Wednesday, February 1, 2017

17 Characters Who Ruined Perfectly Good TV Shows

Event the best TV shows suffer from terrible characters sometimes. 

And in one way or another, these 17 TV characters managed to ruin (or nearly ruin) shows that we otherwise loved. 

Take a look below to see who they are!

1. Jo Wilson (Grey’s Anatomy)

Jo wilson greys anatomy

Ugh. Grey’s Anatomy has had its share of annoying characters, but Jo is pretty much the worst. Her character is not only whiny and unlikeable, but focus on her has taken away from characters we’d rather pay more attention to.

2. April Nardini (Gilmore Girls)

April nardini gilmore girls

The addition of April Nardini as Luke’s daughter on GIlmore Girls was WEIRD, and it felt like a forced way to throw a wrench in Luke and Lorelai’s relationship.

3. Stuart Bloom (The Big Bang Theory)

Stuart the big bang theory

There was nothing wrong with Stuart when he first appeared on The Big Bang Theory, but after a while, his presence just become depressing… and creepy.

4. Piper Chapman (Orange is the New Black)

Piper chapman orange is the new black

The thing about Piper is, we liked her at first. She’s the lead character we followed into Litchfield, and we watched as she adjusted to life in prison. But after the first season? Ugh. She changed for the worse, and now her stories just take away from the rest of the cast.

5. Marissa Cooper (The O.C.)

Marissa the oc

Marissa Cooper was a problem for The O.C. from the very beginning. Even though she was unbearable to watch, other characters managed to keep us coming back.

6. Connor (Angel)

Connor angel

Things on Angel really took a turn when Angel and Darla’s son Connor returned as a fully grown teenager, and not in a good way.

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