Showing posts with label Sunset'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunset'. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Shahs of Sunset Reunion Recap: Mike Drops the Bomb

Needless to say, Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 16, the first part of the crazy crew’s reunion special, featured a good deal of arguing.

Some of the hot covered topics on the widely anticipated reunion special include Reza Farahan’s ambush of Adam Neely this spring.

Did we say ambush? Wedding. We meant wedding.

The breakup of Mike Shouhed and Jessica Parido was touched upon, as was the hot new romance of Mercedes “MJ” Javid and Tommy Feight.

Let’s start with the wedding, though. Just because.

Reza notes that it’s amazing, and wonderful, that he can be Persian, gay, and get married on reality TV. And you know what, he’s right.

A little delusional and self-aggrandizing, but right.

The world is changing, he says, citing the fact that we have an African-American President and are about to have a female president.

Reza. Like Barack and Hillary, a trailblazer of history.

One could argue he’s not exactly a champion of gay rights and acceptance, but that would be giving this nonsense way too much thought.

Back to more important issues: Reza doesn’t seem fazed that MJ meddled in his relationship and urged Adam to start being more assertive.

Or by the fact that his friends weren’t all supportive of the wedding he decided to spring on his unsuspecting partner … but who’s counting.

Meanwhile, there’s some bad blood between Asa and MJ, whom Asa believes is jealous of others and only cares about herself. Yawn.

What happened next? Follow the above links to find out, because we can’t do justice to such a train wreck. It must be seen to be believed.

If you click above to watch Shahs of Sunset online, you can see all of this drama and much more play out in full, from beginning to end. 

We suggest you hold onto your proverbial butts, though.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 14 Recap: La Vida Loca

Would Reza and Adam finally make things official? That was a critical question Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 14 sought to answer.

For Reza Farahan and Adam Neely, the big day arrived.

The day when Adam officially changed his last name.

Or, to be more accurate, the day when Reza could change his last name for him, whether he agrees willingly, reluctantly or not at all.

Then, an even bigger bombshell was dropped:

While filling out the paperwork, the county clerk informs them their surprise wedding, special as it was, is not a legal marriage to the state.

Reza pretends to act frustrated. Unless he actually thinks he can get married without a marriage license, which he did not actually have.

In which case, well, he’s a moron.

Meanwhile, Asa is wandering on the side of a busy road holding a camera and in a skin tight dress, waiting for Mike Shouhed to show up.

Story of everyone’s life, right?!

The magical couples photo shoot with Mike and Jessica Parido was clearly Asa’s idea – not Mike;s He called it a funeral for relationship.

Sounds about accurate.

In other important developments, Mercedes “MJ” Javid needs to make more room at her condo for boyfriend Tommy Feight to move in.

A yard sale is planned for her clothes, sentimental as they may be for her. You do what you have to do to accommodate your partner.

Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi works with an acupuncturist to help her arthritis, and likens the euphoric feeling of acupuncture to heroin.

Okay then.

How did it all play out from there on out? Use the video above to watch Shahs of Sunset online to get up to speed with the latest drama.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Watch Shahs of Sunset Online: Check Out Season 5 Episode 13

Reza and Adam’s relationship woes were front and center on Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 13, with the couple’s future at stake.

Would a trip to Palm Springs help – or hurt – their cause?

Or, conversely, would some last minute drama ruin it all?

Elsewhere, regarding the pariah of the Bravo series, Mike tried to win back Jessica after yet another crazy rumor came to the forefront.

Is there ever not crazy rumors and drama with him?

It sure seems like it’s always something, and for good reason; meanwhile, the whole gang came together for Mike’s shoe shop’s opening.

Did they manage to remain civil for the whole night?

Follow the link to watch Shahs of Sunset online and catch up with the Persian sensations of Hollywood and vicinity right here and now.

Just be sure you brace yourself beforehand.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 12 Recap: Is It Too Late Now to Say Sorrrrrry?!

Did Mike win his wife back? That was the burning question on Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 12 … but there was no easy answer.

If you watch Shahs of Sunset online, you know Mike Shouhed finally admitted to cheating on estranged wife, Jessica Parido, on Belize.

To the shock and amazement of … well, no one.

What would the fallout from this be, though?

When Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 12 began, Asa Soltan Rahmati and Reza Farahan were catching up on how the night ended.

For what it’s worth, after Mike unraveled, Asa went clubbing with GG Gharachedaghi and Shervin Roohparvar, living it up in all night.

This, naturally, fueled Reza’s assumption that GG is faking rheumatoid arthritis – when he takes a break from meddling with Mike, that is.

Reza is seriously as duplicitous as they get these days, reaching out to Mike and telling him he has his back, he supports him, et cetera.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, Mike naturally expresses thanks that his crew is looking out for him, and is with him in tough times.

Gullibility is a virtue for this guy at least.

On a field trip to some Mayan ruins, GG starts complaining that her RA is holding her back from ascending the steps at the same pace.

Reza had to be loving that one.

The journey down was so steep, and harrowing, that Tommy said he nearly “peed like a girl” even though that doesn’t make any sense.

Asa then asks GG to pose for “couple” photos, even though she’s single, which Reza jumps on, asking Asa why he’s taking saod pictures.

A screaming match promptly ensues, as Reza is clearly gunning for GG one way or the other and not impressed by her these days.

Reza proceeds to ridicule her (alleged) RA, which was a bit much, though he also said she goes out of her way to start drama with everyone.

Not untrue. Just saying.

GG responds that if Reza won’t support her, he could at least chill and refrain from trying to cut her down from a place of such negativity.

Well, yeah. Except …

Reza doing that would mean basically no Reza as we know him, and therefore no show. So it’s sort of a fool’s errand to pursue that, GG.

Anyway, we’re just getting started! Follow the above links to watch the episode from start to finish and see how it all played out in Belize.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 10 Recap: Belize it or Not ...

On Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 10, Reza’s last-minute group trip to Belize sounded like a really good, spontaneous idea at the time.

Until tensions exploded, as predicted by NO ONE (read: anyone).

Picking up where last week left off, Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 10 saw the gang head to Shervin Roohparvar’s house to drink.

Mike Shouhed and Jessica Parido were MIA.

After their latest fight, occuring at the kaftan show last week, Reza Farahan went on an utterly insane rant about the troubled couple.

Seriously, this was all-time, even for Reza.

Somewhere beneath the surface of his misogynistic, nonsensical tirade was a push to take the crew to Belize to “help” Mike and Jessica.

Yes, he actually suggested that the Central American journey was designed to save Mike and Jessica’s marriage. Downright comical.

Meanwhile, Shervin talked to Mercedes “MJ” Javid about her maligned beau Tommy Feight, and whether they go too far nagging him.

The next night, Reza tells Mike he’s inviting him to Belize and is also inviting Jessica – even as she swears she’s not going back to Mike.

Needless to say, she’s still feeling burned after trusting Mike, who Reza tells her is a complete ass hat. What a great matchmaker he is.

Later, MJ was driving to meet Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi when she called Reza, who has been looking up rheumatoid arthritis online.

Something’s not adding up, he says.

Dramatic flashbacks ensued. With intense music, and the same old allegation we’ve been teased with for weeks regarding G-squared:

Is she exaggerating her treatment?

It’s very hard to us to say right now, but watch Shahs of Sunset online to see Sunday’s installment from start to finish right here and now.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 9 Recap: Can You Fake Chemo?

Last night on Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 9, the drama was off the hook at Asa’s fashion show … and with Mike and Jessica.

What else is new with those two, right?


If you watch Shahs of Sunset online, you’re more than caught up on the drama with these two – and their associates – on the regular.

Still, things went to the next level here.

Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 9, entitled “Lights, Camera, Kaftans!” ostensibly focused on Asa Soltan Rahmati’s kaftan fashion show.

Of course, there’s always a subplot.

When Reza Farahan saw Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi at the show, his reaction was “She doesn’t look like someone about to get chemo.”

And there’s your gossip/conflict.

“No one can confirm anything,” Reza adds, rolling his eyes and then dispensing with any pleasantries. “I doubt her story more than ever.”

Later, he took it to her a bit.

“We’re very concerned about you … what’s going on?” Reza asks, perhaps (definitely) baiting her, to which she replies, “With what?”

GG did go on to explain later what’s going on. “They say it’s very aggressive and ‘you have to do the intravenous chemo,’” she says.

As she told the others, including her brother Shervin Roohparvar, that “it’s two hours once a month,” Reza up and walked out of the room.

“I think Golnesa is lying about having RA (rheumatoid arthritis),” he reiterated as Shervin’s jaw hit the floor upon hearing such a thing.

“Why would someone do something like that?” Shervin asks, but later admits that “Reza brings up some really good points” re: GG.

Specifically, if her condition is so bad, why is she still doing her thing – her thing being drinking, smoking and clubbing until all hours?

“Maybe she’s exaggerating a little bit,” Shervin suggests, raising the question of whether one can really exaggerate something like chemo.

On reality TV these days, with the characters that are on this show and the lengths producers will go to in order to concoct a good story?

We wouldn’t be surprised. The Real Housewives of Orange County and Beverly Hills have both played the possibly-fake disease card.

Just saying. It’s a Bravo thang.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Watch Shahs of Sunset Online: Check Out Season 5 Episode 8

Last night on Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 8, things took a bad turn for MJ, and the reason why is more than a little bit surprising.

The burning question of the hour on Bravo boiled down to this:

Could MJ manage to stop everyone from arguing with her?

That was her plan, at least, on Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 8, as she faced fallout from her fractured relationship with Tommy.

All bets were off after returning from Palm Springs and that whole debacle. What did that mean for the future of the couple, however?

Elsewhere on this reality hit, the gang rallied around Reza.

The affable patriarch, having finally put his wedding drama behind him, decided to delve into the world of stand-up comedy this week.

Was his performance a hit, though? That’s a different story.

Also, Mike tried to win his wife back, but was she fooled?

We can’t wait for you to find out. Just follow the video above to watch Shahs of Sunset online to witness the drama from start to finish.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 6 Recap: Cat-astrophe

On Bravo’s Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 6, Mike Shouhed and Jessica Parido’s marital problems came to light like never before.

If you’re at all familiar with the show, you knew this was coming – well, either you knew or it doesn’t surprise you at all. Because obviously.

Most couples could benefit from seeing therapist to assess their differences and find a way to move forward together, but these two?

It’s like a battle just to be in the same room with each other.

In any case, the crux of Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 6, titled “A Cat-astrophic Night,” centered on this most dysfunctional duo.

Somewhat ironic, in a sense, given that when Mike started dating Jessica, it was his relationship with the rest of the cast that splintered.

Now, it appears his marriage is already doing the same.

Yes, it’s only been a few months, but these two already find themselves unable to live with each other and on the cusp of a split. Already.

“You know we’ve been having marital problems. It’s just something I’m trying to understand,” he tells the therapist, at a loss for words.

According to Mike, his wife moved out to “take a break,” but when Jessica didn’t return even after a few days, he started to worry a bit.

One can certainly understand that this isn’t a good thing.

While the therapist tries to figure out what’s gone wrong, Mike’s partner says that some key issues between them haven’t been resolved.

Perhaps most significantly, after changing herself for him, she feels like she has no power left and it wasn’t even worth it for this guy.

We’re paraphrasing, yes, but this is heavy stuff.

Mike famously cheated on his partner before they were married and told her this after Jessica found a text message. Not a good start.

In the end, a shocking revelation about Mike’s marriage was made and it took place at co-star Asa Soltan’s mother’s retirement party.

Did Mike tell the rest of the crew about the state of his marriage – and did Jessica ask him for a divorce with the cameras rolling?

To answer those burning questions, along with so many more, follow the links above to watch Shahs of Sunset online in its entirety.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Back to the Nurture

Sunday on Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 5, what could have been a relaxing, uneventful camping trip turned into anything but.

Shocking, we know … totally unexpected.

Instead of camping, and just enjoying nature, the mission turned into self-help in form of a full-on intervention for Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi.

GG admits that she’s changed a bit recently.

Back in the day, she used to stay home and “chill” but now she says, “I can’t sit with my own thoughts.” The sign of a problem, for sure.

So is drinking straight vodka straight from the bottle. In the morning. First thing when you wake up and get out of bed. Not a recommendation.

For GG’s brother, Shervin Roohparvar, her admission came as the perfect segue to the family opening up about how they worry about GG.

Her father couldn’t attend the get-together, but wrote a letter to be read to her at the intervention … which GG naturally refused to hear.

She “doesn’t have the mental capacity.” Okay.

How did it play out? Will she finally get the help she needs and what other drama went down when the Shahs took the great outdoors?

To see the action in full, follow the link above to watch Shahs of Sunset online. You’ll be glad you did … if you’re a fan of the show, that is. 

If you’re not, you’ll be all like WTF is this.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 3 Recap: Oh Vey, MJ!

On an emotional Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 3 Sunday night on Bravo, GG’s health issues escalated to a dangerous degree.

We’re talking to the point where she had to call for support during a medical procedure. Yeah. These things happen when you’re GG.

If you watch Shahs of Sunset online, that shouldn’t shock you, because we are all well aware of the star’s serious trials and tribulations.

Despite being titled “Oy Vey, MJ!,” a lot of attention of the third episode of the fifth season was focused on Golnesa “GG” Gharachedaghi.

Even when she’s not in a scene.

At a backyard Shabbat party hosted by Mike and Jessica, GG and her drinking were all anyone could talk about – or the editors showed.

Reza tried to show sympathy at least.

GG’s health issues are serious, he noted; GG has undergone surgery for her rheumatoid arthritis, so perhaps the critics should lay off.

Moreover, in October of last year, GG announced that she  started chemotherapy treatment, something that is not a small feat for her.

The 33-year-old reality star says that when it comes to treating the condition, that scares her almost as much as having the condition.

Strange as that may sound, we get it.

“I want someone to look at me and say ‘Because of you I didn’t give up,’” G-squared said of waiting five years to seek medical treatment.

“I’m (also) excited because I’ve put this off because of my fear of the word ‘chemotherapy’ and I’ve now reached a place of acceptance.”

In the end, did Mike and Jessica’s party help bring the crew closer together in the face of a recent (never-ending) spate of arguments?

And did a bombshell secret spilled by MJ change her relationship with everyone on the show – possible to the point of being irreparable?

Follow the links above to find out!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Watch Shahs of Sunset Online: Check Out Season 5 Episode 1

One of our favorite reality TV families is back!

On Shahs of Sunset Season 5 Episode 1, Reza thought back on last year’s broken engagement and revealed to Asa that he is finally prepared to marry Adam.

Elsewhere, newlywed Mike told his relatively new wife Jessica that he was at last prepared to reconnect with his old friends. That was a major step for him.

Also, when the group all came together at Shervin’s 35th birthday party, a troubled GG threatened to ruin the celebration. And it didn’t help matters when a big time cake fight broke out.

Click on the video above to watch Shahs of Sunset online and see what else transpired on the premiere.