Showing posts with label Tits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tits. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Emilia Clarke Talks "Big Tits," Game of Thrones Season 7

Just over a year ago, Emilia Clarke appeared on Conan and made a plea for Game of Thrones to FREE THE PENIS!

Alas, the epic HBO drama still depicts more female nudity than male nudity on a regular basis.

But at least Clarke can sleep well at night, knowing she did her best to help women around the world out a bit.

In an interview with the latest issue of Rolling Stone, meanwhile, the actress said it took her awhile to realize just what sort of effect her gender has had on her life since since she struck it big.

Men all over the Internet may search for Emilia Clarke nude photos because they’re young and horny, while fans of this series may joke about how many times they’ve seen Clarke topless…

… but the star sort of woke up one day and realized that sexism is alive and not very well.

“You’re aware of it, and you’re aware of it, but one day, you go, ‘Oh, my God, it’s everywhere!’ Like you suddenly wake up to it and you go, ‘Wait a fucking second, are you . . . are you treating me different because I’ve got a pair of tits? Is that actually happening?"” she says to Rolling Stone, adding:

“It took me a really long time to see that I do get treated differently. But I look around, and that’s my daily life.”

Clarke is aware she’s fortunate.

She’s aware that she was named Esquire’s Sexiest Woman Alive in 2015 and that her looks have helped to further her career.

But she still has an important message to send:

“It doesn’t stop me from being a feminist. Like, guess what?

“Yes, I’ve got mascara on, and I also have a high IQ, so those two things can be one and the same.”

As Game of Thrones embarks on its final two seasons (yes, EVER!), Clarke’s character is finally setting sail for Westeros.

She is finally taking the climactic steps toward the Iron Throne, following many years of being one of the biggest female bad asses on television.

“Women have been great rulers,” she says of her role and the challenging world in which she’s acting these days.

“And then for that to be a character that I’m known to play? That’s so f-cking lucky. Anyone who seems to think that it’s not needed need only look at the political environment we’re all living in to be like, ‘Oh, no, it’s needed.

“It is needed.”

It really is.

And while we do care a lot about feminism and politics and equality and strong women, we need to know from Clarke:

Can she reveal any Game of Thrones Season 7 spoilers?

“Spoiler alert – I normally don’t spend very much time in Belfast, but this last season I spent a little more time there,” she teases.

“It’s a really interesting season in terms of some loose ends that have been tied, some really satisfying plot points, some things where you’re like, ‘Oh, my God. I forgot about that!’

“Rumors are going to be confirmed or denied.”

One rumor going around if that a Game of Thrones spinoff (or four Games of Thrones spinoffs) is in the works.

This may be the case, but don’t expect to see Clarke as Daenerys Targaryes in any of them.

“I am doing one more season. And then that’ll be it,” she says to Rolling Stone.

We get it. We get that Clarke likely wants to spread her wings and try something else.

We’re just going to miss Emilia Clarke, Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains… Talker ‘Bout Boobies. We’re gonna miss her a lot.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kendall Jenner: Check Out My Tits, Y"All!

Kendall Jenner has no problem showing off her tatas … and further, claims that flashing is kinda her “thing.” 

Jenner’s walked the runway in various shows in extremely sheer tops, but we have a feeling that that’s not even what she’s talking about in this case. 

In an interview with W Magazine, Kendall talked about getting really “excited” that her tits were hanging out at her first runway, a Marc Jacobs show. 

Though she was nervous, she didn’t balk. 

“My first big break,” she revealed, “was going to meet Katie Grand at Marc Jacobs, and then I got the Marc Jacobs show.” 

“I was so nervous.” 

“I didn’t think anyone would like me,” she admitted. 

“It’s so nerve-wracking in front of all those cool people and you go back a couple times and they need to see if they really like you.” 

The night of her first show, however, she wasn’t as nervous as she’d previously dreaded. 

“I was more excited,” she said. 

“I think I wasn’t nervous because I was wearing flats.” 

“Like, I got to wear, like, flat shoes, so it wasn’t as nerve-wracking,” she boasted. 

“I was, like, ‘I can’t fall. There’s no way I can fall,’ ” Kendall continued. 

What really set her off, though, was bringing out dem boobz. 

She continued, stating that she was “really excited” about showing off her nipples. 

“My biggest concern was definitely falling, [but] then my tits were out,” she explained. 

“I don’t know why I wasn’t nervous about that.” 

“I was really excited about my tits being out, actually,” she revealed. 

Girl, that’s called ‘exhibitionism,’ and that’s exciting for anybody with a heartbeat, but good on you. 

“I love my tits being out,” she continued. 

“It’s, like, one of my things, I guess.” 

We guess so, girl, and we’re happy. 

And what’s this about you possibly posing naked?  

Sweet baby Jonas, yes

When asked about posing nude for photography’s – c’mon, it’s aaartttt – sake, she said, “No, there’s a line.”

“There’s a definite line,” she reiterated. 

“But I’m young. When I’m older, I want to be able to look at it and be like, ‘I looked good.’ “

You keep doing you, Kendall, and we’ll keep … well, watching. 


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Listen To This: Shake Yer Dix, Shake Yer Tits!

Often imitated, never duplicated!

No one but Peaches could release a song titled Dicks In The Air and make it not cheesy but so good and so cool!

The electro goddess is on a whole other level of awesome!

And over 15 years since her groundbreaking debut, she’s still remaining true to form and releasing music just as great!!!!

Check it out above!

Then CLICK HERE to listen to more music from Peaches!