Showing posts with label Unstable'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unstable'. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Kim Kardashian BLASTS the Media: Kanye Is Not Unstable! He"s a Genius!!

A lot of Kanye West"s fans and even his critics have come forward in recent days to express their deep concerns.

Why? Because many fear that he"s on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Kanye has always been known for his impulsive behavior. Many saw or heard of his spur-of-the-moment stunts, gaffes, and outlandish statements before they ever heard so much as a note of his music.

But, in 2016, his statements became increasingly shocking — and he eventually had to cancel his tour because of his mental health.

It"s nearly two years later, but just a week after Kanye has returned to social media, his erratic statements — such as comparing himself and Trump to dragons — have fans genuinely fearing for his well-being.

The report that he abruptly severed numerous business associations during his alarming tweets has also been viewed as a red flag.

Now, Kim Kardashian is coming forward to defend her husband.

She says that he"s not losing his mind. She says that he"s a visionary that most people just can"t understand, and how dare people use his outlandish statements to question his mental health.

But Kanye"s most recent tweet is not really helping.

1. The calm before the tweet-storm

Kimye tweets 00

Less than an hour before speaking up for her husband, Kim’s Twitter account was full of her products and her naked body. Business as usual.

2. It begins …

Kimye tweets 01

Kim Kardashian is famous for being largely unbothered by the things that people say about her … but she has far less chill when it comes to her husband and her marriage.

3. Kim addresses one of the perceived red flags

Kimye tweets 02

What Kim may be ignoring is that, though fans know that stars may cut ties with any number of people, fans were viewing it as just one sign among many that something may be wrong.

4. Kim actually refers to the "sunken place" here

Kimye tweets 03

That is, of course, a reference to the horror film, Get Out. More to the point, she may be confused — no one is saying that differing beliefs is a sign of mental illness. We’ll thow up an example later in this slideshow.

5. Kim doesn’t like Trump

Kimye tweets 04

Famously, Kim took a selfie with Hillary during the 2016 election.

6. Kim deleted and reposted that tweet

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We wouldn’t feel right not showing you both versions.

View Slideshow

Friday, September 15, 2017

Danielle Mullins: I Am NOT Unstable!

As we know, Danielle Mullins is not getting her own makeover show. It was totally in the works (if not yet a done deal), but not anymore.

That’s what happens when you have a falling out with the media company that represents you.

That company stated their reasons for terminating their relationship, but now Danielle is speaking out and sharing her side.

In a surprising number of cases, 90 Day Fiance is a story about people journeying across the globe and leaving behind friends and family for love.

They get married and start families. A lot of them seem to be set up for their happily ever afters.

But, as always, there are a few bad apples in the bunch.

In the case of 90 Day Fiance, these “apples” are relationships.

Danielle Mullins’ relationship with Mohamed Jbali was rotten to the very core.

From the start of their marriage, there were problems.

Danielle accused Mohamed Jbali of cheating on her and demanded that they have sex. (Danielle and Mohamed did bang, but only the once — to consummate their marriage)

Mohamed accused Danielle of lying about her criminal record and of misusing his credit card and identity.

He also complained that Danielle had a foul body odor and that she needed to seek medical help for it.

The end result?

A divorce so bitter that, even though they’re now exes, Danielle has been actively seeking to have Mohamed deported.

Mohamed Jbali is done with 90 Day Fiance, and it looks like Danielle is, too.

But Danielle was all set to get her own makeover show. She’d even lost weight in preparation for it.

Thanking her haters for her new career, Danielle Mullins had signed with GR Media, the same company that had represented Mama June for her makeover show.

GR Media told their side of things.

It seemed that there was a battle of wills over control over Danielle Mullins’ social media accounts.

Danielle wanted to post photos of her friends and family. She apparently also used social media to answer questions about restricted information.

Allegedly, Danielle demonstrated such an instability that GR Media nearly took out a restraining order against her.

Well, now Danielle is sharing her side of things in a lengthy Facebook post.

“I would like to thank my supporters for supporting me this season. Due to difference of opinion, and much speculation by parties, it is unfortunate that me, GR Media, and BMB Management have to part ways.”

And maybe we’ll get some answers. Or Danielle’s version of them.

“I am writing this to clear up a couple of things that was stated in an article by Starcasm giving Gina’s side. I signed with BMB Management which is owned by Brandilyn Snail and I have never talked to her nor met while being signed to her company. My dealings were with Gina Rodriguez and I only talked to her a few times on the phone and rest of the activity was done by text messaging.”


“I only talked to Natasha Fett a couple of times on phone to and then rest by text messaging. I have been accused of extremely unstable behavior by all three which is not the case. How can they say that when they have never met me in person.”

For the record, you can totally come across as unstable via text message. People do it all of the time.

“They get that by what is already out there and has been portrayed on the show and that is sad to say that about someone you have never met. Furthermore they set me up to fail at this makeover excepting me to lose 20 pounds in a week to two weeks.”

But it sounds like there’s hope for Danielle’s fans, as she still wants to go through this.

“I am moving on from this on my own weight lose journey or with the help of another manager.”

“I am grateful for the connections I’ve made and the friendships I’ve formed during this time. I wish continued success to my former management team and I implore my fans to take caution when reading certain stories as they pertain to the events that supposedly have taken place.”

We’ll give her this much — she sounds super professional.

“Again, I wish the best for all involved and I am looking forward to what the future holds for myself. Thank You

If she does her weight loss journey on her own, we can expect a way lower budget and maybe some social media videos.

If another agency decides to sign her, maybe she’ll get along better with them.

In that case, we could be looking at Danielle Mullins on her own show.

It would be a limited series, sure. But she’d still keep her name out there.

Only time will tell, we guess.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Danielle Mullins: NOT Getting a Makeover Show Due to Unstable Behavior!

One of the very controversial stars of 90 Day Fiance, Danielle Mullins, was set to have a new reality career even after she parted ways with her husband.

It looks like that wasn’t to be. Just like her marriage to Mohamed Jbali, Danielle’s relationship with the agency has come to a bitter end.

And this “breakup” very nearly involved a restraining order.

So, Danielle Mullins is an American woman with adult children.

As with everyone else who starred on 90 Day Fiance, Danielle got engaged to someone from another country.

In this case, it was Mohamed Jbali — a much younger man from Tunisia.

They weren’t just engaged, but actually got married.

They even had sex once to consummate their marriage … but after that, their relationship quickly deteriorated.

Danielle accused Mohamed of cheating on her. She also tried to demand that he have sex with her. Out of revenge for Mohamed’s reluctance, she has sought to have him deported.

Mohamed accused Danielle of having an unpleasant body odor and of misusing his money and personal information, which fits with Danielle Mullins’ criminal record.

Obviously, they decided against remaining married, but their divorce process has been anything but amicable.

Despite Danielle’s efforts, Mohamed Jbali didn’t get deported, but he wants nothing more to do with Danielle or 90 Day Fiance.

Danielle Mullins’ next big thing was going to be a makeover show, along the lines of what June Shannon had.

Danielle had even signed with GR Media, like we told you back in July.

That agency represents June Shannon and other reality personalities, and clearly they saw Danielle’s potential.

But that arrangement is now history.

It looks like Danielle’s split from GR Media was difficult to the point where Danielle’s first announcement of it was deleted from her own Facebook page … by someone else.

Because Danielle posted this:

“Ok let me try this again. I posted this statement an hour ago but it got deleted. I would like to let my fans and supporters know I am parting ways with manager Gina Rodriguez and Brandilyn Snail. I am sorry to my fans for posting all the click bait that was not my idea. I love talking, sharing photos and giving updates on my life and I was being prevented from doing that.”

Starcasm reached out and their source told them exactly what went wrong with Danielle Mullins’ deal.

“They did not want her posting, commenting, or answering questions.”

Specifically, Danielle’s responses to negative comments were a big point of contention. We guess that they did not want her making an ass of herself if they were going to represent her.

In light of the show that she was going to get, Danielle was supposed to stop posting random family photos to Instagram and she was also instructed to end her 90 Day Fiance reaction videos.

Apparently Danielle also needed to be less forthcoming about her TV deal with fans.

“Danielle was answering tweets last weekend and Gina b-tched at her for doing it.”

(The Instagram thing sounds controlling, but you’re really not supposed to leak stuff on Twitter like that)

Danielle’s social media had been posting clickbait posts, which apparently came as a surprise to Danielle.

“She did not start those, they did. She has received nothing from the click bait posts.”

That is … shocking. For an agency to monetize a client that way? Yeesh.

Though Danielle had already lost 6 pounds in preparation for her makeover show, it sounds like it’s no longer happening.

“Danielle’s makeover show is not possible unless another network or entertainment outlet picks it up. Danielle is very disappointed. She really wanted to do it.”

In the mean time, Gina Rodriguez of GR Media has responded to this on Twitter.

She cites Danielle Mullins’ “unstable behavior” as the reason for the split, and says that she made the decision, not Danielle.

She said that Danielle’s antics were so bad that “we almost had to get a restraining order.”

We can see that, though some of what GR Media allegedly did sounds shady, too.

That’s too bad — Danielle could have made a lot of reality TV money.


Monday, January 2, 2017

Rosie O"Donnell Calls Trump "Mentally Unstable" and Makes Ominous Threat

Rosie O’Donnell just called Donald Trump “mentally unstable,” which is not shocking given their history, but she followed up with a remark/threat that is alarming. Rosie tweeted, “LESS THAN 3 WEEKS TO STOP HIM AMERICA.”  She doesn’t explain…


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mariah Carey -- James Packer "Mentally Unstable" and "Violent"

James Packer “is not in his right mind” … so claim people who Mariah Carey has downloaded with info about her bitter breakup. Our Mariah sources tell us, “she had to leave him” and he hasn’t been “present for her” in a couple of months. They…
