Showing posts with label Batali. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batali. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Mario Batali Double-Crossed and Stiffed Women"s Group

Mario Batali’s website claims it struck a deal to donate proceeds from its sauces to a women’s group … but TMZ’s learned the organization hasn’t received a dime because no deal was ever struck. We noticed this huge banner posted on…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Mario Batali Under Criminal Investigation For Sexual Assault

Back in December of 2017, Mario Batali stepped down from his lucrative restaurant and media empire amid shocking allegations of sexual misconduct.

The accusations against Batali were appalling, to be sure, but it wasn’t long before they were overshadowed by the many other scandals of the #MeToo era.

There was a time when it was widely believed that with enough time and the right PR strategy, Batali might eventually be able to find a path to redemption and return to the industry that made him famous.

But now, a report from Anderson Cooper that aired during Sunday night’s episode of 60 Minutes seems to have exposed the very worst of Batali’s misconduct and laid waste to his hopes for a comeback.

In the segment, Cooper spoke with multiple women who claim to have been victimized by Batali.

One former employee stated that Batali groped her breasts and alleged that she saw him sexually assault another woman, who was only semi-conscious and appeared to have been drugged.

She added that she and several other employees put a stop to the attack.

Today, a spokesperson for the NYPD confirmed that police are “investigating allegations raised in the 60 Minutes report.”

One of the women who accused Batali on 60 Minutes told CNN today that she spoke with police back in February, thus indicating that the investigation has been going on for several months.

As with Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein before him, Batali’s behavior was something of an open secret in his industry.

After the public learned of the allegations that the 57-year-old had harassed and assaulted numerous female employees, several denizens of the New York restaurant world stated that they were sadly not surprised.

Over the course of his decades as a chef and media personality, Batali had developed a reputation for crude comments and predatory behavior.

“You will eat your pasta or I will rub the shrimp across your breasts,” he told a friend’s wife during a now-infamous meal that was later documented in print.

“It’s not fair I have this view all to myself when you bend over. For dessert, would you take off your blouse for the others?” he remarked to a waitress during the same dinner.

But even those who long been aware of Batali’s penchant for boorish behavior are shocked today by the revelation that he may have drugged and assaulted several women that he employed.

Batali declined to be interviewed by 60 Minutes, but he issued a statement reading in part:

“My past behavior has been deeply inappropriate and I am sincerely remorseful for my actions.”

We will have further updates on this situation as more information becomes available.


Mario Batali Under NYPD for a Second Rape Case

Mario Batali is under investigation for an alleged rape at another one of his restaurants, one a woman claims happened the year before the alleged Spotted Pig incident … TMZ has learned. A Texas woman claims she was raped by Batali on Jan. 29,…


Mario Batali Under Criminal Investigation for Sexual Misconduct: Report

Mario Batali is reportedly being investigated by the NYPD for sexual misconduct after a woman came forward on ’60 Minutes’ to claim he’d sexually assaulted her.  Anderson Cooper spoke to a handful of women Sunday, one of whom anonymously…


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Mario Batali Seen Out for First Time Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations Wearing Yeezys

Mario Batali looks quite comfortable despite multiple sexual misconduct allegations against him … and the shoes could be the reason for that. The celeb chef was spotted out in NYC Wednesday looking chill in his signature clothing style — fleece…


Saturday, December 16, 2017

Mario Batali Apologizes for Sexual Misconduct, Includes Holiday Recipe

Mario Batali takes the cake — or, in this case, pizza dough — for most tone deaf response to sexual battery allegations. Batali sent out an email blast Friday evening to his fans in which he acknowledged “some news coverage about some of my past…


Friday, December 15, 2017

Mario Batali: Fired From ABC"s The Chew Amidst Growing Sex Scandal

The narrative arc of Mario Batali’s fall from grace is one that’s become tragically familiar in recent months.

On Monday, Batali stepped away from his various business ventures following allegations of sexual assault and harassment from several female staffers.

The celebrity chef issued a boilerplate apology in which he accepted blame for his actions, while simultaneously defending himself against the more egregious charges.

As time went on, the accusations against Batali continued to increase in both number and severity.

As more women came forward, the evidence against the 57-year-old food icon mounted, culminating in claims from a former employee who says he looked on in horror as Batali kissed and groped an unconscious woman.

The incident was allegedly captured in footage taken by a security camera.

Yesterday, Batali’s most high-profile employer, the Disney-owned ABC network, announced that it would the chef and restaurateur had been fired from his role as one of the hosts of the daytime, food-focused talk series The Chew.

“Upon completing its review into the allegations made against Mario Batali, ABC has terminated its relationship with him and he will no longer appear on The Chew,” said an ABC spokesperson.

“While we remain unaware of any type of inappropriate behavior involving him and anyone affiliated with our show, ABC takes matters like this very seriously as we are committed to a safe work environment and his past behavior violates our standards of conduct.”

To many, the news of Batali’s misconduct is sadly unsurprising.

However, to those familiar only with the more family-friendly side of the Croc-clad chef, as presented on television and in social media, the allegations against Batali surely come as a shock.

Within the NYC restaurant scene, Batali had a reputation for crude comments and predatory behavior.

In a scathing New Yorker piece published earlier this week, author Helen Rosner recounts several tales of boorish behavior from Batali that failed to raise eyebrows in the pre-Weinstein era.

“You will eat your pasta or I will rub the shrimp across your breasts,” Batali casually told a friend’s wife at one meal.

At the same meal, the chef reportedly remarked to a waitress, “It’s not fair I have this view all to myself when you bend over. For dessert, would you take off your blouse for the others?”

It remains to be seen if Batali will face any criminal charges.

But whatever his future holds, it appears that the celebrated chef’s kitchen career is now decisively over.

And the world of fine dining is all the safer for it. 


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Chef Mario Batali Fired from ABC"s "The Chew"

Mario Batali is officially cut from “The Chew” … for good. ABC completed its review into multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against the celeb chef — and says, “While we remain unaware of any type of inappropriate behavior involving…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Anthony Bourdain Speaks Out Against Mario Batali

Anthony Bourdain would’ve gladly helped women who were allegedly sexually harassed or abused by Mario Batali … if they’d shared the allegations with him. Bourdain’s been taking some heat for his reaction to the Batali claims because…


Giada De Laurentiis Not Shocked by Mario Batali Sexual Harassment Allegations

Giada De Laurentiis says she’s very sad over the allegations against fellow celeb chef Mario Batali … but doesn’t really seem too surprised. We got the star TV chef at LAX Tuesday and asked about Batali stepping away from his restaurant…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Mario Batali: Celebrity Chef Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Steps Down

Mario Batali is famous for his work as a chef, for his television appearances, and for his signature look.

And now his name goes on the long, long list of powerful men accused of sexual misconduct.

Batali has issued an apology and announced that he is stepping back from his restaurants and television work.

You don’t have to be someone who cares about celebrity chefs to at least vaguely recognize the name Mario Batali.

He’s a chef, a restaurateur, and also a television personality.

He has the sort of classical culinary training that one would expect from a chef.

But he is also considered an expert on the history of Italian cuisine. 

Mario Batali owns or co-owns restaurants in major cities across the US and also spanning the globe.

He’s had a Food Network series and has also acted as a guest and cohost on other shows related to his area of expertise.

Batali is perhaps most recognizable for his signature look, which features a fleece vest, shorts, and then either orange crocs or, in more recent appearances, Adidas Yeezy footwear.

Unfortunately, you know the drill, folks: it sounds like there was a side of Batali that the public never saw.

Four women have come forward and accused him of sexual misconduct.

Eater New York reports that they interviewed dozens of people who’ve worked with Mario Batali over the years in order to confirm the accusations against him.

What they found does not paint a pretty picture.

One woman said that Batali “grabbed both of my breasts” while at a party.

Another accused the celebrity chef of “put his hand on half of my butt and he squeezed it.”

These examples are on top of a described pattern of inappropriate behavior, which included frequently using innuendo in the workplace.

The accusations include asking questions about the sex lives of his female employees and also asking about their underwear.


The list of jobs in which asking about a woman’s underwear or sex life are appropriate is very, very short.

It’s mostly just certain types of modeling and certain types of sex work.

The list of jobs in which it’s okay to grab a woman’s butt or breasts without her permission is even shorter, at exactly zero.

The public expects some bad behavior from chefs — prima donna nonsense, flaring tempers, storming out and breaking dishes. None of that’s acceptable, but some people think that they have to put up with it if they want a “genius” chef.

(Note: if an artistic genius of any kind is acting like that as an adult, they’re a genius and a dickbag; you don’t have to put up with nonsense to get fancy food)

The Batali & Bastianich Hospitality Group has announced that Batali has agreed to step away from his businesses — including restaurants and TV appearances (though the TV part had already been decided by ABC and others).

Batali has issued an apology:

“I apologize to the people I have mistreated and hurt.”

That starts off vague, but he does more or less admit to the allegations.

“Although the identities of most of the individuals mentioned in these stories have not been revealed to me, much of the behavior described does, in fact, match up with ways I have acted.”

When you compare that to Al Franken’s resignation statement or Matt Lauer’s “apology,” Batali appears to be owning his behavior better than many of those who were named before him.

“That behavior was wrong and there are no excuses.”


“I take full responsibility and am deeply sorry for any pain, humiliation or discomfort I have caused to my peers, employees, customers, friends, and family.”

While no apology magically undoes wrongdoings as serious as Batali’s, a good apology is still nice to hear.

Eater New York reports that they interviewed dozens of people who’ve worked with Mario Batali over the years in order to confirm the accusations against him.

What they found does not paint a pretty picture.


Celebrity Chef Mario Batali Accused of Sexual Harassment, Stepping Away from Restaurant Biz

Mario Batali is accused of “inappropriate touching” by 4 women — 3 of them former employees — and the allegation is forcing the celebrity chef to step away from his restaurant empire. One of Batali’s accusers called him ”creepy” and said…


Sunday, September 27, 2015

Mario Batali -- Scooting Around NYC ... What a Croc!!! (PHOTO)



Mario Batali was puttering around the Big Apple Saturday on a vespa wearing matching shorts and crocs … orange.

The star of “The Chew” was traversing the streets of Tribeca on his Vespa, protecting his noggin but leaving his feet somewhat vulnerable to vehicular attack.

Orange, pink and blue.  Who knew?