Showing posts with label Sizzurp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sizzurp. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Lil Wayne: Is Sizzurp to Blame For His Latest Round of Seizures?

Lil Wayne was hospitalized in Chicago on Sunday night after suffering multiple seizures.

Unfortunately, it’s not the first such incident for the music rapper.

Back in 2013, it was widely reported that Wayne was near death after suffering a round of grand mal seizures.

He pulled through, but those closest to the rapper were reportedly concerned that his lifestyle would lead to further medical issues.

If you follow him on social media, you know that Wayne isn’t shy about his recreational drug use.

But there’s one substance in particular that’s prompted fears of a self-destructive downward spiral from which the 34 year old rapper might never recover.

Wayne is a fan of sizzurp, or “lean” as it’s sometimes known, a potent concoction made with codeine-based cough syrup that’s popular on the southern hip hop scene.

He reportedly took some time off from the drug after his 2013 scare, but these days it seems Wayne is once again guzzling sizzurp with glee.

And it many feel it’s a habit that’s endagering the rapper’s life.

TMZ is reporting that Wayne is making no effort to hide his sizzurp consumption, frequently appearing on stage with a “double cup” in hand in recent weeks.

(The mixture is often sipped from one styrofoam cup placed inside of another, in order to prevent it from bleeding through.)

It’s been widely rumored that Wayne overdosed on sizzurp Sunday night, but his team maintains the seizures are a result of epilepsy.

Unfortunately, other than their denials that drugs were involved, Wayne’s people have kept mum about his condition, leading some fans to conclude that the situation is more serious than they’re letting on.

Whatever the case, it may be quite some time before we learn the details of Wayne’s latest hospitalization.

TMZ reports that sizzurp consumption has been known to trigger seizures, particularly in those who suffer from epilepsy.

The site claims that photos dating back to February show Wayne has sipped lean at more concerts than not in 2017.

It’s unlikely that either the rapper or his team will ever cop to his codeine consumption triggering serizures, but continued sizzurp consumption is clearly not a good idea.

Our thoughts are with Lil Wayne and his family during this difficult time.

And our hopes are that the Young Money mogul will receive the treatment and care that he needs  – whatever that might consist of.


Monday, September 4, 2017

Lil Wayne Hasn"t Put Down the Sizzurp Since Last Round of Seizures

Lil Wayne continues playing with fire by downing sizzurp, and there’s plenty of visual evidence he’s been doing it regularly for months leading up to his latest seizure. TMZ broke the story … Wayne was hospitalized Sunday night in Chicago after…


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Lil Wayne: Drinking Himself to Death With Sizzurp?!

Back in 2013, Lil Wayne was reported to be near death following an overdose on sizzurp.

To this day, some claim that Wayne was declared dead before being resuscitated by doctors.

Several media outlets report that the the rapper received his last rites, a sacrament for Catholics who are believed to be on the verge of passing away.

We may never know the truth about how close the hip hop icon came to taking his last breath, but it’s clear that the codeine-laced cough syrup concoction took a serious toll on him.

You’d think Weezy would leave the lean alone after his brush with death, but sources say he was back to sipping his favorite party beverage not long after he was released from the hospital.

And now it seems his habit has once again brought Wayne to the brink of death.

According to TMZ, Wayne was hospitalized in Omaha, Nebraska earlier this week after he suffered a midair seizure on his private jet, forcing pilots to make an emergency landing.

Now, several sources are telling the site that the notoriously hard-partying emcee ingested a dangerous amount of sizzurp in the hours leading up to his seizure.

The day of the incident, Weezy flew to Milwaukee for a performance, and he reportedly brought five 16-ounce bottles of the codeine and promethazine-based syrup for the trip.

One insider claims to have witnessed the rapper consuming at least three full bottles by himself during the after-party.

Just hours later, Wayne was rushed to the hospital.

Sources say the scene served as a painful reminder of the death of Prince, who was also recently hospitalized after suffering a drug overdose on his private plane.

The music legend passed away just a few days later.

Hopefully, those closest to Lil Wayne will convince to get whatever help he needs in order to avoid a similar fate.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Chris Brown: Addicted to Sizzurp! Spiraling Out of Control!

Chris Brown"s friends and family are very worried about him, and not just because he"s an obviously unstable human being with violent tendencies:

Fool is hooked on sizzurp.

The latest evidence? Chris and his friends were spotted last weekend at an L.A. pumpkin patch where Chris took his daughter, Royalty.

They went there to buy a pumpkin, but they brought their own provisions: Instagram photos show a double-stacked red cup at his feet.

Right behind him, another.

Chris" camp says that this has been an ongoing problem and that it"s been getting worse over the last few weeks, even around his kid.

Drinking sizzurp around a one-year-old likely isn"t advisable, and he even tested positive for codeine during custody battle for Royalty.

He had a prescription for it, so it didn"t hurt his legal cause … yet. A new video shows that this issue may be escalating quickly, however.

At a birthday party for Tyga"s son King a few weeks ago, Chris is seen in the clip holding the signature double cup while riding a bike.

The footage also shows a guy carrying a bottle of codeine and soda, mixing it in the parking lot … in broad daylight, at a little kid"s party.

For his part, Chris isn"t buying it, and says it"s "bulls–t" that everyone around him is concerned about something that"s a total non-issue.

Not sure that Chris" baby mama Nia Guzman – or Tyga"s baby mama Blac Chyna for that matter – will necessarily be so happy-go-lucky.

Chris brown addicted to sizzurp spiraling out of control