Thursday, June 23, 2016

Gina Rodriguez May Be Bisexual

Gina Rodriguez is one of the most talented actresses on television.

Go ahead and watch Jane the Virgin online if you require proof of this statement. There simply can be no debate.

But apparently there can be some debate over the Golden Globe winner’s sexuality.

Not between fans or members of the media or haters online.

But from Rodriguez herself.

During a round of #AskGina on Twitter Tuesday, one follower wanted to know a little more about this star’s personal life.

“Do you identify as straight?” someone named Ray asked asked Rodriguez.

“I don’t need anyone to define their sexuality to me nor do I feel the need to either,” she responded. “I love hearts. Period.”

That’s a very nice sentiment, and we’re certainly offering up no judgment.

Go off and be happy, Gina Rodriguez. With whomever you’d like, from whichever gender you’d prefer.

But we do feel a need to mention that this seems to be a way of admitting she’s bisexual. Why not just answer in the affirmative otherwise when asked if she’s straight?

Later on, someone asked the star how she stays “happy,” and Rodriguez continued to address the value of love.

“As far as I know I get one life. I’m going to live it,” she wrote. “No time for negativity. No space for hatred. All love.”

No time for negativity?!? Has Rodriguez met the platform on which she wrote these words?!? We can only hope such a philosophy takes hold on Twitter.

What happens if one were to be rejected?

“Of course I’m afraid of rejection but I won’t allow it to stop me,” Rodriguez responded.

“The worst is someone says no, so I find the yes. You can’t get everything you want in life, it won’t always go your way. Accepting that allows you to find your story.”

Okay, so it’s official:

Gina Rodriguez is a great actress and a great role model.