Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Azealia Banks: I Suffered a Miscarriage! LOL!

Azealia Banks is a riot, folks.

Actually, let us amend that statement:

Azealia Banks may cause an Internet riot as a result of what appears to be a joke she just made online about having a miscarriage.

Confused? Intrigued? Confused AND intrigued… and already annoyed? Scroll down and we’ll explain.

On Tuesday morning, Banks took Facebook followers by surprise when she said very plainly that she just suffered a miscarriage.

The singer had made no previous mention of even being pregnant, but she wrote the following on her official page a few hours ago:

“So I’ve just had a really major life event happen and I want to talk about it because this wouldn’t be an Azealia Banks page without loads of oversharing right?

“Anywho, I’ve just had a miscarriage and am pretty taken aback by it all and really confused and in shock and guilty and a bit depressed and like a failure and and [sic] very ashamed.”

This would typically be the point in a story such as this where we express sympathy for the subject.

Especially after Banks seemed to be genuinely shaken up by the experience, asking for advice from women who could relate.

“Has anyone else had this same experience who cares to share some words of wisdom or words of anything regarding this topic,” she asked, adding:

“The self-loathing bit is a real struggle for me at the moment so share any words here. They will be greatly appreciated.”

Continued the controversial artist:

I feel really stupid because I think I’m so big and bad an in control and In this situation I’m so powerless and when I first saw the embryo I felt this full spirit around me and was looking down at this little bean in horror/amazement and now I just can’t NOT have an awareness of this person and wont stop feeling like any and everything I’ve ever done in my life or want to do is pointless.

However, Banks – who is no stranger to saying some truly outlandish things – made this confession not long after slamming frequent rival Nicki Minaj.

When one follower questioned the timing of the miscarriage admission, Banks replied:

“Do you want to see a picture of the mess?”

She provided no such picture, but she does appear to have deleted the entire miscarriage thread, virtually laughing over how she’s “not the same person” anymore.

Azealia Banks joke

Banks then made it pretty clear that she made up the entire miscarriage thing because… umm… she has some very serious mental issues?

Is there any other reason why anyone would ever joke about such a sensitive topic?

“Hope you Lot got your screenshots. It’s all jokes guys. Calm down and enjoy the holiday,” Banks wrote as a follow-up on Facebook.

Hilarious, right?

(No… wait: wrong. So very, very messed up and wrong.)

banks fb post

“HOPEFULLY the tabloids don’t get tacky about this Azealia Banks headline. I’ve had a real rough 2016. I honestly need a break from the public crucifixion,” Banks later added on Facebook for some reason.

We have no idea what it manes to “get tacky” about a headline.

But any time a celebrity jokes about having a miscarriage, you better believe we’re going to call her out over it.

“This is a women’s health issue that many others may or may not be able to relate to. Please don’t fuck UP an opportunity for clear, open and beneficial discourse between WOMEN,” Banks also wrote, making even less sense.

banks joke

We guess we shouldn’t expect much from someone who once told Iggy Azalea to kill herself.

But we somehow didn’t think that even Azealia Banks was capable of lying about a miscarriage.

We’d love to see her make this same so-called joke to any one of the following celebrities.

Do you think they’d find it funny?
