Friday, February 24, 2017

Kim Kardashian Shills Another BS Weight Loss Product

Kim Kardashian is at least partially responsible for the popularity of waist training, the idiotic weight loss trend that has women all over the country smushing their organs into a more pleasing shape.

For years, Kardashian waist training photos have been popping up on social media at the rate of about one a month, and Kim and her sisters have cashed in big time as a result.

Never mind the fact that the Kard clan has access to the best in personal trainers, dieticians, and (judging from their reality shows) round-the-clock salads in plastic containers, many of their fans are still willing to buy any magic bullet weight loss solution to which they falsely credit their famous figures.

And the snake oil companies responsible for these products are more than happy to cut depressingly large checks for social media darlings like Kim and kompany to give their overpriced crap a public thumbs up.

So it’s in that spirit that Kim has moved on to some next level sh-t:

No longer content to encourage her followers to shell out a couple hundred bucks for a worse-than-useless piece of crap, Kim now wants people to shell out a grand (or more) to get all decked out in magic garbage bags:

Kim calls it a sweatsuit, because she’s never set foot in a Wal-Mart, but she’s actually wearing something called a “sauna suit.”

And as her Snapchat users have noticed – she’s been wearing it a lot lately.

The idea is that it makes you absoluetly pour sweat during your workouts, but as any personal trainer can tell you, the pounds you drop will be mostly water weight, and any progress will be undone as soon as you rehydrate post-workout.

Regardless, we’re sure sales are through the roof ever since Kim’s been sharing this hot tip with her millions of followers.

As with her first pregnancy, Kim dropped the baby weight surprisingly fast after giving birth to Saint West.

So it’s only natural that fans would look to her for advice and shedding their own excess poundage.

But if Kim really wanted to help them, she’d be honest that her secret is no secret:

Everything is easier when you have limitless time and money on your hands, including losing weight.

Unfortunately, that’s been an expensive lesson to learn for many of Kim’s fans.
