Showing posts with label Tattoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tattoo. Show all posts

Monday, December 28, 2015

Kylie Jenner Tattoo Update: What Did She Get Now?

What Kylie Jenner wants, Kylie Jenner gets.

Back in late October, Kylie said she wanted another tattoo. And… guess what?

Kylie has gotten another tattoo!

The 18-year old reality star took to Instagram over the weekend in order to show off a new piece of body art, captioning the above image with two simple words:

“All red.”

The new tattoo appears to be the word “Sanity,” spelled out phonetically in red ink across Jenner’s right hip.

Kylie also has a tattoo on her left hip, though she’s yet to give fans a close-up snapshot of it.

But most believe it to be the phonetic spelling of an unconfirmed word. (Insanity, perhaps?)

Kylie, of course, typically draws attention to her body via her ever-changing lips (see below).

However, she drew attention to her finger over the weekend upon sharing a picture of a giant diamond ring.

Is she engaged to long-time boyfriend Tyga?!?

No, Kylie insisted in a follow-up message, despite clearly wanting her followers to believe this possibility at first.

We need to give Kylie Jenner credit, we suppose.

From her lips to her hips, her finger to her cleavage, the teenager has managed to make a major name for herself by doing essentially nothing except featuring various body parts in a variety of Instagram photos.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Justin Bieber Debuts New Neck Tattoo

Justin Bieber has taken a break from Instagram crushing to get a new tattoo.

The artist debuted his new piece of indelible ink while backstage at The Late Late Show with James Corden on Thursday night.

“New tattoo :)” Justin captioned one photo of himself wearing a suit and showing off the large wings on either side of his neck.

In the other caption-free snapshot, Bieber poses as he peers into a mirror and stands in the light to show off the tattoo’s details.

It’s unclear what these wings are meant to symbolize, but Justin has tried as hard as possible throughout 2015 to be on his most angelic behavior.

He’s apologized on numerous occasions for his many missteps in 2014, saying repeatedly that he’s only human and he realizes that he messed up many times in the past.

So perhaps these wings are meant to take him higher?

If that’s the case, however, Bieber’s recent quip about underage girls definitely brought him down lower in the eyes of anyone with common decency.

Bieber, meanwhile, has more than 50 tattoos across his (hot!) body, including one of Jesus Christ, a giant cross and one that reads “Purpose” (aka his fourth studio album’s name) arched over his belly button.

Cycle through many of the most memorable examples below:

Ben Affleck Rocks MASSIVE New Back Tattoo! Check It Out!

It"s been an odd year for Ben Affleck.

Following a messy separation from Jennifer Garner, the Oscar-winning actor-director found himself at the center of a tabloid media firestorm.

After months of rumors that Affleck and Garner were back together, the A-list couple appears to have finally moved on, or at lest Ben has…

Some call it a midlife crisis; others say it"s just a case of a newly single guy enjoying his freedom, but whatever the case, Ben has been living la vida YOLO all over Hollywood lately.

Not only does it appear that Affleck is dating Sienna Miller, it also looks like he recently went under the needle for some seriously elaborate skin art.

Yes, the Batfleck has back tatt and looks like he"s not shy about showing it off.

Insiders say the ink is new, and it has symbolic importance for Ben.

Apparently, it"s a massive Phoenix which represents…Ben rising from the ashes of his marriage?

We"re not exactly sure, but it"s fitting in several different ways.

After all, this is the guy who went on to direct a Best Picture winner after starring in Gigli, so he knows a thing or two about shaking the rubble off his wings.

Of course, considering Ben is 43 and not 23, he"ll probably take some flak for getting a HUGE tattoo to mark a transition in his life, but hey – the man has two gold guys on his mantel, and he"s freakin" Batman.

We"re pretty sure that means he can do whatever he wants.

Ben affleck rocks massive new back tattoo check it out

Friday, December 4, 2015

Harry Styles Actually Gets Tattoo on Television

This is why we"re really gonna miss One Direction.

The very handsome British boy band is still planning to take a hiatus in 2016 (and, so it seems, also in 2017), but at least the group is still on a publicity tour for its latest album.

And that tour took them to The Late Late Show with James Cordon on Thursday night, where Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne took on the host in a game of Tattoo Roulette.

Just how does one play Tattoo Roulette? It"s simple:

Contestants pick a box – and the unlucky individual to select the box with the word "tattoo" written on the lid has to ACTUALLY GET A TATTOO.

The One Direction members agreed to have the words "Late Late" tattooed on a part of their body if they lost, while Corden said he would go with "1D" if he chose the wrong box.

For real. There were actual stakes at play here, people!

“I’m regretting you thought of this game," said Horan at one point because he’s the sole One Direction singer without a tattoo. "I don"t like this."

In the end, Horan was saved from his worst nightmare after Styles, a man with many tattoos, selected the tattoo-themed box. 

And then he really did go ahead and get a tattoo on television.

Watch the game unfold in its entirety below:

Harry styles actually gets tattoo on television

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kaley Cuoco Covers Up Tattoo Tribute to Ryan Sweeting

Back in September, Kaley Cuoco filed for divorce from Ryan Sweeting after less than two years of marriage.

Few were surprised, as Kaley and Ryan got married after just three months of dating. Despite that, Kaley was so certain she and Sweeting were in it for life that she decided to get her wedding anniversary tattooed on the back of her neck. Whoops…

Yes, thankfully, Kaley has finally decided to get the ill-considered ink covered up. And fortunately, she hasn’t lost her sense of humor.

Cuoco posted the two pics above with captions reading:

“Thank you @nero_sct @studiocitytattoo for helping me right my wrongs…note to self- do not mark your body with any future wedding dates #under30mistakes #donttakeyourselftooseriouslykids”

And, “The deep, meaningful, larger than life meaning behind this beautiful piece of ink, is….. It covered the last one.”

Kaley turns the big 3-0 next week, so we guess she better use that #under30mistakes” hashtag while she can.

Anyway, the important thing here isn’t that Kaley is using her relative youth to justify her mistakes, or even that she finally got total jinx of a tattoo covered up.

No, the really important thing is that Kaley is able to laugh at her mistakes – including the fairly major error of marrying a dude she’d only known for three months.

By all accounts, the marriage didn’t end amicably, and several insiders have claimed that a drug-addled Sweeting disappeared for several days before Kaley decided to call it quits. 

Needless to say, she’s had a rough few months.

So when Kaley encourages us not to take things too seriously, the advice has real meaning. The girl knows how to laugh at herself.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Adam Lind: Weird, Scary Chelsea Houska Tattoo Revealed?

Adam Lind is a frightening dude who seems intent on making his baby mama’s life a living hell, so it makes sense that he would get a frightening tattoo that seems to depict Chelsea Houska living in hell:

Does the demonic tatt look like Chelsea? 

No, not really, but there’s been lots of speculation that Lind’s new ink is meant as a shot at his ex, and he has yet to dispute the rumor.

The rumors were prompted in part by Lind’s caption for the photo, which reads, “My sexy red head :) eating my heart out!”

Given that Chelsea’s red hair is one of her signature traits, it’s not hard to see why fans might think the tatt is some sort of bizarre tribute.

It was probably a little unsettling for Chelsea to see the pic online, but fortunately, it seems she doesn’t have much to worry about form her lunatic ex.

Shortly after his other baby mama, Taylor Halbur, filed for a restraining order against Lind, he seemed to get his notorious temper somewhat in check.

As a bonus, Lind has been arrested so many times that if he stalks or harasses Chelsea again, his ass is going away for a long time!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Kylie Jenner Lands Tattoo Shop in Trouble With Controversial Snapchat Video

Hey, did you hear Kylie Jenner got a second tattoo?

What"s that? You didn"t even know Kylie Jenner has a first tattoo?

Well, you"re not alone. Her ink is incredibly tiny and while she posts lots of semi-nude selfies, most folks are too distracted by Kylie"s sideboob to notice her miniscule skin art.

But while Kylie is clearly not a big fan of going under the needle (We"re guessing both tatts required her to sit for a combined five minutes), the girl loves turning the gun on other people.

Last year, Kylie tattooed her initials on Lionel Richie"s son for some reason, and today she posted a video of herself inking a crowned "K" (of course) on the proprietor of the shop where she got her latest tatt.

We understand that Kylie is probably pretty hard to say no to, but TMZ is reporting that Bang Bang Tattoos in NYC might now be facing fines upwards of $ 1,000 thanks to Kylie"s ill-advised Snapchat story.

Sources say they"ve confirmed that the New York Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is aware of the video, and a full investigation is underway.

We doubt Kylie cares, but the dude she tatted up might wing up paying a pretty penny for that sloppy red "K" on his ankle.

Kylie jenner lands tattoo shop in trouble with controversial sna

Kylie Jenner Gets New Tattoo: Where Did She Get Inked Up Now?

In late October, Kylie Jenner wanted another tattoo.  Most of us have seen every nude photo of Kylie (because she posts them everywhere).  But of us missed the tiny heart inked on her right arm.

Luckily for Kylie she gets everything she wants!  Kim Kardashian’s sister just got a new tattoo by New York tattoo artist Bang Bang.

While traveling in New York City, Kylie, 18, reportedly had a few words tattooed on her hip!

But it didn’t stop with just getting a tattoo! In a series of Snapchats, Kylie revealed that not only did she get a tattoo, but she gave one too!

“My newest victim @kyliejenner,” tattoo artist Bang Bang captioned an Instagram picture of he and Kylie together. He also shared a video of the young reality star focusing as she tattooed him: ”Kylie and I traded tattoos.”

Kylie also used Snapchat to reveal the tattoo she gave Bang Bang: a red crown with the initial “K” beneath it.

Kylie seemed hesitant to share her tattoo on the social media platform. She shared a picture of her new artwork in a picture taken from a distance.

Currently, Kylie is in New York City to support Cailtlyn Jenner and Kendall Jenner at a few celebratory events.

On Monday, November 9, Kylie attended the Glamour Women of the Year award ceremony to support Cailtyn Jenner who accepted the award.

And on Tuesday, November 9, Kendall will appear in her first Victoria’s Secret fashion show.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

James Franco Shows Off Emma Watson Tattoo, Carves Heart Into Arm, Remains Creepy

We all know that James Franco is obsessed with Lana Del Rey, but apparently the man has enough stalker vibes to go around.

Franco posted the below photos on Instagram this week, and even though the tattoo clearly isn’t real, Emma Watson might want to invest in some extra security:

Franco captioned the pic on the left, “I [heart Emoji] Hermione,” and as though that isn’t terrifying enough, he followed it up by carving a heart into his arm, which is something that has only ever been done by crazy people.

It’s natural to experience feelings of profound affection for Emma Watson. In fact, it’s been argued (by us) that not hearting Hermione may be a sign of mental illness. But this is no way to tell her how you feel, James!

Seriously, this is some restraining order, Taxi Driver-level insanity.

This makes the that video where Franco screams about poop look like downright reasonable by comparison. 

Weirdly, Franco has a long history of getting fake tattoos of famous actresses, but that doesn’t make this any less terrifying for poor Emma.

Yes, we know the two of them co-starred in This Is the End together, but Seth Rogen was in that movie too, and James doesn’t have a Seth Rogen tattoo, does he?!

Where’s your Seth Rogen tattoo, James? On second thought, don’t answer that.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kylie Jenner: I Want Another Tattoo!

Did you know that Kylie Jenner has a tattoo?

You might be wondering how it could have escaped your notice, considering Kylie posts a semi-nude selfie every two hours or so, but if you look closely enough, you can see the tiny heart in the photo on the right. And it seems it may soon have company:

Yes, it seems Kylie wants another tattoo, which is fine, especially since her tastes obviously run toward the nigh-microscopic, but as some folks have pointed out Kylie may be rushing it just a bit. 

After all, Kylie just turned 18 in August. Yes, her heart tattoo is tiny, and her second one will probably follow suit (even if it’s a spade or a diamond. Ha!), but at the rate she’s going, she’ll be rocking full sleeves by the time she’s old enough to drink.

Kylie is already rushing through adulthood in just about every way. (We choose to ignore the rumors that she’s engaged to Tyga, but sadly, they’re all too believable.) Can’t she take her time reaching the “covered in hastily-chosen tattoos” stage?

But what do we know? Maybe Kylie met with her reps, and they agreed that if she wants to keep going viral by showing skin, she better let fans make a Where’s Waldo-like game out of it by covering herself in miniscule ink. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Blac Chyna: Dating Future! Celebrating with "Future" Tattoo!!

Blac Chyna shared a photo of her new tattoo – the word “Future” – as rumors that she’s dating the rapper of the same name swirl across the Internets.

She seemed to confirm those rumors, to say the least …

The stripper, model, ex-fiancee of Tyga and current Kylie Jenner antagonist, 27, is reportedly dating the hip-hop artist and former partner of Ciara, 31.

This would all but guarantee they’re a real couple.

“Thought it was a drought,” she captioned the above pic of her new body art, referencing the title of one of Future’s songs from his 2015 album, DS2.

Neither has confirmed their romantic relationship, but we can put two and two together, unless she’s just really passionate about … well, the future.

Is it a safer word to tattoo on yourself than, say, Tiger? Yes. “Future” in the abstract sense of time that has yet to occur still makes for dope ass ink.

Still, we’re guessing it’s a subtle shout-out to her new love, and a nice departure from the Next Level Shade she’s been lobbing at Kylie of late.

“I know u Miss me,” Blac captioned a racy pic of herself draped across a lounge chair, while in another pic, she licked knives menacingly.

She and Tyga share custody of son King Cairo … at least until she sees that video of King playing next to a pile of weed at Tyga’s crib.

As for Future, he has one son from his relationship with Ciara, and that’s been a point of contention with Ciara dating Russell Wilson so publicly.

Basically there’s no chance in hell that this …

  1. Ends well whatsoever;

  2. Isn’t entertaining.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Justin Bieber Has a "Purpose," New Tattoo

Justin Bieber has confirmed a new “Purpose” in life.

No, this is not a reference to Bieber making it a point these days to apologize for past mistakes and to once again serve as a role model to young fans.

We mean Justin Bieber literally has a new “Purpose” in life. 

Because that’s what the singer’s brand new tattoo says!

The artist rolled his shirt up and snapped a torso selfie in the mirror this week, giving Instagram followers a look at the word “Purpose” that is now etched across his handsome belly.

It has been rumored for awhile that this is actually the name of the Justin Bieber album that drops on November 13, though the star did not confirm this chatter when sharing this snapshot of his fresh ink.

Purpose now sits next to the word “Forgive,” which Bieber had previously had marked indelibly on his abdomen.

And these tattoos shared a body with many other tattoos, such as the letter G in honor of a young fan and the word “Patience” that is scrawled across Bieber’s neck.

Purpose. Forgive. Patience. Profound stuff here from The Biebs.

Toggle through many other tattoos on his hot, sleek, hairless body below: