Showing posts with label Sonogram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonogram. Show all posts

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar Offers Pregnancy Update Following First Sonogram

As we reported yesterday, Joy-Anna Duggar is pregnant with her first child, and needless to say, the 19-year-old is very excited about becoming a mom.

Naturally, fans are already speculating about Joy-Anna’s due date, but thus far, she’s given no solid information with regard to how far along she is.

However, while she’s remaining tight-lipped about certain details, Joy-Anna seems more than happy to share her excitement with fans.

The expectant mother posted the above photo to Instagram yesterday, along with a lengthy caption offering an update on news she received from her first sonogram.

“Austin and I are SO thankful to announce that we are parents!! Even before we were married we prayed that God would give us children and we are so blessed that he has given us this baby!” she wrote.

“Jesus is the giver of Life! The baby has arms, legs, fingers, and toes. It has a beating heart and brain waves. The baby responds to touch and is already right- or left-handed,” Joy-Anna continued.

Clearly, some of this is meant to offer an update on the health of the fetus, while other portions are intended to reiterate the Duggars’ stance on abortion, which is that life begins at conception, and abortion even in cases of rape and incest should be criminalized.

Her willingness to get topical in a pregnancy update post is enough to make us think there’s some truth to those rumors about Joy-Anna planning a career in politics.

“The baby has its own unique fingerprints, which are different from anyone else’s. All organ systems are in place!” she goes on.

Joy-Anna then quoted Psalm 139:13-16, which includes the passage:

“For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well

“This passage indicates that God Himself formed our physical features and that He did so with a wonderful plan for our lives. God knew us in the womb,” she explained, adding:

“#babyforsyth #alreadyinlovewithmybaby #blessedbeyondmeasure #Jesusanswersprayers”

It seems that just as we learned about the personalities of Jill and Jessa Duggar while they were pregnant, we’ll find out more about what makes Joy-Anna tick in the months to come.

We think it’s safe to say she’s a young woman who is passionate about her beliefs, and it seems her stances have been affirmed by the first months of her pregnancy.

We’ll keep you updated on Joy-Anna’s forthcoming bundle of joy as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Monday, August 28, 2017

Face of Jesus Appears in Sonogram, Couple Claims

Okay, bear with us please, because this is more than a little weird.

Just about every modern pregnancies comes with at least one sonogram, an image of a fetus in development that doctors use to monitor health and development. Parents use it to share their excitement.

But one couple spotted something a little odd on their sonogram. And it looked, to them, like Jesus.

You see it, right? Right there on the left.

You see what looks like a long-haired guy with a beard.

Culturally, we’re taught to recognize that, not as Poseidon or basically any dude from the 1970s, but as Jesus.

This sonogram was taken shortly before Briella was born.

Briella’s parents, Alicia Zeek and Zac Smith, were struck immediately by the distinctive image in their sonogram.

Alicia and Zac, of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, spoke about the phenomenon.

“When they gave it to us… Umm, to me, it’s Jesus,” Alicia says. “And it looks like Jesus.”

At first, she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“I blinked a lot, to kinda make sure I was really seeing it…”

Zac also spoke about it.

“This is distinct — I mean, there’s another face looking at my daughter!”

The couple say that they’re not particularly religious, but Zac describes a very emotional response to the image.

“When I seen it, it almost brought tears to my eyes… I was speechless, I just couldn’t believe it, I really didn’t believe what I was seeing.”

This from a couple who describe themselves as not being particularly religious.

Alicia Zeek

From people reporting that they’ve seen Jesus’ image appear “miraculously” on toast to pointing out that they see Jesus take shape around their dog’s butthole …

(Yes, really)

… it’s very common for people to spot what they’ll describe as an image of Jesus’ face on everyday items.

We’ll get into the psychology behind that in a moment, but we should acknowledge that it’s fairly widespread.

But many regard such appearances as novelty items.

(Though often devout Christians are irritated by what they see as frivolous claims of “miracles” that they feel embarrass their religious community)

For Alicia and Zac, however, this was a positive omen.

Zac describes his interpretation: “The angel or God or Jesus, however you want to propose it, I look at it as my blessing.”

Alicia and Zac had two very difficult pregnancies, with their first child being born with a series of complications and their second chidlbirth nearly claiming Alicia’s life.

Briella, who was born healthy, is their third child.

Zac Smith

We’re not going to tell anyone what to believe, of course.

The thing is that human beings are psychologically wired to pick out hidden faces.

This makes a lot of sense for the survival of our species — to recognize each other, but also to spot ambushes or other threats.

The same thing applies to recognizing familiar iconography.

Some images are so omnipresent in our culture that, regardless of someone’s beliefs, 

You can grow up non-religious in a non-religious household and still have angels and Jesus and everything firmly embedded in your psyche, because Christianity has dominated Western culture for a full millennium.

But Christians who believe that these apparitions — even the seemingly irreverent ones — are genuine omens would point out that just because the human mind constantly searches for “faces” doesn’t mean that a genuine face couldn’t show up.

That’s fair.

As for Alicia and Zac, we’re just glad that they found it comforting at the end of a very tense pregnancy.


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Briana DeJesus Drops Baby Daddy Hint, Shares New Sonogram Pics

A new pregnancy? Hints about her baby daddy? Cryptic social media messages?

Briana DeJesus is going to fit right in on Teen Mom 2!

The former MTV star has come under quite a bit of fire for her rumored addition to the cast of this long-running reality series, but it doesn’t appear as if DeJesus is letting the backlash get to her.

She has something far more important to worry about these days:

The health of her impending child!

Indeed, just like Kailyn Lowry, Briana DeJesus is pregnant.

And also just like Kailyn Lowry, DeJesus is keeping the identity of the man who got her pregnant a secret from the public.

In a new Twitter post, the Teen Mom 3 alum did not come right out and tell followers just who knocked her up.

But she may have given us a pretty huge clue as part of a caption to the two new sonogram photos shared on her social media account.

“Baby S,” DeJesus wrote along with the images above and below, suggesting that her baby daddy’s last name could start with the letter “S.”

Or maybe his first name.

DeJesus also included a trio of heart emojis with these precious pictures, implying that she’s excited about the bundle of joy and already in love with her second child.

DeJesus is the mother to five-year-old daughter Nova, who she created with ex-boyfriend Devoin Austin.

She went on to become a key part of the first (and only) season of MTV’s Teen Mom 3, but the network gave the series the axe due to ratings that paled in comparison to Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom OG.

In late March, chatter of Briana’s participation on the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2 grew strong over the Internet, much to the chagrin of those who have anchored that program for years.

“If something isn’t broke, why fix it?” one of the current moms allegedly told Radar Online in reaction to this DeJesus rumor, adding:

“The show is doing beyond well.”

Another cast member supposedly agreed, telling the same website last month:

“It’s the most bizarre move MTV has ever made. They are jumping the shark!”

While she wasn’t cited in this report, Jenelle Evans has clashed with DeJesus (whose baby is “on fleek,” according to her caption for the following belly photo) since 2014.

The long-time MTV star’s fiance, David Eason, once re-Tweeted an article that referenced Briana’s defense of her allegedly abusive boyfriend, to which DeJesus replied at the time:

“I’m not even gonna dog u bc the whole world knows the truth about u. Just stay in ur lane and maybe grow up a little bit.”

Impressively, Evans has taken the public high road ever since talk of DeJesus jumping into the Teen Mom 2 fray with her, Chelsea Houska, Leah Messer and Lowry started to spread around the Internet.

“I’m not commenting on it at all,” Jenelle told The Dirty in response to the possible cast addition. “MTV wanted me to film about it and I even told them no.”

Hmmm… so DeJesus is pregnant again. She is keeping the identity of her baby daddy a secret. AND she has a contentious history with Jenelle Evans.

Is it really a mystery why Teen Mom producers would want her on board the new season?

The women of Teen Mom 2 are reportedly concerned that DeJesus would cut into their screen time, while they also can’t believe she’d come right in and earn $ 20,000 per episode.

This is significantly less than the $ 300,000 earned by veteran cast members, but it’s still way too much, Jenelle and company supposedly believe.

In other words: they’re already angry at Briana and jealous over her salary and bitter over her addition to their show?

We can’t wait for filming to begin!

Bring on the drama!
