Friday, February 24, 2017

Javi Marroquin Responds to Kailyn Lowry, Pregnancy Bombshell

On Thursday night, Kailyn Lowry confirmed that she’s pregnant.

The Teen Mom star announced that she’s expecting her third child this summer, despite many weeks of denial over reports that stated the same basic thing.

In response to the news, Lowry’s second baby daddy and ex-husband, Javi Marroquin, took to social media and sent his past lover a hearty message of congratulations.

Just kidding.

That’s almost the opposite of what transpired.

Marroquin and Lowry, of course, have a contentious relationship.

They are parents to a three-year old son named Lincoln and Javi is extremely close to Kailyn’s seven-year old son with ex-boyfriend Jo Rivera, Isaac.

With the exception of a few bouts of jealousy and subsequent anger, Javi has always seemed like a good guy, even breaking down over the dissolution of his family on a recent episode of Teen Mom 2.

But there was talk last month of Kailyn cheating on Javi (with her new baby daddy?) and Marroquin has since slammed his ex pretty hard in public.

“I’m disgusted when I look at her,” Javi said in a recent interview.

So you can only imagine his response upon learning that Lowry really is pregnant with another man’s child, right?

Actually… you don’t need to imagine! Scroll down and take a look for yourself.

With fans expecting Javi to blow an actual gasket over social media in response to this bombshell, Marroquin instead chose to take the high road.

Or the relaxed road.

Or the This-Is-All-So-Ridiculous-And-It’s-Probably-Best-For-Me-To-Just-Keep-Quiet-For-A-Little-Bit road.

“lol, y’all aren’t getting anything from me!” the reality star Tweeted a few hours ago, including with his message a zip-lipped emoji and adding:

“it will all play out.”

Javi also made it clear that he only wants to focus on three things… and Lowry’s womb is not one of them.

“I’m focused on Lincoln, work, and Crossfit,” he hilariously wrote. “Ask me questions about that.”

(Okay, Javi, here goes: What is The Burgener Warm-Up in Crossfit? How much should we work on our abs? What is a hook grip?)

Javi Marroquin tweets

Javi did take a not-so-subtle dig at Kailyn on Instagram, however.

Not long after sending the above Tweets, he shared a photo of his sleeping son and wrote as a caption:

“My son, Follow your dreams I’ll pick up the pieces for you Love, your daddy.”

In other words: Sorry your mom is such a mess, kid. But stick with me. I got ya.

In confirming her pregnancy on her official website Thursday, Lowry said that Jo was aware of her expecting state, while she never got a chance to discuss it with Javi.

She also criticized those close to her who leaked the news and insisted that this was not a mistake. She did not slip up. She planned to get pregnant.

“Please know this was a choice I made,” Kailyn wrote as part of a lengthy statement, adding:

“I already know some won’t agree but I’ve been showered with support by the ones I love since I found out,” Kailyn wrote as part of her pregnancy reveal…

“I’ve had a lot of health complications leading up to this pregnancy and I was not ready to release such private information on my own just yet being that I am so high risk with this pregnancy.

“I didn’t want to announce just to have another miscarriage and suffer through another grief.”

Lowry acknowledged her many quotes on Teen Mom 2, the numerous times she claimed she didn’t want more kids. HOWEVER…

“Here’s the thing – I didn’t want to bring another child into a failing marriage. Shortly after I started having complications, the option of having more kids was almost taken away from me.

“When I started thinking long and hard, I knew I wanted more. This was the choice I made.”

Via a miscarriage, Kailyn lost her baby with Javi in 2015.

The tragedy has been challenging for both her and Marroquin to get over.

Lowry is due to give birth this summer, meaning she’s about halfway through her second trimester.

She will not find out the gender prior to meeting her third child and she is yet to announce the identity of the man whose sperm fertilized her egg.

“I know this isn’t an ideal situation but I know everything will be okay,” Kailyn wrote as part of a message we’ve included below.

“And like I say in my book – with a little bit of hustle and heart, I can and I will survive anything. Having another child is something I am so happy about and I just can’t wait.”

kl message

Lowry included a photo of her sonogram with her pregnancy confession.

She also wrote:

“My boys are so excited, those who love me are so excited, and I hope that everyone can just be happy for me during this time.”

That’s fair, don’t you think?

There’s a lot one can criticize over the way Kaily Lowry has lived her life.

But she’s pregnant. A baby is about to enter the world now.

All we can do is be supportive and hope this child is raised in a stable, loving environment.
