Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez: Are They Really Back Together?!?

Are Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez on the road to rekindling their relationship?

The former couple was once engaged, but their relationship went the way of the flip phone, but now, it’s becoming clear as day that they could seriously be making another go of things. 

Sources close to the couple have apparently revealed to Radar that they are very much making a go of things. 

The duo recently met up for a script meeting, but how did it go for them?

“It was like they’d never split up,” an insider revealed. Having been apart for all those years, you would think some things would be somewhat different, but Radar likes to push a good love story. 

“She was actually blushing when he kissed her in greeting. There’s so much chemistry between them, all the other folks … could have been invisible!”

Considering Marc Anthony was apparently Jen’s one that got away, we have a hard time believing that Ben falls into the same category. 

I mean, it would be good for all of those people who shipped the couple back when the tabloids were becoming more and more prominent for following celebrity couples. 

Lopez has spoken out about the strain that was put on the relationship due to the increased media attention on their life together. 

With Ben Affleck’s relationship to Jennifer Garner very much over, the report also goes as far as saying that Garner played a role in not giving Lopez a role in Live by Night. 

“Jen was always paranoid about JLo, and it looks like she was right,” the insider claimed.

“Ben and Jen have been meeting in secret, and tongues are wagging that they’re serious about making it work this time!”

We have a hard time believing much or any of this, but stranger things have happened. 

Celebrity couples have a knack for recycling partners. 

Would you be on board for a reunion between the two former flames?

Hit the comments!
