Monday, August 28, 2017

Kim Zolciak: Footage of Son"s Dog Attack to Be Shown on TV?!

Back in April Kim Zolciak’s 4-year-old son was attacked by a dog, sustaining injuries that left him hospitlized for several days.

Obviously, the situation is a parent’s worst nightmare, and Kim says she remains deeply traumatized.

So needless to say, the news that she might be on board to relive the whole thing on television came as something of a surprise to many fans.

We already saw a preview for the new season of Don’t Be Tardy that shows Kim reacting to the news of her son’s attack.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that foortage of the actual attack will be shown on the Zolciak-Biermann family’s reality show.

Obviously, the attack wasn’t filmed by a camera crew, but an insider tells the site that the terrifying episode was captured by Kim’s security cameras.

“Cameras were down, so producers used the Biermann’s surveillance footage to show the reaction of the incident,” says the source.

Furthermore, it seems much of the season will focus on the aftermath of the attack and the toll that it took not only on Kim’s son, Kash, but on the entire family.

The footage of Kash’s recovery was reportedly shot mostly by Kim and her family.

“A lot of the hospital footage is shot on Kim, Kroy [Biermann] or Brielle [Biermann]’s phones,” the insider added.

“Then the cameras were able to make it for the aftermath.”

And why would Kim want to share this extremely dark time in her life on national television?

Well, for one thing, her years as a reality star have likely taught her that trauma can translate to big ratings.

But it seems there’s also a less cynical reason for Kim’s bizarre decision.

“Kim has been very vocal to the network that she wants the story told in a way to protect the family dog and herself from any liability,” says the source.

Yes, it seems Zolciak believes that the footage will silence talk of Kim and her husband being unfit parents and negligent edog owners.

We can’t help but feel the move will simply bring even more negative attention Kim’s way, but it seems she’s intent on rolling the dice.

So tune in to Don’t Be Tardy this season if you feel like being traumatized by a usually lighthearted Bravo reality show!
