Monday, August 22, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 7: New Characters Revealed!

The penultimate go-round of one of the most beloved series in television history may still be several months away, but if you think we’re gonna wait that long to start talking about Game of Thrones Season 7, you’re crazier than a grieving Lannister.

Speaking of families who always pay their debts and always get their revenge, there will be spoilers ahead, so if you’re not caught up,  run in a straight line like Rickon Stark in the opposite direction of this article.

Or just watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic and then come back to us. We’ll wait.

Anyway, as usual D.B. Weiss, David Benioff and the folks at HBO have kept a tight lid on production details and news about the forthcoming slate of episodes has been scant.

In fact, until today, only two concrete details had emerged:

  • Season 7 will be shorter than its predecessors, as the show concludes with two truncated outings, and

  • Production has already been delayed due to the fact that winter has finally come to Westeros, and well, most parts of the world just aren’t that wintry this time of year, and shooting at the South Pole would probably create budget issues.

In this post-book world we’re living in, no one who hasn’t seen the scripts really knows what will happen next. (though it’s safe to say Jon’s reign as King in the North won’t go smoothly. Nothing does on GoT.)

But thanks to the show’s most recent casting calls, we do know that 

The show advertised requests for nine new characters.

Some of them don’t reveal a whole seven hells of a lot about what’s to come (A “Lovely Lady” with a British accent? Do go on…), but others may give us some idea about where the action is headed.

Producers are looking for actors to play a “general” and a “priest,” both to shoot for one full week in September.

Obviously, they won’t be on the show very long, but their presence suggests Cersei’s conflict with the Faith Militant will come back to haunt her (as we pretty much knew it would).

There are also requests for a “warrior” and “gate guard” who will be on set slightly longer.

Fans believe the latter will be featured in one of Bran’s “warging” scenes.

GoT obsessives have taken a particular interest in a “city guard” role, not because of the character, but because of “suspicious person” that he “intercepts” (and is probably killed by) according to the description.

So that’s it.

Like we said, not a whole lot to hold us over through the long winter ahead.

(You better live up to the hype, Westworld!)

But hey, if you thought the show’s production team would offer us anything as substantial as character names this early on, then you have a lot in common with Jon Snow, and we’re not talking about your ability to survive multiple stab wounds.