Friday, March 10, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Baby Gender: REVEALED?!?

A very reliable source recently confirmed that Kailyn Lowry is pregnant with her third child.

We refer, of course, to Kailyn Lowry herself, who took to her official blog a few weeks ago and turned shocking rumor into viral reality:

She really is expecting another baby.

Now, the same very reliable source may have come out and confirmed the gender of said baby, finally answering one of the two pressing questions fans have about the impending tiny human.

During a busy couple hours on Twitter yesterday, Lowry virtually jotted down a few thoughts, while also answering a bunch of inquiries posed to her by social media followers.

At one point, the Teen Mom 2 star made her first reference to possible names for baby number-three, perhaps revealing whether the kid fill be a boy or a girl in the process.

“Thought I had boy names picked out but my friends hate the two I love lol,” Lowry wrote, adding a cute emjoi of a baby shrugging after her message.

Might she be picking out boy names and girl names and simply made mention here of the former? Absolutely.

But we’re going to keep guessing and speculating until we now whether seven-year old Isaac and three-year old Lincoln are blessed with a brother or a sister.

kl tweet

Lowry has said that she’s waiting until she gives birth before she finds out her third child’s gender.

Isn’t more practical to do so now? Doesn’t that make it easier to plan ahead, in terms of purchasing clothing and designing a nursery? Aren’t there only two possibilities anyway?

Yes, yes and yes.

But Kailyn responded to an online friend who was curious why the Teen Mom would wait, typing the following on Twitter yesterday:

surprise tweet

Lowry has not come forward with the identity of the man who impregnated her, either.

The options appear to be ex-lover Tyler Hill… Teen Mom 2 producer J.C. Cueva… or some guy named Chris Lopez, a long-time friend who Kailyn reportedly have dated shortly after splitting from Javi Marroquin.

Via an Instagram livestream this week, Kailyn may have let slip the name of her baby daddy, but we can’t say for certain.

And Lowry refuses to say; she told MTV on last week’s Teen Mom 2 after-show that she isn’t ready to tell the world this key piece of information just yet.

We can rule out Marroquin, of course, considering the former spouses hate each other more than Lowry hates using a condom during sex.

Javi is even in the process of writing a tell-all about his ex-wife that will tear Kailyn apart in every way imaginable.

As we continue to wonder who fertilized Kailyn’s egg with his sperm, it’s important to remember that Lowry says she chose this path.

She insists that she realized, after having a miscarriage in 2015, that she really wanted to become a mother one more time. Just not with Javi. Not one half of a troubled, unhappy couple.

“I am pregnant,” Kailyn wrote in her announcement, adding:

“I’m sad that I should have known that people in my life would sell me out before I was ready. Like any normal person, I want it to be a happy time.

“I wanted this to be a private time so I could be excited while not getting chased by paparazzi and bothered with crazy headlines,” Kailyn said.

She went on to say the following:

“Please know this was a choice I made, I already know some won’t agree but I’ve been showered with support by the ones I love since I found out.”

Now that Kailyn really is pregnant, we all might as well shower her with support.

For the baby’s sake, if nothing else.

“This is the baby I thought I wasn’t sure if I could have,” Kailyn concluded in her open and honest blog entry.

May he or she be happy and healthy and prosperous.
