Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Ivanka Trump Sits at Oval Office Desk, Twitter Loses Its Mind

So at this point, it"s very single day that Donald Trump, his administration, and/or his family do something awful, right?

He"s only been president for a few weeks now, but it feels like a few eternities, at least.

For the latest act of absurdity, Ivanka Trump has shared a picture of herself sitting at the desk in the Oval Office while her father and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stand beside her.

"A great discussion with two world leaders about the importance of women having a seat at the table!" — that"s what she actually wrote for the caption.

Ivanka isn"t an elected official, and she doesn"t even have an official title on Trump"s staff.

But yeah, sure, she"s in on meetings with other leaders and can sit at that desk. Why not, right?

But we don"t need to tell you why that is ridiculous. Because Twitter as a whole came together to break it down for us all.

1. The Offending Photo

The offending photo

Try not to roll your eyes too hard, we’ve still got a lot of stuff to get through and you need to be here for it.

2. The Cold, Hard Truth

The cold hard truth

I mean, this person’s not wrong.

3. #FactsOnly

Number factsonly

For real though, why was she even there?

4. Stay Home, Ivanka

Stay home ivanka

Doesn’t she have a job? A life? Literally anything else to do?

5. Solid Nordstroms Burn

Solid nordstroms burn

Ha ha, get it, because no one wants her stupid fashion line and her father and his staff has been trying to sell it?

6. Also True

Also true

Hey, when you’re right, you’re right.

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