Showing posts with label Yourselves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yourselves. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Audrey Roloff and Jeremy Roloff: Brace Yourselves for Our "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!"

Earlier this month, we reported that Audrey Roloff had huge news to share about her daughter, Ember Jean.

We weren’t kidding.

If anything, we were being literal because Audrey informed Instagram followers that her six-month old was in the 90th percentile for weight.

But now Audrey and her husband say they have truly huge news to share about themselves, and also little Ember, at least to some extent.

“BIG ANNOUCEMENT!!!! Read till the end,” Audrey just teased as the opening to a very long caption that accompanied the photo above.

The Little People, Big World star then built up to the big news before dropping the bombshell:

“Over the years Jeremy and I have received thousands of comments, messages, and e-mails containing questions about dating, long distance, purity, conflict, love, and how we prepared for marriage.

That being said, it is so liberating to finally be able to share this exciting news with all of you…. WE ARE WRITING A BOOK!!!!”

Yes, an actual book!

They won’t be the first members of their semi-famous family to do so, as Jacob Roloff is actually coming out with his second book soon.

But Audrey and Jeremy’s book will be rather unique, it sounds like.

“The book is essentially our love story. We are spilling never before told tales from our dating journey, and all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our love story,” Audrey explains, elaborating as follows:

“The pages are filling up with our failures and successes, what we learned from dating and long distance, and how we prepared more for our marriage than our wedding.

“We cant wait to share what we’ve learned from our own dating journey in order to equip our readers to build Godly relationships from their first date to “I do” and beyond.”

About a month ago, Audrey shared a story of her romance with Jeremy in just three sentences.

But it’s safe to assume this memoir will be longer than that.

“For the past few months we’ve been deep in the trenches of writing… mostly in our pajamas, hibernating in our house, postmating curry for dinner, and typing away late into the night while Ember is asleep,” Roloff continues.

“The book writing process is not for the faint of heart, but we are so eager to share this labor of love with all of you!”

Thankfully, Audrey says she and Jeremy aren’t actually writing the book.

They are, of course. But they also are not.

“We would so appreciate your prayers for this book,” she says, adding:

“Our hope is that the Holy Spirit would inspire our writing and (when the time comes) your reading!

“We acknowledge that God is the author of our love story and this book, we just want to be faithful and creative narrators.”

The only downside to this project?

We may be hearing less frequently from the beloved couple over the next few weeks or even months.

“In order to finish strong, we’ll be taking a bit of a social media hiatus so that we can really focus on writing,” concludes Audrey.

“Don’t worry, we’re not going away forever, we just need to unplug for a bit so we can do some deep work.

“Turn on post notifications so you are notified when we come back!”

Will do, for sure.

The only question now, which we leave open to all Little People, Big World fans is this:

What will Audrey and Jeremy title their memoir?
