Thursday, March 9, 2017

Danielle Bregoli: Cops Called Following Fight With Mom

When she first became a living meme legend, Danielle Bregoli (aka the “Cash Me Ousside” Girl) was likened to previous running jokes like Ken Bone and Harambe.

But while Mr. Bone and the late great ape were passing fads that resulted in no harm greater than mild annoyance at the same damn joke being repeated by everyone on your friends list, Ms. Bregoli is a different story entirely.

You see, Bregoli is not a politically ambivalent Halloween costume inspiration or an ill-fated resident of the Cincinnati Zoo, but a deeply-troubled 13-year-old girl whose damaged relationship with her mother has become tabloid fodder.

It seems not a day goes by that we aren’t subjected to another story about Danielle’s violent temper and hyper-ambitious rise to fame.

The public’s fascination has reached the point that a Bregoli reality show is already in the works.

Unfortunately, every new story about the young woman who mad a name for herself challenging Dr. Phil’s audience to a fight serves as a reminder that she should probably be receiving psychiatric help, not constant media attention.

The latest comes to us from TMZ, who reports today that cops were called to the Bregoli residence this week in response to yet another fight between Danielle and her mother.

Sources say a 17-year-old friend of Danielle’s had been living with the Bregolis and the fight took place when Danielle’s mom decided to kick her out.

When Danielle began loudly cussing out her mother (which is kinda her thing), neughbors called the police out of fear for the mom’s safety.

Amazingly, the cops left without incident.

No arrests were made, and apparently the altercation never got physical.

So maybe Danielle learned something about restraint from her time on Dr. Phil.

Maybe now that she’s on the cusp of stardom, Danielle feels that she really has something to lose and she’s learned to tamp down her fiery temper out of concern for her own future.

Or maybe the cops just got there before she was able to claw her mom’s eyes out with her three-inch press-on nails.

Whatever the case, Bregoli wants to be the next Kylie Jenner, and whether you love her hate her, it seems she’s well on her way.

We can’t imagine anyone is too thrilled about that. 

But in our current trainwreck culture, there are fortunes to be made in cultivating the kind of personality that people just can’t look away from.
