Showing posts with label TheBlaze. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TheBlaze. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Tomi Lahren"s Facebook Followers Could Be Collateral Damage in TheBlaze Exit

Tomi Lahren has millions on the line in her negotiations to exit TheBlaze … as in Facebook followers. Sources familiar with the negotiations between Tomi and Blaze brass tell us she’s adamant about keeping her 4.2 million FB fans,…


Tomi Lahren"s Facebook Followers Could Be Collateral Damage in TheBlaze Exit

Tomi Lahren has millions on the line in her negotiations to exit TheBlaze … as in Facebook followers. Sources familiar with the negotiations between Tomi and Blaze brass tell us she’s adamant about keeping her 4.2 million FB fans,…


Monday, March 27, 2017

Tomi Lahren Negotiating Exit From TheBlaze

Tomi Lahren and TheBlaze are finished with each other, and they’re now deep in negotiations to settle up. Sources familiar with the situation tell us, after Glenn Beck suspended Tomi over her comment on “The View” — that she was pro-choice — Tomi…
