Showing posts with label Surprisingly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Surprisingly. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2016

Leah Messer Shows Off Stretch Marks, Fans Are Surprisingly Supportive

Leah Messer let fans know she removed her belly button ring, but the stretch marks in the photo were all anyone would talk about.

“I took my belly button ring out! Looks so much better!  #loveit #BeYou #BeNatural #NoFilter,” Messer wrote three days ago, prompting the most positive remarks about a Teen Mom 2 star anyone has seen in awhile.

“Wish I looked that good. Stretch marks are a dorm of strength and beauty. Love them abs. Good job,” one fan wrote.

“Can’t believe u had twins u look fantastic wear those tiger strips with pride mama,” another wrote.

Messer has only recently found her voice, after being slammed with offensive comments after one bikini pic.

The backlash prompted Messer to issue a statement to Refinery29 on body image, an unprecedented move for the reality star and mom-of-three.

First and foremost, there is much more to women than our bodies.  Yet many women seem to continually judge others, not by their character, but by their bodies

There are many more important issues going on in the world today than whether or not I had enough to eat for breakfast. (Side note: I had plenty.)

We should be focused on spreading love and kindness instead of mean-spirited bullying. Thankfully I am in a beautiful place in my life raising three wonderful, kind, loving and confident little girls.  

Filming for the new season of Teen Mom 2 is already underway, and Messer has been posting inspirational quotes and photos to let fans know she’s in a fantastic place.

“Know yourself, love yourself and never lower your standards. Recognize what you don’t want but focus upon what feels good,” Messer wrote yesterday.

“This is the power of aligning your energy to attract all that you want. Stop spending countless hours thinking about what’s wrong and start conditioning your mind to appreciate what is good. Embrace growth and change.”

Messer went to rehab in 2015 for anxiety and depression, and finalized her divorce from second husband Jeremy Calvert last September.

“Don’t take anything personally. Let go and stop trying to fix what isn’t yours to fix,” Messer continued.  “Attend to your own life with fierce intention and know that YOU are absolutely enough.”

We’re proud of the Messer for the strides she’s made in living her best life.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Kim Kardashian Tweets Surprisingly Insightful Comments on Orlando Shooting

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, the nation was once again rocked by an act of senseless gun violence over the weekend.

The unthinkable tragedy at Orlando nightclub Pulse has been declared the worst mass shooting in US history.

Not surprisingly, hundreds of famous figures sounded off on social media in the hours after the extent of the bloodshed became clear. 

Most offered prayers and support.

Some revealed the ways in which they were touched by the tragedy on a personal level.

Still others offered real solutions to the escalating problem of gun violence and rampant mass shootings in America.

Somewhat surprisingly, Kim Kardashian was among those calling for change in a specific, actionable way:

“Under current federal law people on terror watch lists can legally buy guns – this is called the Terror Gap,” Kim tweeted yesterday.

“We have repeatedly called on Congress to close this loophole that makes it easy for dangerous people to get guns & kill.

“Nothing has changed!!!! People continue to senselessly die. When will these gun laws be changed?!?!?!?!!!!?????”

Yes, while Donald Trump was patting himself on the back for being correctly predicting the deaths of 53 innocent people, Kim Kardashian – Kim freaking Kardashian – was on Twitter proposing legislation that might prevent another catastrophic event on par with the Pulse shooting.

Regardless of one’s stance on gun control, surely everyone can agree that people who are considered such a threat to others that they’re not allowed on airplanes probably shouldn’t be allowed to purchase firearms.

Maybe that Kanye West presidential run isn’t such a crazy idea, after all.

Sounds like Kim would make one hell of a first lady. Here’s hoping for nude selfies from the Lincoln Bedroom in 2020!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Brielle Biermann Offers Surprisingly Helpful Weight Loss Tips

If you’re going to take diet and workout tips from anyone, it should be someone who loves posing on Instagram.

Yes, Brielle Biermann is 19 and yes, I look at her body and think, “that bitch.”

It’s hard work looking that toned, tanned and and…enhanced, I guess?  

Pushing aside any thoughts I might have about her possible visits to Dr. Tuckhereandthere, I will listen to Biermann’s advice on how to keep it right and tight.

“As you guys are probably aware, I love to eat cheeseburgers all day, every day. Well, can’t do that anymore,” Biermann said, according to

Welp, Biermann explains, it’s impossible to ignore those wobbly bits, so put down the burger and grab a vegetable.

“You have to stick to healthy things, like this nasty cucumber salad,” she joked on social media.

“And spin class. I love spin class. I do it at least three times a week.”

Biermann has come under fire for her appearance every since she admitted that she saw the same doctor as Kylie Jenner to have her lips plumped up.

“Look at Kylie Jenner. She looks like a completely different person and she says all she’s had done is her lips,” Biermann explained via Snapchat in May.

“And same with me. … I was honest about my lips, which took a lot of courage for me to do, and I’m being honest now.

“I’m sorry I don’t look like I did when I was 15, but everyone grows up, which you all need to do.”

Biermann has a point;  she was still young when her mom, Kim Zolciak first appeared on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.  

Since then, Biermann has likely felt pressured to look good in front of the cameras, hence the tans, the product hawking on Instagram, the extensions, the makeup…

“I’m so flattered that you guys think that I’ve had all this liposuction, and my tits done, and my nose done,” she added in the snape.

“It’s just genetics!”

Genetics, my ass.