Friday, February 24, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner to Donald Trump WTH, Dude? Call Me!

Caitlyn Jenner may be regretting her Presidential vote right about now.

A long-time Republican, the reality star made it clear last year that she was on Team Donald Trump, even slamming Hillary Clinton at one point as a f-ckin liar.

There"s been talk that Caitlyn"s support for Trump has caused a rift between her and her famous loved ones… 

… and perhaps Jenner can now understand why.

On Wednesday, the Trump administration rolled back federal guidelines put in place by the Barack Obama that said transgender students could use public school bathrooms and locker rooms matching their chosen gender identity.

This was an appalling and depression decision in the eyes of those who advocate for LGBT rights and equality.

Caitlyn, of course, has always claimed to be at the forefront of this movement.

She also said in the past that Trump himself told her she could use any bathroom she wants at his Trump Tower in New York City.

Therefore, in response to Trump"s apparent flip-flop on this issue, Cailyn released a video on Twitter and Instagram.

“I have a message for President Trump, from one Republican to another," Jenner says in the following footage.

"This is a disaster. And you can still fix it. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me."

Jenner also sends a message to all the transgender students out there, along with the bullies who give them problems.

But she takes a very odd tone while doing so, not exactly seeming as angry or as upset as she should.

See what we mean and see everything Caitlyn has to say on the topic now:

Caitlyn jenner wth dude call me