Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Internet Hero Responds to Ex-Girlfriend"s Apology Note

We had never heard of Nick Lutz prior to the reading of this story.

But we can safely now say that Nick Lutz is our hero.

Having received a long note of apology from an ex-girlfriend Lutz believed cheated on him, Nick decided to break out his Red Sharpie and mark the letter up.

He edited certain sections for grammar and other sections for logic.

He even handed out a grade at the very end, prior to sharing the revised letter on Twitter, along with the caption: "When your ex writes you an apology letter so you grade it to send it back."

Amazing, right? Scroll down to see the changes Lutz made to this mea culpa… and to learn the final grade!

1. This is Nick Lutz

This is nick lutz

Just so you have a face to go with the name/edits.

2. This Was the Tweet He Sent

This was the tweet he sent

Look at all those Likes! Ready to break down each photo?

3. What Is This?

What is this

Nick had some hard-hitting questions for his ex. Take note of where he basically asked here, WTH are you talking about here?

4. A Fault Premise

A fault premise

When his ex wrote, “I never cheated on you,” our hero marked it with: “Strong statement. No supporting details to support your hypothesis.”

5. Think About It

Think about it

“If there is no reason to lie, why isn’t the truth being told?” Nick asks here.

6. In Conclusion

In conclusion

A D-minus. Ouch!

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