Friday, February 24, 2017

Jenelle Evans & David Eason: Wedding on the Way?!

Last month, Jenelle Evans welcomed her third child, a girl with the quirky name of Ensley Jolie.

Shortly thereafter, Jenelle got engaged to Ensley’s father, David Eason.

Needless to say, things are happening quickly in the Carolina Hurrican’s life these days.

So it’s no wonder that fans are chomping at the bit for details of her wedding, which at the rate she’s going, seems like it should be happening any day now.

Unfortunately, it’s sounding like the inevitable wedding special may be further off than fans would like.

“We haven’t set a date, but we want to get married either this summer or next summer depending on how quickly we plan it,” the 25-year-old recently told MTV News.

“I’m saying next summer, but he’s saying this summer.”

“We know we want a rustic-themed wedding, nothing too fancy,” Jenelle explained.

“Something simple, maybe backyard and outdoorsy. We want just close friends and family, not anything crazy.”

Uh-huh. She says nothing crazy, but Jenelle has a different standard for crazy than the rest of the world.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know that Jenelle is no shrinking violet, so despite what she says we’re guessing her wedding will be a blow-out affair with a few hundred guests.

Which means she’s probably not getting married this summer.

Even when you can afford to pay someone to do most of the legwork, an event like that takes months and months of planning.

We don’t want to be cynical about it, but it’s not surprising that Eason is hoping to say “I do” sooner rather than later.

Right now, he’s just one of Jenelle’s three baby daddies, and she’s not known for the stability of her relationships.

If she kicks him to the curb before they make it legal, he gets none of that sweet Teen Mom money.

Sure, he’ll probably continue to appear on the show and receive a salary for it, but as Nathan Griffith learned the hard way, baby daddies earn a fraction of what the main cast makes.

But hey, Jenelle has had nothing bad to say about David in their 18 months together.

“I want to marry David because he’s a great father, he’s a great best friend, he’s faithful, he’s loyal to me,” Evans tells MTV.

“It’s the best relationship I’ve ever had.”

And we wish her years and years of happiness … and emotional stability,
