Showing posts with label Stormie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stormie. Show all posts

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Stormie Clark to Farrah Abraham: I Didn"t Steal Sophia, Skank!

The recently rekindled feud between Farrah Abraham and Derek Underwood’s mom Stormie Clark rages on, with no end in sight.

If you watch Teen Mom online, you’re aware that Abraham’s relations with her late boyfriend’s family have been icy at best from the start.

Tensions had been dormant for a time, but never went away.

This is clearly evidenced by Farrah’s feud with Derek’s mom this week, in which all kinds of bad blood boiled back up to the surface.

Stormie is on the warpath after Farrah labeled her a “crazed pill popping mom” who once “stole” Sophia from a babysitter’s residence.

Let’s turn it over to aptly-named Stormie in her own words:

“STOP LYING! @F1abraham @starcasm #SLANDER!!! Keep lying about me, and I will take your ass back to court!” Clark threatened.

“Listen Skank! You know damn well that I Didn’t steal Sophia from a babysitter! My DAUGHTER’S & I found her @ a PARK!”

“I don’t do drugs! Can you say the same?? #Loser” 

After sharing the above pic of herself and Sophia to prove her point, she continued railing against the Teen Mom star and porn queen:

“@F1abraham @stormieclarke1 Why are you Lying? I STOLE SOPHIA?? Haha!! I should have! Where is Sophia? Oh! That’s right.”

“NOT WITH YOU, HUH?? Yep! She looks kidnapped at 6 months old, huh? Who took the pic? Cops? #LIAR!! She looks SO happy w/me!”

Damn. We know Farrah is a piece of work (and a pathological liar) but this is a grown-ass grandma making these comments. On Twitter.

It should be noted that Farrah has since deleted her tweets calling out Clark as a “pill popping mom” who “kills people & ruins families.”

Farrah’s original IG post remains live, however.

In response to Starcasm’s story about Stormie being upset at MTV calling Derek’s dad Jerry’s wife Debbie “Derek’s mom,” she wrote: 

“@stormieclarke1 I don’t falsely inform my daughter. She knows you stole her from a babysitters house at 6months & took me to court #criminal”

“& you wonder why Debbie is more of a good role model as a grandparent then you will ever be…. Believe me Sophia knows it all #stoplieing”

Wow. Just … wow.

Farrah has yet to address not allowing Sophia to meet Derek’s grandmother Rose, but this beef shows no signs of dying down soon.

Stormie did re-tweet a follower who came to her defense by quoting a “fan” who says Farrah told her she rails adderalls before appearances.

She also re-tweeted Nicki Minaj’s epic slam of Farrah from a couple of weeks ago, so really, the ball is squarely in Abraham’s court.