Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Prince Harry: Moving to America For Meghan Markle?!

Back in 1936, King Edward VIII of England was forced to abdicate the throne in order to pursue a romantic relationship with the American actress Wallis Simpson.

So Prince Harry should be glad that he 1. lives in more tolerant times, and 2. has no real shot at becoming king, because he’s free to get it on with the Canadian actress Meghan Markle with no more severe consequences than the occasional mean tweet.

Of course, many Brits are still old-fashioned when it comes to their royals, so while they’re cool with Harry dating Meghan, they might draw the line at the Ginger Prince switching continents in the name of love.

Talk of Harry and Meghan getting engaged has been circulating pretty much since the time we first learned they’re a couple.

Now, the rumor mill is taking things a step further and claiming that the couple is already working out a jet-set living arrangement for after they become man and wife.

“Harry loves America and is totally open to dividing his time between Canada, L.A. and London once he and Meghan are officially man and wife,” a source tells Radar Online.

While there was a time when such a plan would’ve ignited outrage and scandal (just ask King Eddie), today’s royal family reportedly sees an upside to Harry and Meghan’s arrangement:

“It’s a logical step for the royals, too, because he’ll be able to up their reputation abroad while still fulfilling duties back at home and overseas, of course,” says the insider.

We suppose it makes sense that Harry and Meghan would plan on spending most of their time in North America.

After all, Meghan wasn’t born into a life of privilege. She has a real job.

Granted, that job is starring in a basic cable legal drama that’s watched by approximately 14 people, but still …

Of course, these days, Meghan is more popular than ever (and arguably more popular than Kate Middleton) in the the UK so when Suits ends its run on … whatever network Suits is on, the couple may want to put down stakes in London.

Something tells us that as wealthy, impossibly good-looking and insanely well-connected young people, they’ll do just fine no matter where they end up.

Just a hunch …
