Showing posts with label Pundit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pundit. Show all posts

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Charles Krauthammer, Conservative Pundit, Confirms Death is Near

Charles Krauthammer, the long-time conservative columnist and television pundit, informed readers on Friday morning that he is confronting an aggressive form of cancer.

He says he will be dead within the next few weeks.

“My doctors tell me their best estimate is that I have only a few weeks left to live,” Krauthammer wrote very simply in The Washington Post earlier today.

Krauthammer passed along this devastating piece of news in a short, matter-of-fact note on the website of the aforementioned newspaper, for which he’s worked as a columnist since 1984.

“I leave this life with no regrets,” Krauthammer added in the farewell message, which has been making the Internet rounds all day.

He continued:

“It was a wonderful life — full and complete with the great loves and great endeavors that make it worth living.

“I am sad to leave, but I leave with the knowledge that I lived the life that I intended.”

That’s a pretty amazing and admirable attitude for anyone to have, considering what Krauthammer is facing right now.

Krauthammer has also worked as commentator for Fox News over the past few years.

However, he was forced to step away from both the newspaper and the cable network last August for surgery to remove what he called at the time “a cancerous tumor in my abdomen.”

It appeared at one point as if the cancer was in remission, but Krauthammer confirmed on Friday that this positive news was only temporary.

“Recent tests have revealed that the cancer has returned,” he wrote. “There was no sign of it as recently as a month ago, which means it is aggressive and spreading rapidly.”

In his note to readers, Krauthammer thanked co-workers, readers, and viewers “who have made my career possible and given consequence to my life’s work.”

He added:

“I believe that the pursuit of truth and right ideas through honest debate and rigorous argument is a noble undertaking.

“I am grateful to have played a small role in the conversations that have helped guide this extraordinary nation’s destiny.”

A handful of folks in the world of TV and politics have also chimed in after learning of this tragic news.

For example, Rupert Murdoch, the executive chairman of Fox News, said in a statement Friday afternoon:

Charles has been a profound source of personal and intellectual inspiration for all of us at Fox News.

His always principled stand on the most important issues of our time has been a guiding star in an often turbulent world, a world that has too many superficial thinkers vulnerable to the ebb and flow of fashion, and a world that, unfortunately, has only one Charles Krauthammer.

His words, his ideas, his dignity and his integrity will resonate within our society and within me for many, many years to come.

And Vice President Mike Pence Tweeted the following:

Karen and I were saddened to learn that Charles ⁦@krauthammer⁩, a man we greatly admire, is nearing the end of his extraordinary life.

His wit, his wisdom, and his tireless defense of Western values have made an indelible mark on the minds of millions of Americans.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Van Jones Praises Trump Speech, Twitter Explodes at CNN Pundit

CNN"s Van Jones is a frequent Trump critic if there ever was one, but even he had to give it up to the POTUS after his speech last night.

One portion of Trump"s address to Congress in particular wowed Jones to tears, leading him to say Trump "became president" in that moment.

Seriously. That happened!

Jones said Trump"s tribute to Navy SEAL Ryan Owens, who died in a raid in Yemen, was when he “became President of the United States.” 

Trump"s handling of the aforementioned raid on a terrorist compound has been questioned, but Owens" heroism is impossible to dispute.

“One of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics, period,” Jones called it, clearly taken aback emotionally.

During Trump"s remarks to U.S. lawmakers and guests, cameras trained on Owens" widow, Carryn, with tears streaming down her face.

Facing her, Trump said her husband"s legacy was “etched into eternity,” and Carryn received a standing ovation from all of Congress.

Plenty of critics suggested that the President acknowledged her husband"s bravery as an exploitative tactic, but Jones wasn"t buying it.

“There are a lot of people who have a lot of reason to be frustrated with him, to be fearful of him," the CNN pundit said of the POTUS.

"But that was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics, period. And he did something extraordinary."

"And for people who have been hoping that he would become unifying, hoping that he might find some way to become presidential?

"They should be happy with that moment."

"For people who have been hoping that maybe he would remain a divisive cartoon, which he often finds a way to do," Jones said … watch out.

"They should begin to become a little bit worried tonight," Van said, because for the first time, Trump was a unifying figure on stage.

"Because that thing you just saw him do, if he finds a way to do that over and over again, he"s going to be there for eight years."

"Now, there was a lot that he said in that speech that was counterfactual, that was not right, that I oppose. I will oppose," Jones cautioned.

"But he did something tonight that you cannot take away from him" in that moment, and "he became president of the United States.”

Again, much remains to be sorted out when it comes to the raid in Yemen, which the White House has asserted was a complete success.

That is a stretch, as many things disseminated from Sean Spicer and company are, but blindly blaming Donald Trump is equally dubious.

His administration"s actions, and assessment after the fact, have been called into question by intelligence officials, as well they should be.

But it"s not as if a war widow has never been honored in such a way, or that military ops under other administrations were always smooth.

Jones critics on the left absolutely tore him a new one on Twitter after his praise of Trump, baffled that he would dare say such a thing.

Perhaps they miss the point somewhat in doing so.

Van clearly opposes Trump on policy, a.k.a. 95% of the substance of his speech, and vigorously so. But attitude and optics count for a lot.

"Watch this dude," Jones told Anderson Cooper on his home network, because Democrats could have "a much bigger problem" now than a day ago.

Check out Jones" reaction to Trump below:

Van jones praises trump speech twitter explodes at cnn pundit

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

CNN"s Brooke Baldwin -- Breaks Down When Anti-Trump Pundit Drops N-Word (VIDEO)

CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin was NOT having it when a guest on her show used the n-word while criticizing Donald Trump’s appointees, and she abruptly pulled the plug on the interview. Author Charles Kaiser was ripping Stephen Bannon when he claimed…
