Friday, March 3, 2017

Mama June: Trying to Get Sugar Bear Back?!

Here"s something we never thought we"d be able to say: Mama June and Khloe Kardashian have something in common.

No, June isn"t rambling on and on to anyone who will listen about her camel toe, and no, Khloe hasn"t come down with a case of forklift foot.

The common ground these ladies share is that they"ve both gone through bad breakups, and they"ve both dedicated themselves to obtaining a killer "revenge body."

Khloe"s had hers for a while now, but June, as we can see on her new show, Mama June: From Not to Hot, is just getting started.

In this new sneak peek from tonight"s new episode, Mama June returns home after her weight loss surgery, and she"s understandably not feeling so great.

Her niece has been staying at her house, helping to care for her children, and she"s got a little surprise for June.

It"s a dress! Specifically, it"s a dress for June to wear to Sugar Bear"s upcoming wedding.

How nice, right? The only hiccup is that the dress is a size 4, and June says she"s currently between size 22 and 24.

The dress, it turns out, is meant to motivate Mama June to lose enough weigh to slip it on for the wedding, so, as her niece says, she can look better than Sugar Bear"s bride.

"Oh, I"m going to look better than her any damn way," June so modestly responds. "Any day of the week."

Later, she added that "Sugar Bear"s going to be like, "Damn, I want to hit that with my sausage.""

Sounds like somebody misses good ol" Sugar Bear, huh?

Check out June"s revenge dress in the clip below:

Mama june trying to get sugar bear back