Showing posts with label Shown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shown. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2018

Howie Day Shown on Video Pushing GF Before Domestic Violence Arrest

Singer Howie Day’s flip out on his longtime girlfriend, including at least one shove, was captured by surveillance cameras moments before he was arrested for domestic violence. TMZ’s obtained video of the incident that went down last month at the…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Shown in Bed in Steamy Movie Teaser

Lifetime is coming out with Meghan & Harry: A Royal Romance. That"s right, folks. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry"s romance, portrayed on screen for your viewing consumption.

They"ve released a short teaser trailer (which you can see below) and, despite its brevity, there is so much in it.

And it looks surprisingly steamy.

Lifetime meghan markle and prince harry 01

Our first big takeaway from the trailer is that the actress whom they selected to portray Meghan Markle has a surprising likeness to her.

Parisa Fitz-Henley is a stunningly beautiful actress, and she could almost be MegMar"s sister.

The real Meghan seems to be plagued with opportunistic siblings who are more interested in making trouble for her by speaking to the media than they are in celebrating her happiness.

While Murray Fraser, the actor portraying Prince Harry, is a handsome ginger man, he doesn"t seem to almost trick viewers at certain angles in the same way that Fitz-Henley does.

Looking at her in this trailer, you might swear that she"s the real deal.

(Part of that, admittedly, is the wig)

Lifetime meghan markle and prince harry 02

Our second big takeaway from this trailer is that … it looks like it"s very much a Lifetime film.

Not to be mean, but a lot of what we see in the trailer looks less like the setting of a royal romance and more like … what people would like to imagine is the most romantic.

So … the sorts of dates that you"d see on The Bachelor.

That"s a product of a few factors.

One, this royal couple has always been fairly private about their romance. As private as you can be when the whole world is watching, anyway. A lot of their real-life dates have taken place behind closed doors. Producers had to make do with guesswork.

Two, they"re trying to tell a romantic story and cash in on fans of the real thing as well as on hate-watchers or those who will tune in ironically.

Three, this is a Lifetime movie, and they"re not going to break the bank on this, folks.

Lifetime meghan markle and prince harry 03

Before you ask, no, Murray Fraser is not the actor who impersonated Prince Harry on I Can Marry "Harry" … which continues to be one of the most controversial reality shows of all time.

That actor was Matthew Hicks, who had previously worked as a Prince Harry impersonator, which is one of the most niche jobs that one can possibly imagine.

Murray Fraser is a real actor — in fact, he and Parisa had such a good time on the set of Meghan & Harry: A Royal Romance that they"ve been posting on social media about wanting to work on another project together.

Not all actors who play love interests get along so well.

In fact, a lot of actors find it awkward to interact with those with whom they"ve filmed bedroom scenes.

Lifetime meghan markle and prince harry 04

We never thought that we"d say this, but Lifetime is really pushing the envelope, here.

Bedroom scenes — including, as you"ll see in the teaser, naked bedroom scenes — aren"t unheard of, obviously.

But portraying a royal couple in the nude and in bed together is going to ruffle some feathers.

Not only is the British Royal Family an important symbol for the United Kingdom (well, at least, for the British), but they"re treated reverently in certain ways beyond how one might treat a politician or mascot.

Remember, there are still monarchists in this world (really) who believe that the European royal lines were divinely ordained.

Not everyone is going to take kindly to seeing a royal couple portrayed like this:

Lifetime meghan markle and prince harry 05

That said, some people don"t like the real couple. Remember, Meghan Markle was targeted by a racist hate crime.

A website linked to the terrorist group Daesh claims to have Meghan Markle"s nudes and sexts and has threatened to release more unless the UK withdraws its troops from the Middle East.

Which … is not going to happen for a lot of reasons. Mostly because Parliament does not actually set policy based upon the electronic activity of a future duchess. Who knew?

(It"s also not going to happen because the claims that they have video of her pleasuring herself with a pig"s foot sounds … super fake, for various reasons)

This May, you can tune in to Lifetime to watch someone"s fanfiction of MegMar living out the dreams of a lot of girls who grew up in the "90s.

Also this may, you can actually watch Meghan Markle and Prince Harry get married. That"s on the 19th.

Meghan markle and prince harry shown in bed in steamy lifetime t

Monday, August 28, 2017

Kim Zolciak: Footage of Son"s Dog Attack to Be Shown on TV?!

Back in April Kim Zolciak’s 4-year-old son was attacked by a dog, sustaining injuries that left him hospitlized for several days.

Obviously, the situation is a parent’s worst nightmare, and Kim says she remains deeply traumatized.

So needless to say, the news that she might be on board to relive the whole thing on television came as something of a surprise to many fans.

We already saw a preview for the new season of Don’t Be Tardy that shows Kim reacting to the news of her son’s attack.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that foortage of the actual attack will be shown on the Zolciak-Biermann family’s reality show.

Obviously, the attack wasn’t filmed by a camera crew, but an insider tells the site that the terrifying episode was captured by Kim’s security cameras.

“Cameras were down, so producers used the Biermann’s surveillance footage to show the reaction of the incident,” says the source.

Furthermore, it seems much of the season will focus on the aftermath of the attack and the toll that it took not only on Kim’s son, Kash, but on the entire family.

The footage of Kash’s recovery was reportedly shot mostly by Kim and her family.

“A lot of the hospital footage is shot on Kim, Kroy [Biermann] or Brielle [Biermann]’s phones,” the insider added.

“Then the cameras were able to make it for the aftermath.”

And why would Kim want to share this extremely dark time in her life on national television?

Well, for one thing, her years as a reality star have likely taught her that trauma can translate to big ratings.

But it seems there’s also a less cynical reason for Kim’s bizarre decision.

“Kim has been very vocal to the network that she wants the story told in a way to protect the family dog and herself from any liability,” says the source.

Yes, it seems Zolciak believes that the footage will silence talk of Kim and her husband being unfit parents and negligent edog owners.

We can’t help but feel the move will simply bring even more negative attention Kim’s way, but it seems she’s intent on rolling the dice.

So tune in to Don’t Be Tardy this season if you feel like being traumatized by a usually lighthearted Bravo reality show!


Friday, April 29, 2016

9 Male Stars Have Who Shown Us WAY Too Much

Not all male celebrities can keep it in their pants. These guys have all been exposed online… if you know what we mean!

(We mean the World Wide Web has unfortunately seen portions of their penis.)

1. Brett Favre

Brett favre

Brett Favre didn’t just send another woman a photo of his penis in 2010. He did so while married… and the other woman was an employee of the team for whom he played.

2. Anthony Weiner

The dirty anthony weiner

Perhaps Rep. Anthony Weiner thought he had to live up to his name when sending shots of his crotch to an online mistress.

3. Kanye West

Kanye west

Did Kanye West admit to sending this photo? Sort of. The first line of “Runway” reads: She find pictures in my email/I sent this girl a picture of my, hey!

4. James Franco

James franco

James Franco Tweeted this shot of his crotch to his followers in March 2011. He didn’t provide an explanation.

5. Chris Brown

Chris brown

Chris Brown took a break from beating on woman to send this selfie to… someone.

6. Paul George

Paul george

Paul George plays for the Indiana Pacers. But a man claims the small forward sent him a photo online that wasn’t exactly small… if you know what we mean!

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