Showing posts with label 'Mentally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Mentally. Show all posts

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I"m Not Mentally Ill, So Eat S--t, Haters!!!

So hey, don’t know if you noticed, but for a good long while now, there’s been something sort of off about Farrah Abraham.

The very first time we saw her on 16 and Pregnant, she was a little strange, but things have definitely gone downhill since.

Like, she was never the brightest or anything, but as she got more famous, things just got … bad.

Things probably took the biggest turn around 2013, when she released her sex tape during the Teen Mom OG hiatus.

Before that, she’d been kind of dim and awful, but afterwards, she began turning into the Farrah we know today.

And just to be clear, the Farrah we know today is the one who gets arrested for assaulting hotel employees, goes on and on about how famous she is, and is completely incapable of stringing a proper sentence together.

As the years have gone on, she’s gotten more self-centered, more out of touch with reality, more plastic …

It’s actually a pretty tragic situation.

For those of us who have been keeping up with her, it’s clear that something is going on with her.

Some people claim she obviously has a drug problem, others, like her own mother, say she may suffer from mental illness.

But in an Instagram Live video she shared yesterday, she insisted that neither of those rumors are true.

And she’s going to prove it!

In the video, she explains “I took a drug test yesterday because I was so tired of everyone insinuating or acting like I have time to go do drugs or something, like I have some like addictive personality.”

She adds that she doesn’t care if anyone else does have an addictive personality, but “if you wanna hate on me and try to screw with my career over drugs or … what’s the other thing people say?”

“Oh, I am bipolar or mentally ill!”

Farrah says “I don’t even have that,” but just in case you don’t feel like you can take her word for it, she’s going to offer up some proof.

“What I’m going to do is, for all the little haters and liars, I’m going to actually post my drug test and my mental wellness health being test up probably by the end of the month,” she claims.

And yes, she honestly did say “my mental wellness health being test.”

“I’m going to just post it up,” she continues, “so all the liars and all the haters can go eat sh-t, and then you guys can go cry and make up something else about me to hurt or act like my career is gonna be affected.”

Well, we’ll say this: we sincerely cannot wait to see the results of Farrah’s drug test, and especially her mental wellness health being test.

Because if she’s not taking any drugs, and she’s not dealing with mental illness, then that means that all the things that have been happening lately is just Farrah being Farrah.

Her arrest, her complete denial that she did anything wrong, her outright lies about what’s been happening with the case, not to mention her super questionable parenting choices as of late …

Her dog’s mysterious death, the way she dared her daughter to “prank” her friends by telling them her dog had died just the day before …

If there’s nothing else going on, then that’s all just the way Farrah is.

And if we were her, we wouldn’t be too quick to prove that, you know?


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Derick Dillard: Trans People Are Mentally Ill!

Back in November of 2017, Derick Dillard was fired by TLC after he launched an unprovoked attack against fellow network star Jazz Jennings.

Jennings is a transgender teen who also stars in a TLC reality series.

For reasons that remain unclear, Derick went on the offensive against Jazz, criticizing her for starring in “a reality show that promotes an unreality.”

Fans were quick to push back against Derick’s comment, but rather than apologize, he doubled down, launching a second attack against Jennings.

These days, Derick is sticking to his guns and continuing to express his transphobic views on social media.

He’s also still going after his former bosses at TLC, which seems to suggest that this as much about Derick settling a personal grudge as it is about his views on the trans community.

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out Derick deleted the ignorant tweet below earlier this week:

Derick Dillard Tweet

“I really hope this is a series showing the devastation that mental illness causes, rather than assuming that these challenges are simply evidences of an improving society. #optimism,” he wrote.

His comments refer to a TLC show entitled Lost In Transition.

A description of the series on the network’s website reads:

“Told from the wives’ point of view, the series examines the confusion, anger, disappointment, and uncertainty that each couple goes through.”

Apparently, Derick hopes the show will present the transition process as a devastating symptom of mental illness.

He may be in for a long wait if he’s hoping for a mainstream TV show that shares his bigoted worldview.

This new tirade is just the latest in a long line of attacks against television series that Derick decries for celebrating a sinful way of life.

Last month, Derick attacked Nate Berkus, star of TLC’s Nate and Jeremiah By Design, describing Berkus and his husband and daughter as “a travesty of family.” 

“[Their lifestyle] affect(s) this poor child, as well as what perversions are celebrated,” Derick wrote.

“If it were adultery, I doubt a network would be so quick to focus on the reality of it as if it were OK.”

For obvious reasons, Dillard has been rapidly losing support in recent weeks, and even his wife, Jill Duggar, has distanced herself from his remarks.

Yes, it seems that even in the Duggar family, certain views are simply too repugnant to be entertained.

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Friday, March 30, 2018

UFC"s Tony Ferguson: I Don"t Hate Khabib Nurmagomedov, But He"s Mentally Weak

Tony Ferguson respects Khabib Nurmagomedov as an athlete … but says the 1 area he falls short is “mental toughness,” and he’s gonna expose that next weekend at UFC 223. We spoke with the UFC interim lightweight champ the week before their…


Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Taylor Swift"s Obsessed Fan Mentally Unfit for Stalking Trial

Taylor Swift’s latest obsessed fan won’t be facing a jury of his peers anytime soon — the judge says he’s mentally unfit to stand trial. Mohammed Jaffar had a court hearing Monday in New York, where a judge declared he couldn’t be tried on the…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Kim Kardashian Mentally Prepared to Be Raped, Killed During Robbery (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian was getting ready, in her mind, to be raped and killed by the men who robbed her in Paris … and hearing Kim tell it is harrowing. Kim fully opened up about the robbery on Sunday’s ‘KUWTK’, saying she went so far as to imagine…


Kim Kardashian Mentally Prepared to Be Raped, Killed During Robbery (VIDEO)

Kim Kardashian was getting ready, in her mind, to be raped and killed by the men who robbed her in Paris … and hearing Kim tell it is harrowing. Kim fully opened up about the robbery on Sunday’s ‘KUWTK’, saying she went so far as to imagine…


Monday, January 2, 2017

Rosie O"Donnell Calls Trump "Mentally Unstable" and Makes Ominous Threat

Rosie O’Donnell just called Donald Trump “mentally unstable,” which is not shocking given their history, but she followed up with a remark/threat that is alarming. Rosie tweeted, “LESS THAN 3 WEEKS TO STOP HIM AMERICA.”  She doesn’t explain…


Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Nicki Minaj: SLAMMED for Mockery of Mentally Ill Woman

For Nicki Minaj, it’s one thing to bash Melania Trump.

Some might say the singer was out of line for doing so, considering the real bigoted danger is Melania’s husband, but Minaj didn’t get into all that much trouble in October for referring to Trump as “brainless.”

It’s another thing, however, to make fun of a woman with legitimate mental issues.

And that appears to be what Minaj did in Miami this week.

The artist was filming a homeless woman on the sidewalk (for some reason) when the woman made some kind of remark about how she doesn’t need Nicki’s cellphone.

The woman then walked away, rambling to herself and very clearly seeming out of sorts.

But Minaj felt a need to call after her, saying on camera:

“What you said? Miss? Come here! What did I do? Can we talk?”

Nicki was laughing during this mostly one-sided exchange and included a laughing emoji as her caption when sharing the footage on Instagram.

You can see it here:

A video posted by Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj) on

Commenters didn’t takevery  kindly to the post, with many locals actually saying the woman being taunted by Minaj in the clip is mentally ill. For real.

“I live in south beach and i know every homeless [person] around. We have a loooot of those around and she has mental illness,” wrote one follower.

Added another:

“You talk about privilege when you don’t get an award you want, but then you use your wealth and fame to abuse this woman who’s less fortunate than you? Hypocritical.”

And yet another chimed in as follows:

“why was this necessary to be put up on social media? Not cool. You sit in your nice limo and roll your window down to make fun of the less fortunate. Mental illness is a real issue… Use your platform to encourage kindness.”

It’s hard to argue with any of these points, isn’t it?

Even if Nicki was unaware of the woman’s mental state… why is she filming a random person on the street?

Why is she engaging with someone who isn’t in a proper state of mind? Why is she laughing at her?!?

A rep for National Alliance of Mental Illness-Miami learned of this incident and contacted The New York Post.

It said via statement:

“Whether or not the woman in the video has a mental illness or other disability, Nicki Minaj’s unfortunate exchange with the elderly woman illustrates the importance for everyone to understand the nature of mental illness and its symptoms and the need for compassionate treatment.”

Added the organization:

One in five people in the United States will suffer from a mental illness at least once in their lifetime. That means anyone can be affected by it, even celebrities.

Celebrities should use their influence among young people in a positive manner to bring awareness to the real issues surrounding mental illness. Nobody would make fun of a cancer patient, and mental illness is an illness like any other.

Fortunately more and more celebrities are opening up about their struggles with mental health creating empathy among the public, and we hope these positive attitudes overshadow the mocking and stereotyping so common in our media.

All well said. And here’s a look at celebrities who do actually suffer from a mental illness:

Minaj has not yet commented on the incident.

But it would be in her best interest to issue a simple apology, say that she was unaware of the woman’s condition and then return to posting nip slip photos on social media instead.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Shelley Duvall: Mentally Ill Star Exploited By Dr. Phil?

Even if you don"t recognize the name Shelley Duvall, you"ve almost certainly seen the actress" work.

Duvall"s quirky appearance and cartoonish voice made her a favorite of "70s and "80s casting directors and her roles in classic films such as The Shining, Annie Hall, and Popeye made her a screen icon of the era.

Then, as quickly as she arrived on the scene, Duvall disappeared from Hollywood.

There were rumors that Duvall had decided to retire from the business or that the offers had simply dried up.

Now, however, it looks as though Duvall has been battling a sever mental illness that"s transformed her appearance and left her unable to leave her home.

Now, the actress is making her first public appearance in years, seeking help on The Dr. Phil Show.

The episode airs tomorrow, and Dr. Phil McGraw is already being accused of exploiting Duvall"s illness for ratings.

"I loved Robin Williams," Duvall says, when asked about her former Popeye costar who passed away in 2014.

"I don"t think he"s dead."

Asked about the whereabouts of her late co-star by McGraw – who may as well be speaking to a giant dollar sign at this point – Duvall replies that Williams is "shape-shifting."

It"s not hard to see why McGraw is being harshly criticized for "treating" Duvall on camera, when the 67-year-old is clearly in no position to consent, and has the right to receive private medical care.

It"s far from the first that McGraw, who was previously accused of exploiting the murder of Bobbi Kristina Brown, has come under fire for unethical practices, and based on his apparent deafness to criticism, it"s safe to say it won"t be the last.

Shelley duvall mentally ill star exploited by dr phil

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Mariah Carey -- James Packer "Mentally Unstable" and "Violent"

James Packer “is not in his right mind” … so claim people who Mariah Carey has downloaded with info about her bitter breakup. Our Mariah sources tell us, “she had to leave him” and he hasn’t been “present for her” in a couple of months. They…
