Showing posts with label Procedures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Procedures. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Botched Clip: Woman Got 13 Procedures in 1 Year to Look Like Ivanka Trump

Botched is honestly an amazing program. It"s usually either a story about a deranged doctor or a patient who has some serious issues (Remember the guy whose nose could come off?). But sometimes there are problems that no surgeon can fix.

Sometimes, though, people have issues extending far beyond whatever drives them to get inadvisable cosmetic procedures, and beyond whatever went wrong with those procedures.

Like this woman in the video below, named Tiffany, whose obsession with Donald Trump and his family led her to get 13 surgeries in a single year to look like Trump"s ideal woman: Ivanka.

Well, in an attempt to look like her.

You would never mistake one for the other.

The woman"s name is Tiffany, and it is very difficult to imagine someone mistaking her for Ivanka Trump.

Tiffany says that she has had thirteen procedures during the past year in an effort to forge herself into the First Daughter.

Excuse us — in an effort to architect herself into the First Daughter.

That"s the way that the real Ivanka talks.

As you"ll see in the clip below, the doctors are super alarmed to hear about this.

Tiffany does explain that she was only put under three times (she illustrates this by holding up three fingers, which is weird and we"ll talk about that in a moment).

The doctors discuss how it"s possible to have multiple small procedures during one session of general anesthesia, which is clearly what Tiffany has done.

They ask what brought this on, and she mentions that she started getting the surgeries about four months after her ten year marriage ended.

As the doctors explain, it"s not uncommon for people to have what are essentially rebound surgeries, though they don"t quite phrase it that way.

We think that this woman has more issues than just getting over her marriage, though.

Tiffany says that she is completely "committed" to looking like Ivanka Trump, though they don"t discuss that in the video.

With technology where it is now, that is just not a realistic expectation.

Just a reminder, folks, this is what the real Ivanka looks like:

It"s funny that this woman"s name is Tiffany, because Trump actually has another daughter who is named Tiffany.

If you forgot, don"t worry — Trump forgets, too.

By the way, this woman"s issues clearly go beyond cosmetic procedures and also well beyond her adoration for Trump.

In this super cutesy way, she holds up three fingers — like a child or maybe a girl from an anime.

Her mannerisms and the way that she very deliberately blinks to look "cute" speaks to some serious maturity issues.

This woman was married for a decade.

We don"t know Tiffany"s age but, even if she got married in high school, she"s at least old enough now to rent a car (25 years old, folks).

She"s probably well into her thirties.

This is not … becoming on her.

To be clear, not everyone who"s a fan of Trump is as completely whackadoodle as this woman.

Similarly, not everyone who supports Trump is a Nazi or white nationalist like those who rallied in Charlottesville over the weekend.

Admittedly, Trump"s remaining supporters are willing to overlook a great deal of racism and sexism and inconsistent messaging and a whole host of other things that horrify most of the country, but that"s another story.

And, hey, at least Steve Bannon"s been booted from the White House.

That probably won"t change anything significantly, but let"s enjoy that nice feeling until the next disaster strikes.

But, though this footage was surely captured months ago, Tiffany is probably still 100% on Trump"s side.

In this video, you"ll see those strikingly immature mannerisms that we talked about.

Her style seems like something that someone would wear as a Halloween costume to portray Ivanka, but it doesn"t feel like what Ivanka would have worn if she"d been going on Botched for whatever reason.

(Maybe to get a chin since her father deprived her and her siblings of one — sorry)

But let"s not talk to Tiffany about Ivanka"s feature or she might try to get more procedures after she gets whatever she wanted fixed, fixed.

Botched clip woman got 13 procedures in 1 year to look like ivan

Monday, February 22, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Keeping Up With Kim Kardashian ... Plastic Surgery Procedures?!

Keeping up with the Kardashians starlet Kylie Jenner has transformed so much in recent years, she’s barely recognizable these days.

The time-honored, million-dollar question remains: Is it the natural progression of age (and Instagram filters), or is plastic surgery responsible?

The 18-year-old social media mogul was photographed on a red carpet this week looking puffier than ever before. Even by her standards.

According to several insiders, the reality beauty’s new look seems to be the result of artificial enhancements and cosmetic procedures.

“Her lip augmentation is famous, so we know that Kylie’s done lip fillers,” Dr. Susan Evans tells Radar. “It is most likely hyaluronic acid.”

“But her cheek bones look augmented also.”

Indeed. That can be attributed to many factors, of course, so we do not want to jump to conclusions. This is not a statement of fact.

Opinions vary, but her appearance is striking.

Dr. Evans, who has not treated Jenner, said, “Her forehead looks smooth, with elevated, augmented eyebrows like Botox creates.”

“Unlike Kylie, most women try to achieve a younger look with injectables,” said Zara Harutyunyan, D.O.M., R.N., with Cosmetic Rejuvenation.

“It’s no secret that Kylie has had fillers in her lips, but she seems to have had fillers around the chin and jawline, as well as botox on her jaw.”

That, she says, can “help soften jaw muscles for a less boxy and square face,” but some of what we see is photo and makeup mastery. 

“Other than that, I am certain that Kylie has a highly experienced makeup artist to help contour her face,” Harutyunyan added.

Neither expert would comment on rumors of Jenner’s breast augmentation and butt lift, both of which may or may not have occurred.

At this point, we would lean toward no, but …

Let’s just say that when Kim Kardashian is your older sister and idol, and you’re taking it this far at age 18, you can’t rule it out.

What do you think? Has Kylie gone too far with plastic surgery, as many observers believe, or is this much ado about nothing?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lamar Odom Undergoes Multiple Medical Procedures

Lamar Odom may have been transferred from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, and he may be communicating with those around him, but the star is not out of the woods just yet.

Sadly, in fact, he just underwent a pair of medical procedures.

According to TMZ sources, both operations involved issues related to Odom’s chest, while an insider tells the site that Lamar is in a “fragile mental state.”

Doctors have banned Odom from seeing any visitors, except for Khloe Kardashian, who has remained legally married to Odom and who has even agreed to call off her divorce from Lamar.

“I think it’s still really touch-and-go,” a source tells Us Weekly, adding:

“Khloe is not really responding to friends who’ve reached out; I think she’s just in a bubble with her family right now.”

It’s only been 10 days since Odom was found unconscious at a legal brother in Nevada.

Tests have confirmed that cocaine was in his system at the time he was hospitalized, with initial reports giving Odom no better than a 50% chance of survival.

So his condition has certainly improved, but it’s far too soon to know for certain how he will respond to this medical crisis.

In response to this incident, and in order to earn Khloe’s trust back, Odom has supposedly sworn off drugs forever.

“This is a huge wakeup call for Lamar, for his friends and family,” the Us Weekly source concludes. “Everyone is just really hoping for the best.”