Showing posts with label Yandy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yandy. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 11 Recap: Did Yandy Take The Moms Down?

Yandy Smith has been struggling to keep the other baby mamas away on Love & Hip Hop.

She’s been trashed by practically every other woman who was apparently part of Mendecees’ secret life. 

When Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 11 got underway, Yandy was continuing her fight with Samantha and Erika, but it was clear that Samantha was taking liberties with her comments. 

“Nobody wants your man. We had him before you. We can’t trust you.”

When Yandy speaks about Little Mendecees’ birthday party, Samantha was quick to point out that Yandy would be having nothing to do with it, but she changed her tune when she said that Mendecees would be paying for it. 

Judy said “I’m glad you guys are able to work out your differences because I just want to be part of all my grandchildren’s lives.”

Judy, that was hardly working anything out. They were all still bickering. Will this ever stop?

Meanwhile, Papoose and Remy went out for a romantic lunch, but it was clear Remy had some sort of trick up her sleeve. She kept quizzing Papoose about how much he loved her. 

She then gave him a box with a gift in it. That gift was a positive pregnancy test. You could tell Papoose was shocked, but he was ecstatic. 

Yandy then met up with Kimbella, who was worried about Julez asking her to sign a confidentiality agreement. Yandy quickly shut her down with one of the best conversation enders. 

“You have to respect that there are some things that I won’t be able to tell you when it comes to our business.” 

Kimbella was not impressed with Yandy, but what else did she expect?

If that was not enough drama, Peter, Self and Rich all met up and everyone congratulated Peter on the arrival of his new baby. Peter revealed that Amina took the kids and move to L.A. 

Because of that, his next plan of action was to get his relationship with Tara back on. Is he going back to her because Amina does not want him?

It sure seemed that way. 

When Peter met up with Tara, he made it clear that he wanted to try their relationship again, but Tara was against it.

“I’m tired of being the girl in the messed up relationship. There is no trust. You just had a baby!”

“I love you. I know that I’ve hurt you, but I want my Goddess back,” Peter replied.

“For 11.95 you can have her,” Tara said. 

Okay then. 

Elsewhere, Cardi B was still cut up about the end of her relationship with Tommy. Swift showed up to check on her and revealed that he would be there for her whenever she needed him. 

Cardi then got a little too close for comfort. 

“I’ve missed having you on the tour to talk to and joke around with. By the way we are having a family dinner this weekend and you know my family loves you. Are you gonna come?”

After thinking about it, Swift agreed, but it was clear he felt forced into it. 

Yandy met up with Jules to tell him that Kimbella wanted to be a part of his career. Jules was confused because he felt like she was already a part of his career. 

“You haven’t given me the product,” Yandy barked.

Jules tells her “I’ll give you the product when you tell me how those checks are going to be rolling in, and as for Kim don’t worry about her. I’ll talk to her.”

We closed off the episode with Remy having an eptopic pregnancy and being told she can never get pregnant again. It was a heartbreaking end to an episode. 

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 10 Recap: Did Yandy Get Her Revenge?

Yandy Smith was not about to let Erika and Samantha ruin her life, so she decided to prove that the other women were talking smack on Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 10.

We picked things up with Drewski meeting up with Julez and letting him know that Sky had moved in with him. If you watch Love & Hip Hop online, you’ll probably be thinking that this is surprising because they always fight. 

An odd thing that Drewski did was set up a spy cam in the house. Now, that obviously means he does not quite trust Sky. Maybe that’s because Drewski would entertain the thought of cheating on her. 

Somehow, Sky seems like the least likely person on this show to cheat, so there’s really no logic in his plan. If anything, it’s going to backfire and cost him his relationship. 

Elsewhere, Rich and Peter met up at a car show to talk about what went down with Cisco. After some back and forth, Peter told Rich that he knew what Cisco was going through.

Rich did not seem to care about what was going on with Cisco because he felt like there was a new drama every other day for him. 

Meanwhile, Erika and Samantha attended Aseem’s birthday party. It did not take long for the ladies to trash Yandy. Erika was first up.

“I knew Yandy wouldn’t show up here. She preaches about it being all about the kids, but the kids aren’t here”

Samantha says “It’s not all about the kids. It’s all about Yandy trying to hide the fact that she is an unmarried baby momma just like us.”

Judy showed up and the two women hounded her to find out why Yandy was not at the party. Judy revealed that Yandy did not get an invite. 

This prompted Erika to drop the bomb that Yandy was not married to Mendecees, but Judy did not give a damn about what the two women were saying. 

“I’m not going to dignify that comment. Whatever issues you two ladies have with Yandy you need to put them to the side.”

Sometime later, J and Snoop met up to discuss what went wrong at Snoop’s label party. Snoop was first up, saying that being business partners was not a good idea for either of them. 

This prompted J to flip out, blaming Snoop for everything and she stormed off. Seriously, Snoop needs to ice this chick out before things get worse. 

Yandy met up with Judy, who let her know what went down at the party. Yandy was horrified to hear about the party because she received no invite. 

Yandy told Judy about the voice recordings she obtained from Koko and Judy said she wished the girls would just disappear. 

Samantha then got a phone call from Mendecees, who said that he was sleeping with her and Erike at the same time and she needed to get herself in line. 

She then turned the tables and told him to worry about the kids who need a father. 

Judy and Yandy showed up at Erika’s shop to confront her about what she was doing with the recordings. Samantha appeared at the shop and Yandy lunged at her. 

What do you think about all of the drama?

Sound off below!


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 9 Recap: Does Yandy Have a New Enemy?

Did Yandy find a way to get Samantha off her back?

That was her plan on Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 9, when she realized she needed to do something to dial the drama back before it got too late. 

We kicked things off with Yandy telling Juju about arguing with Mendecees. Juju was curious about what was going on between the pair, but she was shocked to the core to learn that they are not actually married. 

Seriously, what the hell was going through Yandy’s mind to keep quiet about this for so long? It’s almost like she didn’t give a damn until all of these women started showing up. 

Yandy then revealed that Samantha’s friend reached out to her for a chat. Now, this all does sound very odd. Why would Samantha’s friend willingly meet Samantha’s enemy?

Juju said just that to Yandy, who still proceeded with the meeting, anyway. 

When Yandy met up with Koko, she was apprehensive because she had no idea if this was all just another one of Samantha’s games. 

However, Yandy was floored by a statement from Koko about what the other women are really up to. 

“I have recorded conversations where Erika is trying to plot and scheme against you. They want to break up your family and keep the children away from you.”

Yandy was quick to point out that she did not entirely believe what Koko was saying. Koko then said that she has tapes she can send her and apologized to her about the whole thing. 

They exchanged email addresses and parted ways, with Yandy thanking Koko for taking the time to speak with her about it. 

Meanwhile on this reality hit, Snoop was still trying to keep things with J strictly professional. As you already know if you watch Love & Hip Hop online, J has been trying her best to get back into a relationship with Snoop. 

Snoop was working with Sofie Green and pointed out that she had a lot riding on Sofie’e performance, so she would need to deliver. 

Vital then talked to Snoop about things with J. He was worried that Snoop was setting herself up for a huge fall if she and J wound up arguing with each other at work. 

Snoop’s label showcase was a success, but J was on tap to cause some drama.

She got jealous of Snoop looking at girls who were performing and it paved the way for Snoop to take her outside and end their working relationship. 

“I can’t do this. My personal life is handled in my home. This mess on the sidewalk is not cool. I can’t handle this. I’m done.”

Will these two ever be able to be friends again? Somehow, we’re not so sure. 

Finally, Cisco and Peter met up to try and sort things after their big argument. Cisco defended himself because he felt like it was shady of Cisco to fly across a table over money. 

Peter tells him “You took money from me and my kids. If it was the same situation again and you told me you had the ten grand in your pocket it would be the same thing.”

After that, Cisco revealed that he was stressed because of what was going on in his life. When prompted, Cisco revealed that his mother was dying. 

This put everything into perspective and the pair stopped their feud at that very moment. 

What do you think of all the drama? 

Sound off below!
