Showing posts with label Rodriguez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rodriguez. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Justin Bieber: Dating Selena Gomez Lookalike Alexandra Rodriguez?!

It seems that every week we hear a new rumor about Justin Bieber hooking up with Kourtney Kardashian.

At the same time, of course, there are frequent reports about Bieber trying to win back Selena Gomez.

So what’s a young bajillionaire with a jones for two very different women to do?

If you said ditch ’em both and hook up with a model who looks exactly like a Selena-Kourtney hybrid, then you might actually be Justin Bieber.

Insiders say the Biebs has been hooking up with a model named Alexandra Rodriguez.

TMZ has dubbed her “Selena 2.0” but we think she looks more like what would happen if Selena and Kourtney somehow conceived a child together.

Take a moment to picture what their attempts would look like then check out come of the best Instagram pics of Alexandra, aka Kourtena:

Neither party has confirmed that they’re hooking up, but that’s pretty much Justin’s M.O. these days.

All we know for sure is that the two were spotted chillin’ on a boat in Miami yesterday, and Alexandra was rockin’ a pair of Justin’s swim trunks.

So we know she’s getting into his shorts, which means it’s safe to assume he’s getting into hers.

Now, of course, the question remains:

Is there really something here or is this just another Hailey Baldwin situation.

It may be quite some time before we know for sure.

But whatever the case, there’s no denying that Alexandra is definitely Justin’s type.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Gina Rodriguez May Be Bisexual

Gina Rodriguez is one of the most talented actresses on television.

Go ahead and watch Jane the Virgin online if you require proof of this statement. There simply can be no debate.

But apparently there can be some debate over the Golden Globe winner’s sexuality.

Not between fans or members of the media or haters online.

But from Rodriguez herself.

During a round of #AskGina on Twitter Tuesday, one follower wanted to know a little more about this star’s personal life.

“Do you identify as straight?” someone named Ray asked asked Rodriguez.

“I don’t need anyone to define their sexuality to me nor do I feel the need to either,” she responded. “I love hearts. Period.”

That’s a very nice sentiment, and we’re certainly offering up no judgment.

Go off and be happy, Gina Rodriguez. With whomever you’d like, from whichever gender you’d prefer.

But we do feel a need to mention that this seems to be a way of admitting she’s bisexual. Why not just answer in the affirmative otherwise when asked if she’s straight?

Later on, someone asked the star how she stays “happy,” and Rodriguez continued to address the value of love.

“As far as I know I get one life. I’m going to live it,” she wrote. “No time for negativity. No space for hatred. All love.”

No time for negativity?!? Has Rodriguez met the platform on which she wrote these words?!? We can only hope such a philosophy takes hold on Twitter.

What happens if one were to be rejected?

“Of course I’m afraid of rejection but I won’t allow it to stop me,” Rodriguez responded.

“The worst is someone says no, so I find the yes. You can’t get everything you want in life, it won’t always go your way. Accepting that allows you to find your story.”

Okay, so it’s official:

Gina Rodriguez is a great actress and a great role model.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Anne Wojcicki: Dating Alex Rodriguez for Some Reason

Alex Rodriguez may not have the speed to steal many bases these days, but the New York Yankees slugger has reportedly stolen the heart of another famous woman.

But this one is a tad different than past A Rod conquests.

According to multiple outlets, Rodriguez is now hitting a home run (if you know what we mean!) with Anne Wojcicki, the CEO of genomics analytics start-up 23andMe.

The 40-year-old steroid user baseball player was photographed with Wojcicki at the Vanity Fair Super Bowl party back in February and sources say the two are still going strong.

In the sexual dating sense, we mean.

Rodriguez divorced his wife many years ago and has since gotten it on with such big-time stars as Torrie Wilson, Cameron Diaz, Kate Hudson and Madonna.

Wojcicki, meanwhile, was married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin for eight years and her sister is YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.

The value of her company rose to $ 1.03 billion last year after raising $ 115 million in venture-capital funding.

“Alex and Anne are spending time together and have been on a few dates,” an insider tells The New York Pot. “It is very new. He finds her interesting, inspirational and very smart.”

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hollywood Foreign Press Assocation Confuses Gina Rodriguez and America Ferrara

Well, this is awkward.

While tweeting a photo from this morning’s 2016 Golden Globe nominations, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association thought presenter America Ferrara was Jane The Virgin‘s Gina Rodriguez.

“The @goldenglobes noms are about to start! @HereIsGina @ChloeGMoretz @ImAngelaBasset #DenisQuaid #Golden Globes,” HFPA tweeted. 

According to Page Six, Buzzfeed entertainment reporter Jarett Weiselman was the first to catch the mistake.

HFPA Confuses Gina Rodriguez and America Ferrara

“Yeah, that’s America Ferrera not Gina Rodriguez, official #GoldenGlobes Twitter account…”

I mean, it was 5:30 in the morning there, but still.

What’s worse, four minutes before that Tweet, they made the same mistake.

“.@HereIsGina is kicking off the @goldenglobes nominations announcements #GoldenGlobes.”


Rodriguez won a Golden Globe for her role in the CW series last year; she’s nominated again this year.