Friday, February 24, 2017

Justin Bieber: I Didn"t Pee My Pants!

Justin Bieber is fighting back against a gross accusation making its way around the Internet.

That he headbutted some dude in a bar this month because the guy dared to pull out his camera and film Bieber acting like a spoiled young punk?

Nope. Bieber is yet to speak on this allegation.

But Bieber has taken to Twitter in order to address another piece of chatter that spread like hilarious wildfire over the past 24 hours or so.

And that is this:

Did Justin Bieber really pee his pants?!?

The pressing question trended on Twitter (really, go search for #JustinPeeber) because Bieber was spotted in West Hollywood on Thursday, rocking a pair of designer sweatpants…

… with a very noticeable wet stain all around his crotch.

Might the singer have spotted a paparazzo and panicked to such an extent that he failed to control his bladder?

No. That is not what happened, according to Bieber.

Late last night, the artist went on Twitter to explain what actually transpired, writing simply:

“Someone got me flowers and I was driving, made a turn, and the water spilled on my d— area.”

Oh, okay then. That happens, we suppose. And Bieber is known for driving around recklessly, even getting pulled over one time for drunk driving.

While some celebrities may have been pissed (get it?!?) off about this rumor, Bieber appears to have taken it in stride.

He’s likely read much worse about himself online.

Along with the above Tweet, Bieber also wrote: “Didn’t bother me if it made ya laugh nice!”

And then he went ahead and made a Billy Madison reference, sharing a side-by-side photo of his alleged peeing incident with a picture of Adam Sandler from that beloved movie.

“You ain’t cool unless you pee your pants,” Bieber wrote, quoting a scene from the 1995 film in which Sandler’s Madison pretends to pee his pants so that school bullies will stop teasing another kid who actually did pee his pants.

It’s a complicated, layered scene, much like the entire premise of Billy Madison.

Go check it out if you’ve never seen it. Maybe it will make you laugh.

Aside from this urine-based scandal, Bieber has mostly been in the news of late due to the burgeoning romance between Selena Gomez and The Weeknd.

The artist hasn’t spoken directly about this relationship, but he has taken some subtle digs at his ex-girlfriend’s new man.

Take THIS video, for instance.

Expect Justin’s response here to go viral because he mentions his “dick area.”

And we all know how many women out there would love an up close and personal look at said area, don’t we?

We’ll keep readers apprised about the next female who gets to enjoy this honor.
