Showing posts with label Recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recipe. Show all posts

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Mario Batali Apologizes for Sexual Misconduct, Includes Holiday Recipe

Mario Batali takes the cake — or, in this case, pizza dough — for most tone deaf response to sexual battery allegations. Batali sent out an email blast Friday evening to his fans in which he acknowledged “some news coverage about some of my past…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Daughter Asks Mom for Bread Recipe, Immediately Regrets It

Krista Ball just wanted to bake something delicious for her family this holiday season.

The Newfoundland, Canada native sent what she believed was a simple text message request to her mother recently, asking how to make her mother"s beloved bread for her own immediate family.

What followed, however, was anything but simple.

Try to follow along below, as Ball attempts to remain calm and collected in the face of her mother"s less-than-detailed description…

1. Homemade Bread is Delicious

Homemade bread is delicious

We’ll start with that simple statement. It’s easy to buy at the store, but sometimes it can be worth putting in the time at home.

2. So That Brings Us to Krista

So that brings us to krista

She reached out and asked her mom for a bread recipe. And it started out easy enough. Six loaves is a lot, but sure, right?

3. You Need a Big Bag

You need a big bag

But not TOO big. And not too small, either, just so we’re clear.

4. Where is "That Place?"

Where is that place

Alberta. Now that this is settled, let’s move on, shall we?

5. The Pan Must Be Big

The pan must be big

Let me make that as clear and as repetitive as I can. We’re talking a BIG pan here, Krista.

6. This Doesn’t Seem Very Technical

This doesnt seem very technical

But great cooks sort of improvise, right? We’re still following along… so far.

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