Showing posts with label Vibrator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vibrator. Show all posts

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Warren Sapp: Big Hole In Vibrator Story

Warren Sapp’s got another problem in his sexual misconduct case … because his version about why he handed out vibrators to women at the NFL Network ain’t exactly adding up. Sapp went on the radio and claimed he has a friend who makes novelty…


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Gwyneth Paltrow Found You a $15K Vibrator. You"re Welcome.

If there’s anyone less qualified to offer you sex toys than the world’s WASP-iest woman, then I implore that person to step forward.

Gwyneth Paltrow imagines she’s doing the Lord’s work by offering her readers high-end sex toys, edited neatly on her pretentious lifestyle site that I hate/love, GOOP.

Your regular, hum-drum “goody draw” needs an upgrade.  Like, coach-to-first-class-and-you-pay-the-difference upgrade.

The lube you’re using has parabens, and those condoms may have prevented several unwanted pregnancies and STDs, but are they “vegan, paraben-free, glycerin-free, Nonoxynal-9-free, and benzocaine- and lidocaine-free?”

I think not!

Thanks to a particular scene from Netflix’s Grace & Frankie, we’re now aware that drugstore lubricants are dangerous.

“We’d never considered what went into lube, and that it’s actually super toxic (the most popular options contain parabens, for one) and that we are in theory putting it into the most vulnerable and permeable parts of our bodies,” GOOP pointed out.

“So, maybe Frankie was onto something when she called her yam-lube invention ‘a big moment in the history of the vagina.’”

Now you’ve got us all paranoid about our nether regions, Gwynnie.

If you’re worried about your genitals falling off as a result of toxic lube and want to give them a final hurrah they soon won’t forget, might GOOP interest you in Lelo Inez’s 24k gold vibrator?

It was designed “for those who understand that you can’t put a price on pleasure,” so surely you’re ok with dropping $ 15,000.

For those of you who are too poor for such luxury, might GOOP interest you in the stainless steel version ($ 7,900)?

If you were deciding between that dress at Neiman Marcus or a “black and gold cat whip by Agent Provocateur,”ask yourself which one who kiss you goodnight.

Neither! Any way you slice it, you’re spending $ 535 on something you will probably get only one use out of.

If you’re feeling sexy-on-a-budget, GOOP suggests the $ 399 Tiani vibrating couples’ massager.

Why?  because it features a “ring of 24k gold laser-engraved with a unique serial number and a new dual-motor design for more power than ever before.”

how laser-engraved serial numbers have anything to do with sex is beyond me.

Then again, this article comes straight from GOOP.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Tests Out a New Vibrator, and Calls it WHAT?!


…Is what Caitlyn Jenner exclaimed when she saw that her assistant Courtney got a new toy.

And we"re not talking about a Maserati.

Nor are we talking about a blender, or a hoverboard or a flying drone.

Nope, the machine that goes "VROOM" is a tasteful, modestly-sized hot pink vibrator.

Every girl needs one.

In a clip from I Am Cait, the former spouse of Kris Jenner is on the road with her gal pals when Courtney receives a package.

"What do you think it is? A tennis bracelet? Diamonds?" Courtney asks the group. "Better. Better than diamonds. It"s my favorite thing in the world."

She then opens the package an unveils the vibe.

"Oh god," says Cait. "I"m learning so much."

And that"s when she breaks out the onomatopoeia.

"A VROOM-VROOM," Caitlyn calls it.

She then takes the sex toy and examines it while the other ladies comment on its gorgeous fuchsia hue.

They pass it around and Candis Cayne proceeds to fondle it, then demonstrate its versatility by executing a pantomime using the phallus as a telephone and a lipstick.

Candis and Cait are rumored to be in a secret relationship, so maybe this little cutie could spice up their romance.

Or be used to as a training tool to apply Cait"s new line of lipsticks.

We kid!

Actually, Caitlyn recently announced that she may be ready for a man in her life.

Perhaps this phallic silicone simulator could be a helpful, um, transition.

(Is it okay to say that?)

Caitlyn jenner tests out a new vibrator and calls it what