Thursday, March 9, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: Is She Trying to Get Back Together with Jo Rivera?!

If you’ve watched Teen Mom 2 this season, or if you have eyes and ears and any vague knowledge of Kailyn Lowry’s life, you know that she’s been oddly close to Jo Rivera lately.

And far be it from us to talk trash about Kailyn, but it’s been a little suspicious.

See, Kailyn and Jo dated when they were teenagers. They had a go at raising their son Isaac together, but it didn’t work out.

They broke up before Isaac’s first birthday, and things were bad between them for a long time.

(Well, except for that time that Kailyn was having problems with her boyfriend Jordan and found comfort with Jo in a bathroom — remember that?)

They spent years arguing and fighting and basically insisting on being nasty and awful to each other.

Their relationship was so far gone that Kailyn once yelled at Jo for wearing sweatpants on a Sunday afternoon. The nerve on that girl, right?

But something happened between them. Something shifted, and now they’re just like a couple of old buddies, ready to hang out and chit chat and pour their hearts out to each other.

And the thing that happened was Kailyn’s divorce from Javi Marroquin.

In a new interview with MTV News, Kailyn explains that “Jo and I hated each others’ guts … we were not good friends [and] we barely co-parented.”

“All of a sudden, it was a complete 180. Now we’re best friends — I can tell him anything.”

She says “I can call him, and we can switch weekends easily or if I need him to grab Isaac from school. We are so good now.”

“Jo and I probably talk about three or four times a week, so it’s really good.”

Is it good, Kailyn? Is that what you’re trying to say?

It’s not the first positive thing she’s said about Jo lately — in an interview about her pregnancy given late last month, she explained that “Jo has shared his concerns with me” about the pregnancy.

“We are working through them,” she said. “But he has been supportive overall and just said we will figure it all out. Babies are blessings.”

And then, of course, these two former lovers have shared lots of heart-to-hearts on Teen Mom 2.

Last week we saw Kailyn go to Jo’s home and discuss Javi’s behavior with him and his longtime girlfriend Vee, and they offered her support and advice.

Earlier this season, Jo went to Kailyn’s house to give her some tough love after she and Javi fought in front of the kids.

So really, it sounds like Kailyn isn’t trying to rekindle her romance with Jo — it sounds like they’re just being mature adults, able to help each other out from time to time.

Bizarre, right?
