Showing posts with label Characters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Characters. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

"Guardians" Director James Gunn Teases That His Characters Aren"t Dead

James Gunn just kinda (maybe) gave away a major spoiler about future ‘Avengers’ and ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ movies and the fate of his presumably dead characters … we think. We got the ‘Guardians’ director Tuesday leaving LAX and asked if it’s…


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Nickelodeon"s Parent Company Sues Over "Paw Patrol" Costumed Characters

A lesson for costumed character enthusiasts — if you hijack Nickelodeon’s “Paw Patrol” characters … they’ll sic their legal dogs on your ass. Nickelodeon’s parent company, Viacom, is suing Hearrt Events for allegedly stealing its lovable…


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Goldie Hawn Would Marry One of Kurt Russell"s Movie Characters

Goldie Hawn wants no part of marriage to Kurt Russell’s “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” character, Ego … but there IS one guy he’s played she could see herself with forever. Goldie and Kurt have passed on the marriage thing, but still…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Frank Vincent"s Final Movie Renaming Characters to Honor Him

Frank Vincent won’t get to play his final movie role, but he’ll still be all over the project … through the names of the film’s 2 lead characters. Frank was one of those leads in a movie called “Asbury Park.” Krannel Pictures CEO, Dawn…


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

17 Characters Who Ruined Perfectly Good TV Shows

Event the best TV shows suffer from terrible characters sometimes. 

And in one way or another, these 17 TV characters managed to ruin (or nearly ruin) shows that we otherwise loved. 

Take a look below to see who they are!

1. Jo Wilson (Grey’s Anatomy)

Jo wilson greys anatomy

Ugh. Grey’s Anatomy has had its share of annoying characters, but Jo is pretty much the worst. Her character is not only whiny and unlikeable, but focus on her has taken away from characters we’d rather pay more attention to.

2. April Nardini (Gilmore Girls)

April nardini gilmore girls

The addition of April Nardini as Luke’s daughter on GIlmore Girls was WEIRD, and it felt like a forced way to throw a wrench in Luke and Lorelai’s relationship.

3. Stuart Bloom (The Big Bang Theory)

Stuart the big bang theory

There was nothing wrong with Stuart when he first appeared on The Big Bang Theory, but after a while, his presence just become depressing… and creepy.

4. Piper Chapman (Orange is the New Black)

Piper chapman orange is the new black

The thing about Piper is, we liked her at first. She’s the lead character we followed into Litchfield, and we watched as she adjusted to life in prison. But after the first season? Ugh. She changed for the worse, and now her stories just take away from the rest of the cast.

5. Marissa Cooper (The O.C.)

Marissa the oc

Marissa Cooper was a problem for The O.C. from the very beginning. Even though she was unbearable to watch, other characters managed to keep us coming back.

6. Connor (Angel)

Connor angel

Things on Angel really took a turn when Angel and Darla’s son Connor returned as a fully grown teenager, and not in a good way.

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Dave Chappelle on SNL -- Famous Characters Come Out to Play ... For "Walking Dead" Spoof (VIDEO)

Dave Chappelle made his fans’ day by resurrecting some of his most popular “Chappelle’s Show” characters on “SNL” in one fell swoop … with a “The Walking Dead” spoof for the ages. Chappelle played the notorious killer, Negan, trying to decide…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 7: New Characters Revealed!

The penultimate go-round of one of the most beloved series in television history may still be several months away, but if you think we’re gonna wait that long to start talking about Game of Thrones Season 7, you’re crazier than a grieving Lannister.

Speaking of families who always pay their debts and always get their revenge, there will be spoilers ahead, so if you’re not caught up,  run in a straight line like Rickon Stark in the opposite direction of this article.

Or just watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic and then come back to us. We’ll wait.

Anyway, as usual D.B. Weiss, David Benioff and the folks at HBO have kept a tight lid on production details and news about the forthcoming slate of episodes has been scant.

In fact, until today, only two concrete details had emerged:

  • Season 7 will be shorter than its predecessors, as the show concludes with two truncated outings, and

  • Production has already been delayed due to the fact that winter has finally come to Westeros, and well, most parts of the world just aren’t that wintry this time of year, and shooting at the South Pole would probably create budget issues.

In this post-book world we’re living in, no one who hasn’t seen the scripts really knows what will happen next. (though it’s safe to say Jon’s reign as King in the North won’t go smoothly. Nothing does on GoT.)

But thanks to the show’s most recent casting calls, we do know that 

The show advertised requests for nine new characters.

Some of them don’t reveal a whole seven hells of a lot about what’s to come (A “Lovely Lady” with a British accent? Do go on…), but others may give us some idea about where the action is headed.

Producers are looking for actors to play a “general” and a “priest,” both to shoot for one full week in September.

Obviously, they won’t be on the show very long, but their presence suggests Cersei’s conflict with the Faith Militant will come back to haunt her (as we pretty much knew it would).

There are also requests for a “warrior” and “gate guard” who will be on set slightly longer.

Fans believe the latter will be featured in one of Bran’s “warging” scenes.

GoT obsessives have taken a particular interest in a “city guard” role, not because of the character, but because of “suspicious person” that he “intercepts” (and is probably killed by) according to the description.

So that’s it.

Like we said, not a whole lot to hold us over through the long winter ahead.

(You better live up to the hype, Westworld!)

But hey, if you thought the show’s production team would offer us anything as substantial as character names this early on, then you have a lot in common with Jon Snow, and we’re not talking about your ability to survive multiple stab wounds.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Guy Brilliantly Covers "Hello" As 30 Different Disney Characters

For those of you easily entranced by people speaking/singing as your favorite Disney character, well, you are in luck.

Impressionist Brian Hull used over thirty different characters from Disney and Pixar movies for a cover of Adele"s "Hello."

Hull kicked the song off as Olaf from Frozen, changing things up quickly as he impersonated Burt from Mary Poppins, Beauty and the Beast"s Gaston, and even some new faces from Zootopia.

This isn"t Hull"s first rodeo; in 2014 he covered Idina Menzel"s uber-popular single, "Let it Go" from Frozen, using over 21 different voices (since then, the video has racked up over 24 million views since then).

At the time, Hull was a 22-year-old vocal performance major at Dallas Baptist University.  He created the video and entered it into a contest to win a $ 100 Disney gift card.

“The night before I submitted my video, I was having second thoughts about how good it was, so I posted it to my Facebook, just so I could get honest feedback from my friends,” Hull told the Examiner back in 2014.

“The next thing I know, they shared it over 200 times and now, the video has over a half million views in a day and a half.” 

Hull put the video together with a little help from his friends, and a lot of encouragement from his mom ("she really pushed me to do it," he said).

“I’ve been doing impressions all my life, so I thought, ‘why not put it to work?’"

Hull wanted his work to stand out, and though it was a little more exhausting to impersonate so many characters in just one song, he believed it was worth it.

"With so many covers of "Let it Go" coming out, people may forget the original Disney magic that this song has, so what better way to preserve that magic with other Disney and Pixar characters singing the song!"

Give it a listen.  We"re pretty sure you"ll be hooked.

Guy covers hello as 30 different disney characters

Friday, February 12, 2016

14 Times Your Favorite TV Characters Embraced The Single Life

Slow claps for a day dedicated exclusively to those of you who have found true love, or have a terrible case of co-dependence.

While you"re eating chocolates and ordering off a prix-fix menu, the rest of us will probably go meet up with friends, maybe see Zoolander No. 2, or go buy ourselves something lovely.

After that, we"ll pop in episodes of our favorite television shows that feature singletons either drinking, crying, laughing maniacally or all three.


1. I Have a Cold and I Can’t Taste My Lucky Charms

Penny on the big bag theory happy valentines day gif

Please leave me to my single person’s meal.

2. Season’s Greetings. Love Is Dead.

New girl im going to die alone gif

Please be sure to take a candy cane on your way out.

3. It’s Fine. I’m Fine. Don’t I Look Fine?

Chris traeger talks about being alone on parks and rec

Hang on, I have to go cry in the closet.

4. "Let Me Tell You How He Proposed!"

Ab fabs patsy and edina are bored gif


5. Let It Out, Sister

Caroline gets deep on the vampire diaries gif

All the time, Caroline. All. The. Time. Can I make you a gin?

6. Beware Of The Heckler

New girl gif ugh couples

Heckler is unarmed, wearing a onesie with feet.

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Friday, September 11, 2015

13 Celebrities Who Look Just Like Video Game Characters

Over the past several months, we"ve presented readers with celebrities who look like people on Reddit and also with celebrities who look like famous historical figures.

So why stop there?!?

Courtesy of Gaming Bolt, here"s a look at celebrities who look just like video game characters. The resemblances are pretty eerie, aren"t they?

1. Team Fortress 2 Medic and Stephen Colbert

Team fortress 2 medic and stephen colbert

Stephen Colbert is funnier, but Team Fortress 2 Medic may be more of an American hero if you think about it.

2. Gordon Freeman From Half Life and Hugh Laurie

Gordon freeman from half life and hugh laurie

They even have the same serious impression on these photos. We’re scared.

3. Marduk From Tekken and Bill Goldberg

Marduk from tekken and bill goldberg

The latter started his wrestling career with a very long undefeated streak. But we’d still rather meet him in an alley.

4. Commander Shepard From Mass Effect and Matthew Fox

Commander shepard from mass effect and matthew fox

We bet the Commander would never let himself get stranded on an island. Sheesh!

5. Sazh Katzroy From Final Fantasy and Steve Harvey

Sazh katzroy from final fantas and steve harvey

This one is a bit of a stretch. But it’s hilarious!

6. Solid Snake From Metal Gear Solid and Denis Leary

Solid snake from metal gear solid and denis leary

Put a cigarette in the former’s mouth and we’ll never be able to tell the difference.

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