Showing posts with label Exploited. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exploited. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Chris Bosh"s Mom Arrested, Allegedly Exploited Disabled Man for Drug Ring

More trouble for Chris Bosh’s mother … Frieda Bosh has been arrested for allegedly using a disabled man in “drug distribution activities.” We broke the story … the Texas home where Frieda lives was raided by law enforcement officials earlier…


Monday, July 31, 2017

Angelina Jolie: I Never Exploited Any Orphans!

When Angelina Jolie’s big Vanity Fair interview came out last week, people absolutely ate it up.

Brad Pitt divorce talk? Health problems caused from the stress of the split? More divorce talk?!

It’s understandable why so many people were so intrigued by it all.

But after we were done reading about Brad and trying to discover Brangelina’s real cause of death, we went back and read the full interview.

And we discovered a pretty disturbing story about Angelina’s new movie, First They Killed My Father.

The movie, an upcoming Netlix release, is based on a memoir by Loung Ung, and it’s all about her horrific experiences growing up in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge.

Angelina directed it, and she wanted it to be as authentic as possible — so according to a story in the Vanity Fair interview, she looked to “orphanages, circuses, and slum schools” to cast the children in the movie.

When they rounded up enough kids, they played a “game” in which “they put money on the table and asked the child to think of something she needed the money for, and then to snatch it away.”

“The director would pretend to catch the child, and the child would have to come up with a lie.”

Angelina said that Srey Moch, the girl chosen to play the lead in the film, “was the only child that stared at the money for a very, very long time.”

“When she was forced to give it back, she became overwhelmed with emotion. All these different things came flooding back.”

And when they asked the little girl what she’d imagined using the money for, “she said her grandfather had died, and they didn’t have enough money for a nice funeral.”

It all sounds pretty twisted, right?

And also a little bit heartless.

Basically everyone who read that story got at least a little bit outraged at the thought of rich and famous Angelina Jolie dangling money in front of poor children and then snatching it away, just to cast a movie.

But, as Angelina says now in a statement to Huffington Post, that’s not at all how it went down.

“Every measure was taken to ensure the safety, comfort and well-being of the children on the film starting from the auditions through production to the present,” she stated.

“Parents, guardians, partner NGOs whose job it is to care for children, and medical doctors were always on hand everyday, to ensure everyone had all they needed.”

“And above all to make sure that no one was in any way hurt by participating in the recreation of such a painful part of their country’s history.”

She also called that casting game that got everyone all riled up “a pretend exercise in an improvisation, from an actual scene in the film.”

Angelina is “upset” that it was “written about as if it was a real scenario.”

“The suggestion that real money was taken from a child during an audition is false and upsetting,” she said. “I would be outraged myself if this had happened.”

She closed her statement with “The point of this film is to bring attention to the horrors children face in war, and to help fight to protect them.”

Hopefully she’s right, and the children involved were completely and totally aware of what was going on.

But will her explanation be enough to calm her critics?


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

DeRay Mckesson -- Pepsi, Kendall Jenner Exploited Black Lives Matter (VIDEO)

DeRay Mckesson, the face of the Black Lives Matter movement, thinks the Kendall Jenner/Pepsi ad is a shocking example of exploitation for profit. Mckesson, who has been arrested and tear gassed during various protests, is appalled the brain trust…


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Mel B Claims Husband Stephen Belafonte Beat, Sexually Exploited Her (PHOTO GALLERY + VIDEO)

Mel B claims estranged husband Stephen Belafonte was a monster, brutally beating her, extorting her into doing 3-ways with other women and threatening to release sex tapes … and now she says she and her children fear for their…


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Shelley Duvall: Mentally Ill Star Exploited By Dr. Phil?

Even if you don"t recognize the name Shelley Duvall, you"ve almost certainly seen the actress" work.

Duvall"s quirky appearance and cartoonish voice made her a favorite of "70s and "80s casting directors and her roles in classic films such as The Shining, Annie Hall, and Popeye made her a screen icon of the era.

Then, as quickly as she arrived on the scene, Duvall disappeared from Hollywood.

There were rumors that Duvall had decided to retire from the business or that the offers had simply dried up.

Now, however, it looks as though Duvall has been battling a sever mental illness that"s transformed her appearance and left her unable to leave her home.

Now, the actress is making her first public appearance in years, seeking help on The Dr. Phil Show.

The episode airs tomorrow, and Dr. Phil McGraw is already being accused of exploiting Duvall"s illness for ratings.

"I loved Robin Williams," Duvall says, when asked about her former Popeye costar who passed away in 2014.

"I don"t think he"s dead."

Asked about the whereabouts of her late co-star by McGraw – who may as well be speaking to a giant dollar sign at this point – Duvall replies that Williams is "shape-shifting."

It"s not hard to see why McGraw is being harshly criticized for "treating" Duvall on camera, when the 67-year-old is clearly in no position to consent, and has the right to receive private medical care.

It"s far from the first that McGraw, who was previously accused of exploiting the murder of Bobbi Kristina Brown, has come under fire for unethical practices, and based on his apparent deafness to criticism, it"s safe to say it won"t be the last.

Shelley duvall mentally ill star exploited by dr phil