Showing posts with label Reek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reek. Show all posts

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 1 Photos: Take a Peek at Reek!

Unless you got captured by a Dothraki horde and spent the last few months trying to convince them that you"re actually a pretty big deal, you know that Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres on Sunday.

Since the show has officially outpaced the George R.R. Martin novels on which it"s based, the cast and crew have been even more tight-lipped about the plot than in years past.

But that hasn"t stopped us from gathering up every morsel of information on the Internet and cooking it up into a questionable but nourishing bowl of brown worthy of Flea Bottom"s filthiest inn.

So if, like us, you just can"t wait for the premiere, check out our Game of Thrones Season 6 theories by clicking the link, and scroll through a selection of photos from the season premiere in the gallery below.

It may not be as thrilling as the moment you hear the first notes of that familiar theme song, but it"ll hold you over til then:

1. Daenerys and the Dothraki

Daenerys and the dothraki

The Khaleesi is back with the people who first made her a queen. But it’s a different tribe this time, and instead of being hailed as a ruler, she might imprisoned as a slave.

2. Reek and Sansa on the Run

Reek and sansa on the run

Reek and Sansa have good reason to look frightened. Ramsay Bolton is NOT a man you want to piss off.

3. Jaime Lannister Returns to King Landing

Jaime lannister returns to king landing

Jaime has finally returned from King’s Landing. Unfortunately, he’ll have to inform his sister that her beloved daughter died on board the ship after being poisoned in Dorne.

4. Arya Stark: Blind and Alone

Arya stark blind and alone

The Many-Faced God doles out some harsh punishments. Arya is starting the season at what might be her lowest point yet – blind and alone in a strange land.

5. Ramsay Bolton: Still Awful

Ramsay bolton still awful

Yes, Ramsay is back for more evil. Hope you’re ready for another round of horrific nightmares!

6. Cersei Wants Revenge

Cersei wants revenge

Cersei has a rough Season 5 that culminated with the world’s humiliating walk of shame. You can bet she’ll have her revenge in Season 6.

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