Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald: See Their First Family (of Four) Photo!

It’s 2 & Counting for Jessa Duggar and her husband Ben Seewald who welcomed a baby boy – their second son – earlier this week.

While we still don’t know the name of Spurgeon’s little brother (it’s possible Jessa and Ben don’t), we have seen a photo and video.

And now, a photo of the new family of four! 

The couple welcomed their newborn son Monday, and his big brother Spurgeon, 15 months, is supposedly super excited about this.

To the point that he understands, at least.

If you watch Counting On online, you know full well that they didn’t reveal the gender until the little boy entered the world at 4:26 a.m.

Weighing in 8 lbs. and 11 oz. and measuring 21 3/4 in. long, he was a good-sized boy like his brother, and he and his mom are healthy.

“Mom and baby are both doing well,” said the duo in a statement that morning. “We are so thankful to God for this precious new gift of life.”

“We are excited to be a family of four!”

And here are those four together …

Jessa, 24, and Ben, 21, who have been married since November 2014, have also been open about their desire to adopt in the future.

Her recent labor may fuel that too.

“I was teasing him when I was in labor,” Jessa recalls. “I don’t really think I was teasing, actually, I told him while I was in labor.”

“‘Babe, we are not having any more kids after this,"” she recalls telling Ben in the head of the moment. “We are adopting all the rest!”

We find it hard to believe that they’re done with biological kids already, but Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald adopting is not a new topic.

The couple has discussed since before Spurgeon was born, and having now been married two years, state policies will be more favorable.

Tired but beaming Jessa and Ben also introduced their second child on video today, proudly showing him off to fans for the first time.

Jessa said in the aforementioned video, which you can watch via the link above, that she couldn’t be happier to have a second son:

“We are so excited to introduce our little baby boy to the world. I think it’s really awesome that we have two little boys so close together in age.”

“I know they’re going to be best friends and love growing up and doing everything together, so I’m looking forward to seeing that.

“I know Ben’s probably going to have them out in the backyard playing football in the next couple of years!” Jessa added of their son.

They did know it was a son, BTW. They just didn’t share.

“It was definitely a challenge trying to keep the gender a secret,” added Ben, who says this one will likely also end up with a unique name.

Just like the first one, they haven’t settled on anything.

Ben and Jessa famously didn’t reveal Spurgeon’s name for days … because until he was born and they got to know him, he didn’t have one.

It looks like this time, they’re repeating that pattern.

“When the baby was finally born and we got to hold him for the first time, I started crying,” said Jessa. “I think Ben had tears in his eyes.”

“We want to thank everyone for their love and prayers and support for us during this labor and delivery,” added Jill’s younger sister.

Amusingly, fans and several Duggar family members themselves tried to guess the gender and they overwhelmingly predicted a girl.

So much for those old wives tales about the size and position of a pregnant woman’s stomach giving away the gender, are we right?

Naturally, fans have been making predictions online regarding the name as well, but we doubt anyone will get it right for obvious reasons.

Need we remind you their first pic was Spurgeon?

In any case, all of us at THG are thrilled for the couple, and are setting the over/under on their next baby’s arrival at January 5, 2019. 

Those adoption papers take awhile, you know?
