Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Bachelor Recap: Who Made Nick"s Final Four?!

As the season winds down and we inch closer to seeing if The Bachelor spoilers will be proven correct, people start to break down.

With six women remaining, Nick Viall made his toughest decisions to date in culling the field to four for the coveted hometown dates.

No one said searching for love was gonna be easy, right?

On The Bachelor Season 21 Episode 7, pretty much all of Nick’s relationships with the six remaining suitors were called into question.

Might he actually drop out and become the first star in BACHELOR HISTORY to crack under the pressure and peace out of the show?

Obviously not, but the dramatic editing was top-notch.

In an unexpected twist, we learned that Rachel Lindsay is The Bachelorette for the coming season, an unprecedented spoiler by ABC.

Guess that’s one way to combat leaks from on set – jettison any hope of building up suspense for a big reveal and just announce it ASAP.

Congratulations, Rachel, on this history-making move!

So we know she doesn’t win this season, in other words, but she could still be eliminated at various points, so there’s plenty of suspense.

On the first date of the night, Vanessa Grimaldi is invited to “go deeper” with Nick, which no doubt makes Corinne jealous in a big way.

Girl wants Nick to go deeper, if you know what we mean.

As they chill on a boat and talk about their feelings, Vanessa starts to develop real feelings for Nick, who admits he’s weighing his options.

No better way to make a girl swoon than that, right?

On the dreaded group date, Corinne, Kristina, and Raven go swimming with the sharks (and Nick) in Bimini. There is a metaphor there.

It’s also literal, though, as they are full on swimming in the ocean amidst predators, and we’re not just referring to Corinne this time.

At the after-party, Kristina and Nick make out, while Corinne begs Nick to reassure her and basically tell her he wants her even more.

Ultimately, it’s Raven Gates who gets the rose on this group event, and the Arkansas beauty claims she’s falling in love with him, too.

On his second one-on-one date of the night, Nick and Danielle visibly struggle to reconnect, as they haven’t been that close in a while.

Call it a harbinger of things to come for Danielle.

Soon enough, a bored Nick dumps her, the women are shocked by her fate, and Corinne hatches a plan to ensure she does not repeat it.

Do we even need to tell you what said plan is?

As she puts on a sexy (we think) ensemble, Corinne finally recites to the camera her amazing quote from The Bachelor season preview:

“My heart is gold, but my vagine is platinum.”

To his credit, Nick Viall pumps the brakes instead of pumping Corinne, which surprises and does not amuse the South Florida Seductress.

Yes, Nick Viall appeared to turn down sex.

The show will keep you guessing sometimes! On his third date, Nick and Rachel Lindsay drink beer and get advice from local bartenders.

Rachel is confident in her relationship with Nick, and perhaps with good reason, but Nick is freaking out about the elimination process.

Again. These are hard choices, man.

To America’s displeasure, he does not dispatch Corinne Olympios. Instead, he tells Kristina that he’s not in love with her and off she goes.

She cries as if this is truly devastating.

Click on the video above to watch The Bachelor online and weigh on who you think Nick should – and will – take to the finale this winter.

Our money’s on Vanessa, especially with Rachel out. We can’t see Corinne getting the final rose, no matter what stunts she employs.

What do you think?
