleged double murder.

While the 27-year-old was still serving a life sentence for Odin’s murder, the recent not guilty verdict significantly improved the chances that a pending appeals trial would work out in his favor.

The odd timing of the suicide has led to theories that Hernandez was murdered.

It may be quite some time before anything resembling a definitive answer takes shape, but in the meantime, new and disturbing details about the case continue to emerge.

WBZ Boston reported moments ago that Hernandez was found with “John 3:16” scrawled on his forehead in blood, an apparent reference to the oft-quoted Bible verse.

The verse, possibly the most famous in the Bible, reads:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

WBZ is also reporting that authorities are investigating the possibility that Hernandez was high on synthetic marijuana at the time of his suicide.

In another grim detail, Fox 25 in Boston is reporting that authorities who discovered Hernandez’s body found large amounts of blood smeared on the walls of his cell.

Prior to his arrest, Hernandez was considered one of the top tight ends in the NFL.

In 2011 and 2012, he and Rob Gronkowski made history as the only pair of tight ends to catch five touchdowns each in back-to-back seasons.

They repeated the feat in 2012, once again making history.

Before the start of the 2013 season, Hernandez was arrested by Boston police on suspicion of Odin’s murder.

He would never again be a free man.

As he had an appeal pending at the time of his passing, Hernandez technically died an innocent man in the eyes of the law.

Aaron Hernandez is survived by his 4-year-old daughter, Avielle Janelle Jenkins-Hernandez.


Aaron Hernandez Reportedly Had Bible Verse Written On Forehead

Aaron Hernandez was found in his cell with a bible verse written on his forehead … this according to local reports. When officials at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Massachusetts responded to Aaron’s cell Wednesday morning, the verse…


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Beauty and the Beast Gay Scene: Why Was it Written In?

Princesses always meet their prince charming in Disney movies, but in Beauty at the Beast, one gay male character is hoping to meet his as well.

In a major change of convention, one character in the new live action version is set to have the studio’s first “exclusively gay scene.”

Manservant LeFou, in a daring side plot, will explore his sexuality after developing romantic feelings for the macho leading man Gaston.

This is not thinly-veiled, either. Or veiled at all.

Director Bill Condon said: “LeFou is somebody who on one day wants to be Gaston and on another day wants to kiss Gaston.”

“He’s confused about what he wants.”

“It’s somebody who’s just realizing that he has these feelings,” he adds. “It is a nice, exclusively gay moment in a Disney movie.”

The character, played by Josh Gad, marks a “watershed moment” for Disney, according to the director, who is more than happy with it.

“The studio is sending out a message that this is normal and natural,” said Condon, who considers this not only acceptable, but important.

“This is a message that will be heard in every country, even countries where it’s still socially unacceptable or even illegal to be gay.”

In the original 1991 animated film classic, LeFou sings a song to cheer up Gaston, a ladies’ man intent on winning Belle’s affection. 

This time around, he will likely do much of the same, albeit while harboring romantic feelings of his own toward the Luke Evans’ character.

The lead role of Belle is also being made more feminist, though a recent Emma Watson topless scandal has drawn criticism in that respect.

Watson’s off-set controversies aside, Belle – once a dreary bookworm – has been transformed into an independent, headstrong inventor.

Fans have often mused over the sexuality of Disney characters for decades now, including Ursula, the sea witch in The Little Mermaid.

Some feel that villain was inspired by a drag queen, while others hoped for a romance between The Lion King’s Timon and Pumba. 

More recently, talk of a Frozen 2 sparked plenty of fan discussion online as to Elsa’s sexuality, and what the community would like it to be.

Simply put, many folks want Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.

Love is an open door, right? This concept began with a teenage girl named Alexis Isabel Moncada who Tweeted a message that went viral.

“I hope Disney makes Elsa a lesbian princess imagine how iconic that would be. Dear @Disney, #GiveElsaAGirlfriend.”

While they may be stretching, Beast is leaving no doubts.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Amy Schumer Wishes She Had Never Written Trainwreck

Amy Schumer went from popular to super popular with the release of Trainwreck.

The comedian wrote the movie and starred in the movie and received rave reviews for the movie.

So why does she wish she had never written the movie?

Because  a gunman opened fire on a crowded Louisiana movie theater during a screening of her comedy last July.

In the latest cover story for Vanity Fair, Schumer talks about how she learned the horrifying news that a man named John Russell Houser had opened fire on The Grand 16 Theater in Lafayette.

He killed two people and injured nine others before taking his own life in the incident.

“My publicist told me. And then I put on the news,” Schumer says of how she learned what happened.

“I was by myself in a hotel, and I was just like, I wish I never wrote that movie.”

There’s no reason for anyone to believe Houser targeted anyone in that theater specifically due to the film they were watching, of course.

But Schumer’s reaction is understandable.

Making a reference to the 2012 Aurora shooting in Colorado, Schumer said she felt the same way she did when reading about The Dark Knight shooting, adding:

“The idea of people trying to go out and have a good time – you know, looking forward to it? – I don’t know why that makes me the saddest.”

As a result of this tragedy (“I just felt helpless and stupid,” Schumer says), the hilarious star grew vocal about her views on gun control reform.

She began working with her cousin, Senator Chuck Schumer, to campaign for gun control reform.

“If you’ve been convicted of domestic violence or you’re severely mentally ill, I don’t think you should be able to get a gun,” she said during Glamour’s Women of The Year Awards in November.

This is a serious topic and we salute Schumer for taking a strong stand on it.

But she’s still Amy Schumer.

She still found time to make a reference to Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1, the surprise ending of that premiere and her inclusion on the Vanity Fair cover.

Consider the following Instagram photo and caption. HA! We love it.
