Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Kate Middleton & Prince William: Is the Public Turning on Them?

It wasn’t all that long ago that Kate Middleton could do no wrong.

Sure, she was the butt of the occasional joke about waiting around for Prince William to propose, but by the time of the royal wedding back in 2011, Kate had endeared herself to the the British public.

Or at least the relatively small portion of the British public gives a damn about what the royals are up to.

Now, however, it appears that the honeymoon period is at an end.

The tide seemed to turn against Will and Kate around the time they abandoned London for the rural community of Norfolk, a move that many regarded as a means of shirking royal duties with no scrutiny from the press.

Kate and Will briefly found themselves back in the public’s good graces following the birth of Princess Charlotte, but sources say they quickly squandered that goodwill by publicly griping about the challenges of raising two kids.

We’d like to pause momentarily in order to issue a public service announcement to celebrity parents:

Complaining about the difficulties of parenting doesn’t help you come off as likable or relatable.

It just makes you seem out-of-touch, tone deaf, and self-pitying.

Sure, raising kids is always difficult, but it’s easier with a team of nannies and live-in-chefs, ya know?

According to The Daily Beast’s royal correspondent, Tom Sykes, the British public has grown tired of Will and Kate’s “we’re just like you!” schtick, and it may prove difficult for the couple to win over the public that they’ve now thoroughly alienated.

“Whenever he talks about how hard parenthood is you realize he has no idea how his choices come across,” an insider who wished to remain anonymous told Sykes. 

“[It’s] partly because no one dares tell him that doing so little looks pathetic; they surround themselves with yes people including staff and friends. They are very spoiled and indulged.”

Apparently, the royals are very award, and very concerned about this issue, which might explain Kate’s recent rash of public appearances following a several months of isolation.

Will it be enough to convince Brits that their future queen is a woman of the people?

Probably not, but fortunately Will and Kate won’t be running for re-election anytime soon.
